Chapter 427 Su Ji Food

  Su Binglan made more stinky tofu at noon and packed some of it. It was originally intended to be eaten by Su Zhengde's uncle's family.

   Unexpectedly, Su Xueye's father, Su Wenxing, personally came to deliver the small dining car.

  Su Binglan looked at the food truck and was amazed, "Brother, you guys are doing really well, that's what I said about the food truck."

  Su Fengmao said: "The three brothers of your uncle's family are all very good carpenters, and the things they make are very good."

  Su Wenxing rubbed his hands and said honestly, "Second uncle praised him."

   In terms of seniority, Su Wenxing is called Second Uncle Su Fengmao, but in fact the age difference is not big.

  Su Binglan looked at the small dining car, there was no problem, Su Wenxing was going back.

  Su Binglan handed the packaged stinky tofu to Su Wenxing and asked him to take it back.

  Su Wenxing was too embarrassed to take it.

   He came here on purpose when everyone had finished lunch, but he didn't expect to go back to Su Binglan and give something back.

   In fact, they made these things, and Su Binglan gave them a lot of money.

   In fact, they thought they didn't need anything, just build it directly, but Su Binglan insisted on giving the money.

  Su Binglan said: "Brother, this is stinky tofu. You have eaten it last time. This time, I just made more. You bring it back to the uncle and aunt to taste."

   When he heard the stinky tofu, Su Wenxing didn't refuse and took it with a smile.

   After Su Wenxing went back, Su Binglan started to teach Song Yi to make stinky tofu with tofu sticks in a small dining cart.

   There is a place for frying on the small food cart, put charcoal below, and you can fry.

  After frying the tofu, brush the seasoning with a seasoning brush and you are ready to eat.

very simple.

  Matsuyoshi will know it at a glance.

  Su Binglan asked Songyi to sign the contract of the tofu shop, and told Songyi about the specifics of selling stinky tofu.

   Songyi also remembered them one by one.

   He never thought that the more stinky tofu sold, the more money he would make.

   In this way, he earns more than one hundred and fifty cents every month. Thinking of these numbers, Song Yi's heart is very warm.

   He was also full of energy.

   In the afternoon, Su Wenwu accompanied Songyi to the town to sell stinky tofu.

   First, let Songyi put the food cart together to sell. After Songyi is familiar with it, Songyi will sell stinky tofu by himself.

   Today's Tenghe Town is very lively, with many people and many stalls.

   So when everyone saw Su Wenwu and Songyi pushing the dining cart, everyone was stunned.

   "There is such a thing, is this a stall?"

   "This thing has a reel, which is really convenient to use."

   "It doesn't take up space, and it doesn't take a lot of effort to move it."

   "This is really a novelty."

   "There are three characters of stinky tofu written on it, the small portion is five strings of three cents, and the large portion is ten strings of five cents."

   "It's tofu, it must be something from Su Ji, but why is it called stinky tofu?"

   "I've heard that people who work in the tofu factory in Su Teng Village have posted this kind of food. I heard that it's very delicious, but it tastes weird."


  Songyi and Su Wenwu set up stalls at the market east of the town.

  There are many people here, and there are many people who come here to buy and sell things. When everyone passes by, they can't help but look at this small food truck.

   It’s just that their little food truck is so weird.

   takes up a small space and can fry things.

  Songyi put charcoal on the bottom, put oil in the small pot on the top, and started to fry the tofu.

The smell of    just spread out.

  Although it smells weird, it smells good too.

  Songyi said while frying, "The first twenty customers are free to taste, free to taste."

   This is the method that Su Binglan gave, and Song Yi followed the method that Su Binglan said.

  Only the first 20 customers can taste it for free. When everyone hears it, don’t worry, don’t worry about anything, go and try it first.

  Su Kee's food must be delicious.

   Soon, there was a queue in front of the dining car.

  Su Wenwu helped to spread the fried stinky tofu with seasoning.

   Then one handed a bunch to taste.

   The person in front took a bunch of stinky tofu and started to eat it.

   After eating, I was shocked by the stinky tofu.

   " this stinky tofu? Is it so delicious?"

The people behind    also took it and started eating. Everyone kept nodding and complimented, "It's delicious, delicious, really delicious."

   "One string is not enough, can you have another string?"

  Songyi looked at everyone and said with a smile: "We are also in a small business. Each customer can only taste one bunch for free, and if they want to eat, they can only queue up to buy it."

   "As we wrote above, the small portion is five strings of three cents, and the large portion is ten strings of five cents."

   "Then I'll buy it and give me a small portion."

  Sanwen money can be eaten by some people in the town, so in order to understand the cravings, buy some and try it.

  Many people thought of tasting it for free at first, but after tasting it, most people paid for it.

   Only those with poor family conditions who are reluctant to spend money endured not buying.

   After a while, everyone knows that this stinky tofu is very delicious.

   And it's Su Ji's stuff.

   Everyone is no stranger to seeing Su Wenwu.

   Many people have eaten Su Wenwu's hot pot. Everyone saw it and came over to say hello to Su Wenwu, and also bought stinky tofu and tasted it.

   I am full of praise after tasting it.

   Rich people bought several copies directly and prepared to take them home to give their families a taste.

   "This thing does taste weird, but I can't stand it. It's delicious. Haha, you don't really need to taste the things from Su Ji. Big guys know it's delicious."

   Now Su Ji has a good reputation in the town.

   If it weren't for this reputation, stinky tofu would not have sold so well.

   When Songyi came to town to sell stinky tofu, he was still very nervous.

   He knew it was delicious because he ate several pieces of stinky tofu at Su Wenwu's house at noon.

   But the townspeople don't know.

   He was worried that everyone would not eat it because of the taste.

   Even if everyone is allowed to taste it for free, no one will necessarily eat it.

  Matsuyoshi worries about this the most.

   He was worried that if he could not sell stinky tofu, he would not be able to do what Miss Su explained.

   He would be ashamed.

  In that case, he would have no face to get paid.

   But why didn't he think that this would start selling, and the business would be so hot?

  Songyi's hand movements are even more sloppy.

  He helps his parents cook at home on weekdays, and does everything at home.

   So while frying, brushing seasonings, and collecting money, he can come here busy.

  Su Wenwu wanted to continue to help, Song Yi said: "Wenwu, you let me learn to do this by myself, so that I can become proficient earlier."

  Su Wenwu also knew that what Song Yi said made sense.

   Because he only came to help this afternoon, and then Songyi sold stinky tofu by himself.

There were many people   , Song Yi was a little busy, but he had a big smile on his face.

   "Young man, give me a large portion, can you pack it separately for my two grandchildren?"

  Songyi said cheerfully: "Okay, Auntie, wait a moment, you'll be ready soon."

   After receiving the copper coins, Songyi continued to fry stinky tofu.

   (end of this chapter)

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