Su Binglan and the others followed a carriage, and put some sweet potatoes and other seeds.

In fact, Su Binglan put more seeds in the space, but in order to hide people's eyes and ears, he used a carriage as a cover.

Otherwise, the seeds brought from Su Teng Village pop up out of thin air, which will cause suspicion.

After Su Binglan and the others entered the palace, Lan Ruozhu knew the news.

He was very excited to know that his sister was here.

Lan Ruozhu wished she could rush out to see her sister right away.

But thinking that he is still pretending, so he can't go out rashly.

The guards of the palace city had already received Lan Ruozhu's instructions, and when Su Binglan arrived, let him go.

After entering, Lan Ruozhu had already come out.

"Sister, you are finally here."

A few days after the Lantern Festival, Lan Ruozhu returned to Fucheng.

He has been looking forward to his sister to come to Fucheng.

This way he can see his sister every day.

Seeing with his own eyes that everything is fine with his sister, he can rest assured.

"Brother, are you okay? Are you tired, or are you worried?"

Su Binglan also came here to help her brother with some things.

Lan Ruozhu felt her sister's concern, and her heart warmed, "Don't worry, it's all trivial matters, you won't get tired, and your health is fine, so don't worry."

Lan Ruozhu can feel that she is in good health now, she has energy every day, and she can sleep well.

In addition to handling some government affairs and arranging some things every day, he is practicing martial arts.

After finding his sister, he has concerns about the world, and he wants to do many things.

He wants to protect the people he cares about.

Su Binglan looked at her brother and said, "I'll give my brother a pulse."

Or take the pulse yourself to feel relieved.

"During the Lantern Festival, my sister took the pulse, and there was no problem."

"That was then, this time was this time."

Su Binglan insisted, Lan Ruozhu showed a helpless and pampered look, and then passed her hand to her sister.

After Su Binglan checked Lan Ruozhu's pulse, she said, "Brother, you have been seriously lacking in sleep recently."

Lan Ruozhu knew that her younger sister was very skilled in medicine, but she did not expect that even her sleep problems could be detected by her younger sister's pulse.

He coughed, touched his nose and said, "Let my sister see it."

"What is your brother worried about?"

Seeing her younger sister's serious expression, Lan Ruozhu could only open her mouth and say, "It's still a matter of military rations and rations."

"Last year, many soldiers were injured in the war, and the army had to be temporarily expanded. However, the pensions to the families of the wounded and dead soldiers and the expansion of a lot of troops required a lot of military salaries."

"We stayed for a short period of time before, but if there is another war, there will be problems with the military rations and military posture."

"Also last winter, there were actually snow disasters in several places in Dingzhou. I also arranged for people to provide food for disaster relief. Now there is not much food in Dingzhou."

In fact, it was because he had to deal with these matters last winter, so during the Chinese New Year, Lan Ruozhu didn't arrive at Suteng Village in time.

Lan Ruozhu didn't want her sister to worry about it, so she didn't tell her.

When his younger sister was Lan Ruobing, she paid too much for him. Now that she has a peaceful life, he doesn't want her to worry about these things anymore.

But he also knew that his sister could see that if he didn't say anything, her sister would be angry.

If she asks her sister to check, she will know these things, it is better for him to tell them all.

Hearing this, Su Binglan frowned.

She didn't even know this.

"Brother, have you expanded a lot of soldiers?"

Lan Ruozhu nodded and said, "Well, with the expansion of the soldiers, the number of troops will be increased, and we will occupy all the points from Dingzhou to Bianzhou. This area is all our territory."

"So there will be no restrictions on what my sister wants to do in Bianzhou. There are also our troops there."


Hearing these words, Su Binglan was stunned.

Just... it sounds so arrogant!

She came back from Bianzhou last year and mentioned it to her brother, and then her brother really arranged for someone to occupy all the points from Dingzhou to Bianzhou.

Don't look at this place is very desolate, many kings do not look down on this area, but if it is developed, this area will become a treasure.

"Brother is amazing."

Su Binglan really praised this sentence.

Lan Ruozhu was praised by her sister and felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

As long as my sister is happy.

"However, from Dingzhou to Bianzhou, many places are saline-alkali land, which is not suitable for growing food crops. Even Bianzhou is often attacked by nomads at the border, and any grain harvested will be robbed."

"Most of these places are bandits and refugees. It takes a lot of effort to really manage them. In fact, many vassal kings don't look down on these places."

"So it's not going to use a lot of troops and forces to compete for these territories."

So it was easier for Lan Ruozhu to occupy this place.

"But I know that my sister is wise. If my sister says that these places are useful, they are really useful."

Su Binglan said confidently: "Brother, don't worry, these places will become the most prosperous places. At that time, we will build protective city walls around the periphery, even if the vassal king reacts and wants to take these cities again, it will be useless.

. "


At this moment, Su Binglan also understood that her brother used both silver and silver.

It's really not easy to have such a group of troops to support.

Military pay is enough for a short time, but not enough for a long time.

Su Binglan thought for a while and said, "Brother, don't worry, if we don't fight now, just in time for spring ploughing, we can let some of the idle soldiers disarm and return to the fields to grow food."

"From Dingzhou to Bianzhou, there are so many wasteland and saline-alkali land. We can ask local officials to register and distribute the land. Each soldier can be divided into several acres of land, and we can also divide the seeds, and then arrange for people to go to the local area to teach them. How people grow vegetables and food."

In the eyes of many people, no food crops can be grown in saline-alkali land.

But for Su Binglan, none of these problems are problems.

She has vegetable and crop seeds specially adapted to grow in saline-alkali land in her space.

"Soldiers can take turns off duty, in groups, for example, take a day off the previous day, so that they can go to the fields to grow crops during the rest time."

After Su Binglan said this, Lan Ruozhu immediately understood, and he clapped his hands excitedly: "It's still the smart sister, this is a good way."

"In this way, the soldiers can not only guard the city, but also have farmland to cultivate, and they can also be self-sufficient. The grain they grow can be eaten by themselves, and the extra grain can be purchased uniformly."

As long as there is enough food in his jurisdiction, the soldiers will not starve or freeze.

Not afraid of even fighting.

"Sister, is it possible to build a local factory and hire local people to do things, so that everyone can live and work in peace and contentment and generate income."

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