Chapter 402 Su Ji Pottery Workshop

  Su Binglan said: "Aunt Li, it's okay, I have two options here."

   "One is that I bought your pottery kiln. After I buy it, the pottery kiln will be Suji pottery kiln, but I will hire you to burn pottery for me and pay you monthly wages."

   "The basic salary is 60 cents a month per person. If you burn a pottery kiln, you will get a commission. Each commission is one or two cents. The more expensive ones are more."

   "Of course, since I bought your pottery kiln, I will also help you pay for the pine wood in the past. You only need to work in my pottery kiln in the future."

   "Everything is up to me. Maybe I will let you accept apprentices in the future, but if you accept apprentices, I will also give you corresponding apprenticeship fees."


  Su Binglan originally planned to cooperate, but looking at Tao Zhenggang and Li's appearance, she felt that she should buy the pottery kiln directly so that the pottery could be fired quickly.

  Otherwise, let Tao Zhenggang and Li Shi to solve the previous matter, they probably can't solve it, and they can't buy pine wood to burn.

   But working for her is different.

   She can solve all the previous things.

  Tao Zhenggang and Mrs. Li couldn't believe what they heard.

   They looked at Su Binglan blankly.

   always felt like everything they heard was wrong.

   Is there such a good thing?

   Both of them were in a daze, but they forgot to speak and express their stance.

  Su Binglan continued: "There is another way, that is, the pottery kiln workshop is still yours, and we are just a cooperative relationship. I will order the pots and jars from you, you are responsible for burning them out, and you will pay according to the price."

   "But in that case, I can't help you advance the money you bought the pine wood, because the pottery kiln workshop is still yours."

   "But I can place an order for you in advance and pay a deposit. You can use the deposit to pay the money for the pine wood before. After a while, we will need more pots and jars in the later stage, and you can get on the right track when you make money."

  Tao Zhenggang and Mrs. Li are not fools.

   They could hear that, no matter what method, Miss Su was helping them.

   is the first method. It seems that Miss Su bought their pottery kiln, but she still made them work and paid them wages.

   They don't have to worry about anything, as long as they work hard.

   Originally, they didn’t plan to burn pottery kilns anymore, and their pottery kilns were just sitting there, and they were all wasted.

   Miss Su wants to buy it.

   There is a second method, Miss Su also helped them solve their urgent needs.

   also takes into account their feelings.

   If they were unwilling to sell the pottery kiln, Miss Su also helped them solve the problem.

  Li Shi and Tao Zhenggang looked at each other, both of them understood that they were going to choose the first method.

  Lee was moved to tears.

   When she spoke, her voice was also a little choked, "Miss Su, you are a good person, and we don't even know how to thank you."

   "We're going to choose the first method."

   "We don't want to worry about anything anymore."

   "Actually, if we had such a good job, we wouldn't burn pottery."

   "It's not all impossible, thinking about multiple crafts and making money from craftsmanship, how can I think it's like this."

   "We are not very good at business, so we will work for Miss Su, and we are good at burning pottery."

   Tao Zhenggang also said, "Miss Su, don't worry, we will definitely burn the pottery well."

  Su Binglan nodded.

   Actually, she guessed that two people would choose this method.

   Mrs. Li hesitated and said, "Miss Su, we have two sons who can also burn pottery, can we let them come back and burn pottery too?"

   Miss Su said that a person should have at least 60 pennies a month, and if you burn more, you will earn more.

  Her two sons were carrying goods at the town's pier. They were exhausted and couldn't earn a few copper coins. It would be better to come back and burn pottery together.

   And doing things with Miss Su, they are relieved.

   is also at ease.

   Miss Su is really nice.

   They are stupid and don't know what to say to be grateful.

  Su Binglan said with a smile: "Of course, I need more pots later, and the pottery workshop has to expand on the basic scale, and there may be more people hired by then."

   "But if you hire people, they don't know how to burn pottery, so they need Uncle Tao and Aunt Li and your son to teach everyone."

  Tao Zhenggang hurriedly expressed his attitude, "Don't worry Miss Su, if we need to teach, we will teach it well, and we will never hide it."

   Miss Su came to save their family, otherwise they didn't know how to live.

   is just to teach everyone to burn pottery, there is nothing that cannot be taught.

  Su Binglan said: "I won't let you teach in vain. If you accept an apprentice, you will receive more salary for the apprentice every month."

   Hearing Su Binglan say this, both Tao Zhenggang and Li's husband and wife were excited.

   I feel like I can live a good life all of a sudden.

   The despairing expressions of the two disappeared.

   The huge stone that was pressing on my heart was gone.

   They were all relieved.

  Su Fengzhang and Su Wenxian listened in the back, and were also stunned.

  Su Wenxian whispered, "Sister is too powerful."

  Su Fengzhang nodded, "No, this solves everything, we never thought of it."

   Such wisdom, they are incomparable.

   This is how the brain works.

   Next, Su Binglan went to look at the pottery workshop and took a closer look at the contents inside.

   is actually quite simple, just a small pottery workshop.

   But everything is complete.

  Su Binglan actually made preparations when he came.

   She brought silver.

   Then she wrote the contract on the spot.

  Su Binglan explained to them what Tao Zhenggang and Mrs Li didn't quite understand.

   explained in great detail.

   Mrs Li said: "Miss Su, we don't believe others, but we believe what you say."

   Tao Zhenggang and Li signed the contract without hesitation.

  Su Binglan also gave money on the spot.

   Part of it is the money to buy the pottery workshop, and part of it is the start-up capital.

   Looking at the extra silver in their hands, the eyes of both of them were red.

   "After this, the pottery workshop will be changed to Suji pottery workshop. This part is the start-up capital. You first burn ten large wine jars, and then burn twenty wine jars..."

  Su Binglan told Tao Zhenggang and Mrs. Li about some specific matters.

   Both of them listened carefully.

   They all do this and know how to do things.

   After talking for a long time, Su Binglan went back with Su Fengzhang and Su Wenxian.

   Until Su Binglan returned, neither Tao Zhenggang nor Li Shi could recover.

After a long time, Mrs. Li came back to her senses, hurriedly put the silver away carefully, and then said to Tao Zhenggang: "Quick, it's not dark, you can go to town and let the sons come back, they don't need to be at the pier. After work, go home and burn pottery."

  Tao Zhenggang nodded, "I'll go right now."

   Mr. Li said with warm eyes: "Now the sons don't have to go out, they can go home and have a good night's sleep."

   Saying this, Li's nose is sour.

  Tao Zhenggang was completely light at this time, and ran straight to the town.

   (end of this chapter)

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