It's not that easy to learn skills from people outside.

They work more, eat less, and learn less.

Even sleep is not good.

Sometimes the master asks them to do things well, and the master also reprimands them.

When he first went, Liu Heng couldn't take it anymore.

At home, his parents and grandfather were reluctant to say anything to him.

But there, no one will be accustomed to anyone, and they can only swallow back when they are wronged.

And can't go home very often.

Occasionally back home, his parents asked him how he was studying there, and he could only say that it was good.

Only good news, not bad news.

I don't want to worry my grandparents.

In fact, only he knows the grievance in his heart.

It’s better to be at home, to eat and sleep well at home, and to be with parents, grandparents, and grandparents.

Well now, he doesn't have to be wronged anymore.

At home to help grandparents and parents.

Now the duck blood fan shop alone can make a lot of money every day, not to mention selling fans, making more money.

The more he earns, the more energetic he works.

No, it's so late, and he doesn't feel sleepy either.

When Feng Sisi heard this, she said distressedly, "Did you feel wronged when you were studying there?"

Feng Sisi used to feel that after her son went out to study, he looked different from home, and became much more mature and stable.

But she couldn't help but worry, her son always said he was fine.

As soon as she heard these words, Feng Sisi heard something.

Liu Heng knew that his mother usually looked at the careless, but she was very careful about his affairs.

He hurriedly said: "Mother, it's okay, I just feel good at home, I can see my grandparents and my parents every day, I think I can eat and sleep well."

Feng Sisi's eyes were also red, and she said, "Mother also wants to see you every day. You are by my side. I can know that you are eating well, sleeping well, and seeing you well, so I feel relieved."

Mother Liu also sighed and said: "Indeed, it's better to live comfortably at home. There was no way before. Now that our family has this condition, Heng'er can just stay at home."

"These family businesses will be left to you in the future."

Liu Heng said: "I also hope to have more brothers and sisters. I think how good the brothers and sisters are. Just like my uncle's family, everyone can do a lot of things together."

When Liu Heng said this, both Feng Sisi and Liu Chengwen's faces turned red.

Listening to Liu Heng's words, Mother Liu said with relief, "You are a good and sensible boy."

In Liu mother's view, there are many brothers and sisters. If they are all good, they can take care of each other.

Fortunately, Liu Heng is willing to have brothers and sisters.

After Feng Sisi and Liu Chengwen knew what their son was thinking, they also had the same idea.

Now that the family is in good condition, after opening a fan factory, the family business will be huge.

Two sons, the family business left for them is also enough.

So they also plan to have a second child.

In fact, it is nothing more than that the conditions are good, and I feel that it is not a burden to have more children.

Father Liu thought of the fan factory and said, "Let's buy land tomorrow and plan how to build the factory, and then hire someone to do it after it's built."

They are so busy, they are really busy.

Many people came to place orders, but they didn't answer because they were too busy.

Liu Chengwen said: "If we build a factory and find people to work, it will be like a tofu shop. Everyone is responsible for different things, and we will not know how fans do it."

"Yes, the way to be fans is still in our own hands."

Mother Liu said: "Our family has saved a lot of money now, and Liuteng Village also has a lot of land, and the price is not expensive. If we build a factory, we don't need to buy that kind of fertile land. "

Although the family has money now, Liu's mother still adheres to the principle of keeping the family frugal in the past, and it is necessary to save if possible.

"Yes, this can save a lot of money."

Liu Heng looked at the fans in his hands and said, "Grandpa and grandma, you can make fans with sweet potatoes, can you also make corn fans with corn?"

Liu Heng didn't know what was going on just now, and suddenly thought of this.

Mainly because the family planted a lot of corn last year, and my grandparents were too busy to peel the corn kernels, so a lot of corn was hanging under the eaves.

He was thinking about how to make delicious food with corn.

Then I suddenly thought of whether it is possible to use corn to make corn vermicelli.

I don't know if the corn vermicelli made out is delicious.

When Liu Heng said this, Liu's father, Liu's mother, Feng Sisi and Liu Chengwen all paused.

They can't be bothered to be fans anymore.

Does corn make corn fans?

They really didn't think about this before. If corn can be used as corn fans, if it is delicious, the business will definitely be very popular.

Are you trying to make something delicious with corn vermicelli.

You can also open another store.

Mother Liu came back to her senses and said, "Don't say it, what Heng'er said is quite right. Let's try making corn fans with corn."

"Okay, I'll listen to my mother." Feng Sisi didn't feel sleepy, but she was also refreshed.

The main thing is to research a fresh food, which means you can make a lot of money.

Of course she has spirit.

Mother Liu said, "You yawned just now, aren't you sleepy?"

Feng Sisi said energetically, "Mother, I'm not sleepy, I yawn is an instinctive reaction, I don't feel sleepy."

She felt that she was energized without sleep all night.

Mother Liu thought for a while and said, "Let's study it tomorrow. I don't know if it can be studied. Whether to sleep or sleep at night, the body is the most important."

"If you have a good body, you can do a lot of things. Just sleep."

Mother Liu spoke, and everyone could only do what they were doing first, then wash up and go to sleep.

But they lay on the kang, thinking about how to be corn fans.

Being corn vermicelli is definitely not the same as being sweet potato vermicelli.

I don't know if it can be researched.

But they thought, Miss Su must know how to do it.

But how dare they bother Su Binglan again.

They still figure it out for themselves.

I figured out the food myself, and I opened a store to do business, and I felt more at ease.


The Tao family in Liuteng Village also slept late.

Mainly after the fifteenth and sixteenth day of the first lunar month, the pottery workshop will also open normally.

Now Taofang is also Miss Su's. Although the Tao family's people are in charge of technology, to put it bluntly, they still work for Miss Su.

Even so, for the Tao family, Su Binglan is their benefactor.

So the pottery workshop is going to open the next day, and they all prepare one day in advance.

I cleaned the pottery workshop, and put all the things that should be put away.

Shi Fang is also helping.

Tao Dayong couldn't bear Shi Fang's tiredness, he whispered: "You go back to sleep, I'll just clean up."

Usually at this time, they are all asleep.

Tao Dayong was afraid that Shi Fang would be tired.

Shi Fang smiled sweetly: "It's okay, I'm not tired, I'll help you."

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