Shen Qiuhua couldn't see where these things came from, and couldn't see any clues.

But she felt that her daughter and son-in-law might know.

Taking out these things, I don't know if Su Fengmao can think of anything after seeing it.

When Su Binglan saw the black clothes in the bag, her expression changed slightly.

She stretched out her hand to touch the fabric of the clothes, and she could clearly feel that the fabric of the clothes was special.

It is definitely not comparable to ordinary fabrics.

And if you look closely, you can see that there are hidden dark lines on the clothes.

These dark lines are symbols and totems.

"If I guess correctly, these totems and symbols on this dress are all marks, representing an organization or a clan."

It's just that Su Binglan still doesn't know what kind of organization this is.

Su Binglan turned to look at Luo Jin'an and asked, "Can you see anything?"

Luo Jin'an's expression was a little condensed. He carefully touched the fabric and thought about it.

Su Binglan looked at his condensed expression and did not speak, quietly waiting for him to think of something.

Luo Jinan watched the meeting, and said quietly: "This is the famous black smoke brocade on the rivers and lakes."

"Black Smoky Brocade?" Su Binglan frowned, she didn't know anything about Jianghu.

Even when she was Lan Ruobing in the past, she knew all the forces in the court and the capital, and she didn't understand the forces of the rivers and lakes at all.

Luo Jinan nodded and said: "Yes, some forces in the rivers and lakes are used to making clothes with black smoke brocade."

Su Binglan understood now, "So, my father was probably in a certain faction in Jianghu before, rather than being related to any family."

Coupled with the high-strength martial arts he saw in the town before, Su Binglan was sure of this judgment.

A big family cannot cultivate a master in a short period of time.

Her father also disappeared for a few years, and suddenly became a master in a few years, there must be an adventure.

Su Binglan looked at Su Fengmao again and asked, "Dad, what do you remember?"

Su Fengmao stared at the dress, carefully thinking about the possible memories in his mind.

Thinking about it, suddenly light and shadow flashed in his mind, "This dress was given to me by a gray-haired old man."

"That's... Master!"

Su Fengmao looked at this suit with a dazed expression.

"Master, Dad, who is your master?" Su Binglan continued to ask.

The overlapping light and shadow in Su Fengmao's mind kept flashing, but it flashed so quickly that he couldn't remember anything at all.

Can only capture a little memory.

He couldn't see the master's appearance, only saw the gray hair.

"This wrench was given by the master."

But the master gave him a wrench to tell him what to do and what he said, he couldn't remember.

Only blurred images.

Too vague, the more I think about it, the more my head hurts.

Shen Qiuhua looked at Su Fengmao's sweaty forehead, and said worriedly, "Lan Lan, you are good at medicine, can you help your father?"

Su Binglan shook his head and said, "Mom, Dad is fine, everything is normal, he has forgotten his memory, unlike others because of a problem with his brain, Dad may have forgotten this subconsciously."

"I need dad to think about it myself."

"If I give Dad an injection at this time, maybe he will forget a little memory that he finally thought of."

At this time, Su Binglan couldn't just give Su Fengmao an injection.

Su Binglan had some guesses in her heart.

Maybe it has something to do with the inner strength of my father.

But she couldn't take away the inner strength of her father.

And maybe those inner strengths still have an important role for Dad.

Luo Jinan said from the side: "If there is a master, maybe it can make sense. Maybe Dad's master gave Dad all his skills."

Su Binglan nodded, she also felt that this statement could be explained.

Luo Jinan looked down at the wrench again, "The material of this wrench is very good, and this wrench should have aura, you see."

Luo Jinan said and took up the wrench to show Su Binglan.

Su Binglan could see through the candle light in the room that there were dark patterns on the wrench fingers, the same as the dark patterns on the clothes.

But the pattern on the wrench can move.

"This... this is not an ordinary wrench, this wrench has aura, right?"

Luo Jinan nodded, "Well, there is spirituality. If my guess is correct, this finger should be a token of the sect master or pavilion master."

"Ah?" Shen Qiuhua opened her mouth in surprise.

She never thought that her husband, Su Fengmao, had such a great reason.

The news shocked her so much that she needed to digest it.

Compared to Shen Qiuhua's shock, Su Binglan and Luo Jinan were still calm.

"Can you know which force this wrench came from?"

Luo Jinan looked carefully, as if thinking of something, her eyes sank.

"I can't be sure right now, I need someone to check."

Su Binglan looked at Luo Jinan's expression carefully, and knew that he didn't say something.

Perhaps in front of her parents, there are some things she can't say.

Su Binglan could understand Luo Jinan's expression.

She looked at Su Fengmao and said, "Dad, don't think about it if you can't remember it, maybe you will remember it by accident."

"And Ye Feiran said that the portrait in her father's study is very similar to her father's. I'll ask when I look back."

Shen Qiuhua looked at Su Fengmao worriedly, and asked Su Binglan nervously, "Lan Lan, will your father be okay?"

Su Binglan said affirmatively: "Mother, don't worry, Dad will be fine, we will protect Dad, and besides, Dad's martial arts is so high, there should be no rivals in the arena."

What Su Binglan said was true.

On the carriage just now, Luo Jinan told her that as far as her father's skill just showed, there should be no rivals in the arena.

What's more, she also felt it when she just gave her father's pulse, and he has decades of inner strength.

This is no ordinary inner strength.

Although Dad doesn't think about it now, he doesn't know how to use it, but at a critical time he can use it without thinking.

Just like in the town before, he also instinctively used martial arts to save people.

Shen Qiuhua breathed a sigh of relief after listening to her daughter's words.

She knew that her daughter knew a lot, and what she said must be true.

"By the way, after your father put on the mask, the whole person felt different. Could it be related to the mask?"

Su Fengmao didn't force himself to think about it at this time, his expression was much better, he listened to Shen Qiuhua's words, and said, "I really put on a mask, and I feel that the whole person has a strange feeling, and I just moved out of control."

Su Binglan was also surprised, and blinked her eyes a little confused.

Luo Jinan said: "That means that Dad used to wear this dress and go out with a mask."

When some people don't pretend, they are still the same as usual.

Once disguised, the whole person's psychology will feel different, and the effect will be different.

Similar to drinking.

Before drinking, people may still be the same as they are, but after drinking, they may show their courage.

It is also possible that the other side of the self that was hidden in the depths of the heart has also been revealed.

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