They have never eaten a dish with such a taste, and they want to try a few more bites with their chopsticks.

But shopkeeper Wang took down the chopsticks too fast, and they didn't dare to snatch it from shopkeeper Wang.

Shopkeeper Wang manages the restaurant. He has eaten too many delicacies and is notorious for his picky tastes.

For many dishes, he would not move his chopsticks after eating a few chopsticks.

But at this time, the appearance of shopkeeper Wang, no matter how you look at it, looks like he has been hungry for a long time and has not eaten.

The way he devoured it surprised the chefs too.

But if shopkeeper Wang allows it, they also want to gobble it up.

Seeing their reactions, Su Binglan smiled and said, "Shopkeeper Wang, how is this dish?"

"Don't lie to the girl, it's really delicious, the girl can make a price."

But shopkeeper Wang suddenly thought of something, and his face changed: "Girl, we don't have the potatoes and peppers you mentioned. I don't know where the girl got them?"

This thing, he believes that no one else has seen it.

If this thing can become the ingredients of Zuiyunlou, the benefit to Zuiyunlou is not a little bit.

He no longer has to worry about grabbing business from the Zhu Guest House opposite.

Su Binglan said: "To tell the shopkeeper, I discovered and planted these potatoes and peppers myself."

"There really isn't one on the market."

"But I'm here to sell the dishes, and I'm full of sincerity. If the shopkeeper thinks it's okay, he can also buy from me."

Shopkeeper Wang was so excited that he asked Su Binglan to go back to the second floor to discuss business cooperation.

Su Binglan said: "No hurry, I will cook another dish, this dish is called spicy chicken, and it can be used as a signature dish."

"But it takes a chicken in the kitchen."

The chefs also couldn't care about the business at hand, and hurried to get the chicken and came to help.

I also want to see how this girl makes spicy chicken.

Su Binglan has confidence in the dishes she cooks, and believes that shopkeeper Wang will definitely buy the dishes, and the chefs in the kitchen are nothing to observe.

Soon, Su Binglan made spicy chicken.

Shopkeeper Wang was full of praise.

"The taste is really different, delicious, delicious."

The spicy taste stimulates people's taste buds. Eating this spicy chicken really makes people feel delicious and appetizing.

This fragrance is not comparable to other dishes.

Some guests walked past the entrance of Zuiyun Tower and smelled a unique fragrance.

Someone walked into the Zuiyun Tower and asked Xiao Er, "Xiao Er, did you have any good dishes? Why does it smell so good?"

Xiao Er was also drooling with gluttony, and felt his stomach growl with hunger.

He guessed that the girl must have cooked something delicious.

He smiled mysteriously and said, "In the guest officer, please, we Zuiyunlou will produce fresh and delicious dishes again, and the guest officer is welcome to taste it at that time."

"That's natural. You are all old brands, and I'm also an old customer. It's delicious to sit in Zuiyun Lou to eat."

In fact, the main reason is that the same dishes in Zhukelou are cheaper, and many people still go to Zhukelou for dinner.

But shopkeeper Wang said that fighting a price war is not a long-term solution.

The most important thing for them to do business in Zuiyunlou is integrity.

Prices cannot be changed arbitrarily.

Or come up with fresh dishes to retain more guests.

After the dish was ready, shopkeeper Wang also tasted it, and the two returned to the elegant room to discuss business cooperation.

"Girl, look, how about I buy a dish with one hundred taels of silver?"

The price given by shopkeeper Wang is very fair, in fact, it is higher than the normal price.

Really this dish is worth the price.

And shopkeeper Wang mainly wanted to buy from Su Binglan, to buy those potatoes and peppers.

The potatoes that Su Binglan planted in the space have already grown, and the peppers are also growing very well.

So bulk shipping is no problem.

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