Chapter 174 The Magician Girl

  Su Binglan's expression froze when she thought of the second brother's situation.

   She quickly entered the backyard.

   Then she took out a few things from the space and placed them on the table.

   She was calculating the specific situation of Su Wenxiu.

  Su Binglan used her own sense of the world to perceive some things.

   While sensing, Su Binglan's heart suddenly twitched.

  Su Binglan found that Su Wenxiu's situation was not good.

   He should be injured, but his life is not in danger for the time being.

   Su Binglan breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that Su Wenxiu was not in danger.

   But even so, Su Binglan was going to bring Su Wenxiu back.


   It looks like she's going to go.

   Even if there is chaos and danger over there, no one can stop her.

   Those people had better not hurt Su Wenxiu in the slightest, otherwise, she would have doubled to get it back.

   She came to protect her relatives.

   There is also a specific location, she needs to figure it out.

   She needed something to measure Su Wenxiu's exact location.

  Su Binglan thought about this, took out the pen and paper and started to draw the parts.

   This is a treasure that only works if she uses it.

  While Su Binglan was painting the device, Su Wenzhe hurried over, "Sister, sister."

   Su Wenzhe's busy forehead was oozing with fine sweat, and he didn't even bother to wipe it at this time, so he ran in anxiously.

  Su Binglan's expression was calm, she continued to draw without raising her head, and said, "Brother, don't worry, speak slowly."

   "Sister, I just heard someone discussing that the herbs sent by Baicaotang to the capital were robbed. The person who sent the herbs didn't know whether they were alive or dead, and the second brother didn't know what was going on."

   When Su Wenzhe spoke, his voice choked up.

   He was very scared, he was very worried about his second brother.

   Everyone in the Su family attaches great importance to family relationships. When Su Wenzhe thought that something happened to his second brother, he panicked in his heart.

   His face turned pale at this time.

   He didn't care about the business outside, and his mind was full of the figure of the second brother.

  Su Binglan said calmly: "Brother, trust me, the second brother is fine, and I will bring the second brother back safely."

   Hearing Su Binglan's voice and seeing her calm and steady expression, Su Wenzhe's flustered mind suddenly calmed down.

   For some reason, he just believed what his sister said.

  The younger sister said that the second brother is fine, then it must be fine.

   "Sister, I... I just..."

   After Su Binglan finished drawing, she stood up, looked at Su Wenzhe and said, "Brother, I know, you are worried about the second brother, there is nothing wrong."

   "It's just that when you encounter things in the future, you must be calm. Only by being calm can you think better and come up with solutions."

   "Once a person panics, he cannot think well."

   "Big brother is a man, he must be calm and upright."

  Su Binglan knew that if his eldest brother was in the modern age, he might still be in school.

   But here, he needs to grow up quickly.

   These words are for his own good, so Su Binglan has to mention it.

   After listening to Su Binglan's words, Su Wenzhe calmed down and said, "Sister, you are right, eldest brother knows what to do."


  Su Binglan nodded, looked outside and said, "Big brother, let's do business first. I'll take care of the second brother's affairs. I'll go to Baicaotang to ask about the situation first, so you don't have to worry about it."

"it is good."

  Su Wenzhe knew that his sister must have a way.

   Then, he continued to work in the shop.

  Su Binglan asked Lin Zheng to look at the shop, but she went directly to the blacksmith shop.

   The owner of the blacksmith shop saw Su Binglan and said with a smile: "Girl, you are here. The things you made last time have already been built, girl, see if there is any problem?"

   After saying that, the boss took out a large tray, and on it were all the things that Su Binglan asked to build.

   There are silver needles and scalpels, cold weapons and hidden weapon parts.

  Su Binglan took a closer look, and it was indeed what she wanted, and it was well made.

   At this time, the technical level is not bad.

  Su Binglan nodded and said, "Not bad."

   "As long as the girl is satisfied." The boss said with a smile, the main reason is that this girl is a great person at first glance, and she is also a big customer, so he took the time to create it.

  Su Binglan took out another blueprint, "Can the things on this be made?"

   The things drawn on this drawing are smaller and more detailed.

   is very technically demanding.

   The owner of the blacksmith shop said: "Girl, to be honest, this thing is even more difficult to build."

  Su Binglan interrupted him directly and said, "You said you can build it?"

   "Can, can build." In fact, it is hard work.

   "It's good if you can build it. How long will it take to build it?"

   The blacksmith shop owner thought for a while and said, "This, it will take at least three days."

   "Two days."

   "Girl, this..." The boss is anxious, it's not his decision, the key is that he can create it.

  Su Binglan said directly: "There is an expedited fee, I will give you a few taels more."

  The owner of the blacksmith shop was silent. For the sake of money, he built it day and night, and he should be able to build it in two days.

   Then Su Binglan spent twenty taels of silver to create these trivial small parts.

   In fact, building a large appliance requires a lot of materials, but it is relatively easy to build.

  The more sophisticated the small device, the harder it is to build.

   After Su Binglan came out of the blacksmith, he put the silver needle scalpel, cold weapon and hidden weapon parts into the space.

   But she also sighed in her heart, "This money is really not worth spending, but the second brother's affairs are the most important."

   If it were an ordinary thing, Su Binglan would be reluctant to spend this money.

   Then, Su Binglan went to the Hundred Herbs Hall.

  Baicaotang is a famous medical clinic in the whole state of Chu.

   There is also power behind Baicaotang, so most people will not touch the herbs of Baicaotang.

   This time, I don’t know who would dare to attack the Herbs Hall.

   When Su Binglan entered the Hundred Herbs Hall, several people were waiting for the doctor to see him.

   An apprentice in charge of dispensing medicine saw Su Binglan walking in and reminded aloud, "Girl, do you want to see a doctor? Please line up here."

  Su Binglan said: "I'm here to ask your shopkeeper something."

   The apprentice said: "But today our shopkeeper is not there, only my master, Dr. Wu, is in the clinic."

  Doctor Wu is taking the pulse seriously, and he just asked his apprentice to prescribe the medicine.

   At this moment, when I looked up, I saw Su Binglan.

  Doctor Wu stood up excitedly, "Girl... a genius doctor?"

  Doctor Wu still remembered that on the street at that time, it was this girl who stabbed a person alive with a few needles.

   He wanted to ask for advice at the time, but the girl said it was just a coincidence.

   He always felt that this girl knew medical skills, otherwise she would not save people.

   But he thought about it, maybe he was really a genius doctor in Medicine King Valley, and he didn't bother to communicate with a folk doctor like them.

   But did not expect to see this girl here.

   (end of this chapter)

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