Chapter 325 Excited and moved

The people in line behind    were stunned when they heard the five cents of money and the five cents of a pair of medicines.

   One by one stared at the front with wide eyes, and the eyeballs were about to fall out.

   They all have a feeling of being struck by lightning.

   They were really shocked.

  Although they haven't been out in the village very much, they are not people who don't understand anything. They know how expensive it is to get medicine.

  Otherwise, the big guy wouldn't have a headache and would not dare to go to the doctor.

   Or treat with earthwork.

   Everyone doesn’t want to see the doctor.

   To see a doctor not only costs money for consultation, but also costs money to prescribe medicine.

   It may cost several taels to take medicine once.

   They knew how expensive the herbs were.

   In fact, these people, who usually have headaches, fever, and physical discomfort, don’t even think about going to see a doctor.

   is all about thinking that it will not affect your life.

   If it wasn't for Su Binglan's free medical treatment for the people in the village, these people probably wouldn't have the courage to see it.

   Because seeing a doctor means spending money.

   No one is willing to spend this money.

   Or else, poor people can't afford to get sick and can't afford to see a doctor.

   So when everyone heard Su Binglan say five cents for a pair of medicine, they really suspected that they had heard it wrong.

   Everyone came back to their senses and discussed excitedly.

   "Five cents for a pair of medicine, right?"

   "Sister Liu from our village used to have a stomachache before. She went to the town to see a doctor and take medicine. It cost 500 cents for a pair of medicine. How could it be five cents?"

   "But...but Miss Su really said five cents, right?"

   "A medicine, not a doctor's fee."

   "You heard it too, right? It's five cents. Am I the only one who heard it?"

  Everyone was queuing up. Originally, everyone was very nervous in the line to see the doctor, and no one spoke.

   Hearing the price of five cents for a pair of medicine, he excitedly discussed.

   Some people’s hearts that have been tense are also relieved.

  Su Wenxiu looked at everyone's reaction and felt quite uncomfortable.

   He said loudly, "This medicine is only five cents. My sister won't lie, and the medicine is guaranteed to work."

  The woman came back to her senses excitedly, "Yes, we believe in Miss Su, it will definitely work."

  The woman carefully took out a handkerchief from her pocket, and carefully opened it little by little, revealing a few pennies inside.

   She counted the pennies carefully, counting out five pennies.

   Counted it twice more, made sure there was nothing wrong, and handed the five cents of money to Su Wenxiu: "Let's catch this medicine, this is five cents of money."

   After taking out the five cents, she carefully wrapped the remaining copper plates and put them away.

   For the villagers, a penny is noble, and they would like to spend a penny in two on weekdays.

  Su Wenxiu felt heavy with the five cents in his hand.

   I think it is heavier than five taels of silver.

  Because he knew that for this family, five pennies was a lot of money.

   He was no stranger to the way Aunt Liu was counting copper coins just now.

  In my memory, when his mother wanted to buy something, she also took out a handkerchief and counted the money, and she had to count each penny several times, for fear of making a mistake.

  Maybe he was reluctant to take it out, thinking about putting it in his hand several times for comfort.

  Su Wenxiu's heart was heavy, and he was not feeling well.

   "Aunt Liu, I'll get you the medicine now."

  Last night, he and his sister stayed up late to prepare a lot of medicinal herbs, all of which are commonly used daily.

   This is also convenient for taking medicine.

  Su Wenxiu has been studying with Baicaotang for so long, and he is already very proficient in applying medicine.

   But he still carefully checked twice before preparing the herbs.

   He doesn't allow him to make a mistake.

   This is a matter of human life.

   Aunt Liu took her eldest girl's hand, holding the medicine in one hand, her feet were a little unsteady, and she felt a little erratic.

  Because she can't believe it, is it enough to catch a pair of medicine for five cents?

   Of course she would not suspect that it was a fake medicine. The people in the village knew the character of the Su family best.

   If the people in the village hadn't taken the initiative to ask Su Binglan if she wanted to see a doctor, Su Binglan wouldn't have seen a doctor at all.

   People make more money doing business.

  The consultations are free and do not make any money at all.

   There is no need to lie to them.

   "Miss Su, thank you, thank you."

Su Binglan said with a smile: "Aunt Liu, there is no major problem with Da Ya's health, you don't have to worry, after this medicine is boiled, divide it into two bowls, drink one bowl afterward, and drink the other bowl after dinner at night, and the next day. It'll be fine."

   "Okay, okay, I'll go back and make medicine for Da Ya."

   Seeing this, the eyes of the people in line behind him also lit up.

   They were all thinking, but luckily they mustered up the courage to let Miss Su show her.

   This is too cheap to grab a pair of medicines.

   The people in line behind    also relaxed one by one.

   After seeing a doctor one by one, those with headaches and fever are all minor problems, almost five cents per medicine.


  Many people grabbed the medicine and went out, and a few women sat under a big tree not far away, picking vegetables and chatting.

   Seeing someone come out, I couldn't help but ask curiously, "Big sister Liu, how did you go?"

   Aunt Liu took the eldest girl's hand, and her eyes were red with emotion, "Miss Su is really a good person. It only takes five cents to get a pair of medicine."

   "Said my eldest girl drank the medicine and will be fine tomorrow."

   Everyone was stunned when they heard these words, "What, five cents and a pair of medicine, Sister Liu, you are not allowed to lie to us."

   "You don't know who I am. If you don't believe me, you can go inside and ask. It's only five cents. If it's expensive, I won't be able to spend that much money to buy medicinal materials."

   "That's the medicine."

   Having said that, Aunt Liu lifted the medicine bag so that everyone could see it.

   It is really hard to believe that everyone knows how expensive medicinal materials are.

  Many people have also gone to grab the medicine. When it comes to grabbing the medicine, all of them can’t help thinking of the money for the medicinal materials, and they are all terrified.

   At this time, everyone was stunned when they heard Wuwen Qian.

  I didn't come back to my senses for a long time.

   After Aunt Liu left, everyone returned to their senses.

   "It looks real."

   "The Su family girl is really good, she has been helping our village."

   "If we say this, others will envy us."

Someone couldn't help but sighed: "No, my mother-in-law's sister-in-law is in Stone Village next door. She used to think that our village was not good. I used to look down on me when I returned to my mother's house. Now that I know the benefits of our village, she began to flatter me. "

   "Tsk, she is thinking that through you, she can also come to our village to find some work to do."

   "Huh, she can think about it, but she still wants to go in without seeing that many people in our village haven't entered the tofu workshop."

"However, the tofu shop is now making a lot of tofu products, and there are many people who use it. My third girl was not strong enough to enter the tofu shop, but she was recruited again later, and she went in to work. Now, go home. I also love to talk and laugh.”

   (end of this chapter)

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