Su Binglan hurriedly stopped the old lady.

Mainly because the old lady told her many times to thank her.

After talking about the conversation, Su Binglan started to make breakfast.

Su Binglan put the tofu in the space with it.

At this point, take out the tofu and soak it in light salt water.

The old lady asked curiously, "Miss Su, is this tofu?"

It looked white and soft, and the old lady smelled a faint fragrance, she couldn't tell what it was like.

It feels so soft, it should taste delicious, right?

She had eaten scrambled eggs with tomatoes last night, and she knew how delicious it was, and she was still thinking about it now.

I ate well last night and the old lady slept very well.

The old lady looked at Su Binglan with a smile on her face.

She knew that as long as Miss Su was there, their Yangjia Village would get better.

She always felt that Miss Su had a kind of magic, convincing magic.

The old lady wanted to say a few more words to Miss Su, but she was very careful for fear of disturbing Miss Su.

But Su Binglan was very patient and explained patiently: "Yes, old lady, this is tofu."

"Tofu is cooked and can be eaten directly, but it's a bit cold and tasteless. It will be delicious when cooked with other dishes."

"Tofu is very soft and fresh in soup. It can also be cooked with fish, and the soup will be delicious."

"It can also be stewed with wild vegetables and cabbage."

Hearing this, the old lady's eyes lit up.

It turns out that tofu is such a good thing.

When the old lady went to town, she heard people talking about tofu, but she didn't dare to ask.

Also to save money.

All they eat are grown by themselves, and they cost almost nothing.

You can't be curious about anything when you go to town, and it costs a lot to buy something on impulse.

So the old lady was never curious or asked.

But at this time, the old lady couldn't help but ask: "This tofu must be expensive, right?"

Something so delicious must be expensive.

Su Binglan said, "We're talking about six cents a pound. I don't know what the price is in this town."

Su Binglan knew that the tofu sold in this town should have been bought by some merchants from her and opened a shop to sell it.

The merchants who cooperate with her have good morals and will definitely not raise the price.

It is estimated that a pound can be more than one or two cents.

For the old lady, six cents a pound is not cheap.

But going out to buy things cheap is also a few cents.

The old lady thought to herself, maybe she could buy a pound of it once in a while to cook and try it.

Or buy some tofu to eat during Chinese New Year, and their family can improve their meals.

"Miss Su, I'll help you. Just tell me what you need to do."

Su Binglan smiled and said, "It's fine, it's easy to make breakfast, I can do it, but I need someone to help set the fire."

"I'll set the fire."

Su Binglan and the old lady got up very early, and soon Doctor Yang and the others also woke up, and everyone came to help.

To make tomato tofu soup, Su Binglan needs to wash the tomatoes first, then blanch them with hot water to remove the skin of the tomatoes.

After Su Wenxiu washed up, he helped too.

"Sister, after scalding with hot water, the skin of tomatoes is easy to peel."

Su Wenxiu felt that with a slight movement, he could peel off the skin of the tomato.

Su Binglan said: "Blanching in hot water is effective. It is better to peel it when making soup. If you are cooking on weekdays, the tomatoes do not need to be peeled, and the skin is also nutritious."


Su Wenxiu had no intention of learning how to cook.

His attention is more on the study of medicinal materials.

But at this time, while cooking, Su Wenxiu suddenly thought of his classmate Zi Die for some unknown reason.

Thinking of Zidie, Su Wenxiu couldn't help but get distracted.

Su Binglan was busy making breakfast and didn't notice the change in Su Wenxiu's expression.

After the tomatoes were peeled, Su Binglan took them and cut them into pieces for later use.

Then heat the fire, pour oil in the pan, and stir-fry the onion and ginger.

Then pour in the tomatoes and stir fry. After the stir fry is almost done, pour in water and cook, then add the washed mushrooms and continue to cook.

When it is almost cooked, add the tofu to cook.

Then add salt, pepper, and seasonings...then add starch, then boil.

When it is almost done, you can open the pot and serve it.

Su Wenxiu often eats tofu at home.

But he had never eaten tomato tofu soup.

He felt that the tofu in the tomato soup must also be soaked in the taste of the tomato soup, and it would be extra delicious.

At this moment, he looked at the tomato soup in the pot, looked at the tofu in the soup, and said, "Sister, this tofu has changed its color in the tomato soup."

Su Binglan said, "When you cook it like this, the taste of the tomato soup will enter the tofu, and the tofu will taste good when you eat it."

Su Binglan looked at the red tomato soup and the tofu inside with a smile on her face.

The old lady's family and Dr. Yang all smelled a delicious smell.

Reminds them of scrambled eggs with tomatoes last night.

Also so delicious.

Dr. Yang took a few deep breaths and couldn't help but said to Dr. Lin, "It smells so good."

Doctor Lin said, "If you like it, I'll buy more tomatoes, and I'll make them for you and your children when I go back."

Doctor Yang said softly, "I will learn to cook when I go back."

In the past, Dr. Yang felt that cooking was troublesome.

But following Miss Su along the way, and watching Miss Su cook last night, she suddenly felt that cooking can actually enjoy the process.

Doctor Lin was surprised.

Yang Ge dislikes cooking in the kitchen the most, so he was stunned by what she said just now.

Dr. Yang said: "I think watching Miss Su cook is like making art, and I enjoy it very much."

"It's a joy to feel involved in it."

After listening to his wife's words, Dr. Lin also deeply agreed.

He felt that way too.

Just watching Miss Su cook, I want to participate in it.

I feel that when we participate in the process of cooking together, the food is extra sweet when we eat.

I don't know if it's psychological.

I don't know if it's because tomatoes are delicious.

After cooking for a while, Su Binglan adjusted the taste and said with a smile: "Okay, the soup is ready, we can eat tomato and tofu soup as the staple food in the morning, in fact, just eating a bowl of tomato and tofu soup will give you no more nutrition in the morning. Enough, I won't be hungry in the morning."

It was said to be soup, but Su Binglan put a lot of tomatoes, mushrooms and tofu in it.

After everyone eats a big bowl, they will be very full.

The old lady smiled and said, "Looking at this kind of breakfast makes me very appetizing."

A big bowl for one person is sure to be full.

After Su Binglan came out, everyone helped bring it to the table.

Then everyone gathered around the table to eat.

In the past, Doctor Yang's son was a picky eater, but now he sat obediently at the dining table with his eyes in the soup bowl.

It looks like you want to eat it.

Seeing him like this, Dr. Yang and Dr. Lin were very happy.

Su Binglan said: "Everyone, let's eat, how about the taste."

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