Chapter 467 Her plan

   At this time, the boy was entangled by two killers, and the soldiers attacked, and the arrow behind him stabbed the boy with great force.

  The arrow was extremely fast, and it quickly reached the back of the boy, and it was about to stab the boy.

   One can imagine what will happen to the boy after this arrow pierces the boy!



  Su Binglan shouted and woke up.

  Su Binglan woke up directly from the kang and sat up.

   Cold sweat broke out on her face.

   When she sat up, she was panting and her heartbeat was very fast.

   For a long time, she did not recover.

   After she calmed down a little, Su Binglan realized that she had just been dreaming.

   She actually dreamed of Luo Jinan.

   She doesn't know if the picture is real.

   She thought to herself, when Luo Jinan was in good health before, was it like that when she didn't suffer from cold poison?

   He can be that strong.

   He can be arrogant and true, and protect a city with the power of one person.

   Su Binglan felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

   Proud of him, but also a little sad.

   She also didn't understand how she could dream of such a picture.

   She covered her heart with her hands, and she still had some lingering fears and worries.

   Worried about Luo Jinan.

  I don't know how he is doing now.

   It was still dark at this time, and it had not been two days.

  Su Binglan took a long time to calm down.

   After she lay down again, her mind was full of Luo Jinan, all that arrow.

   Her heartbeat was fast, worried about Luo Jin'an, but she lay down to rest but couldn't sleep.

   There is no sleepiness anymore.

   She had no choice but to get up, lit the candle, and sat down at the desk to get busy.

  If she doesn't do something at this time, her mind will be full of Luo Jinan, and her heart will be tugged.

   So Su Binglan can only get busy and let busy things fill his brain.

   She took out the paper and started writing the plan.

  Write what to do next, what plan to do next.

   Still planning some architectural drawings of the land.

   She bought the land between the town and the village for planning purposes.

   Now there are Xiufang Winery and staff dormitories built there.

   In the later period, Su Binglan also planned to build some more buildings.

   She will build a factory later, and she also wants to build a commercial street and a community.

   That field is very big.

  Su Binglan still has a lot to build.

  Su Binglan thought about this and began to draw on the paper.

  She wants to draw design drawings and architectural drawings.

  Su Binglan was so busy that it was dawn before she knew it.

  Su Binglan saw that the sky was bright, put down the charcoal in her hand, and went to wash up.

   At this time, Su Binglan's parents also got up early.

  Su Fengmao helped Shen Qiuhua to cook together.

  Su Fengmao was burning the fire, while Shen Qiuhua was cooking breakfast.

  Shen Qiuhua looked at Su Binglan, saw the tired look between her eyebrows, and asked worriedly, "Lanlan, didn't you rest well last night?"

   Shen Qiuhua could see it from Su Binglan's eyes.

  Su Fengmao also looked at Su Binglan, and could see that his daughter didn't seem to be sleeping well.

   "Lan Lan, are you tired recently?"

   Su Binglan has been busy with a lot of things recently and is probably tired.

  Because she has to worry about many things now.

   She was busy from morning to night, and there was no time to rest.

   They actually feel distressed when they look at it.

   Shen Qiuhua and Su Fengmao also thought about what they could do for their daughter.

  Su Binglan didn't want her parents to worry, and said, "No, I slept well, parents, you don't have to worry."

   "Dad, we'll have a quick breakfast, and we'll go to the winery to recruit people."

  Su Fengmao nodded and said, "Don't worry, Dad will help you grow your eyes and help you watch."

   It was still a little early, Su Wenzhe and the others hadn't gotten up yet.

  Su Binglan had a simple meal with her father and mother, and then went to the winery with her father.

  Su Binglan guessed that many people would come for the interview.

   But she didn't expect so many people to come.

   There are more people interviewed than the previous embroidery workshop.

   The day was not very bright, and the queue was very long.

   We all know that the winery only recruits men to work, so the queues are all men.

  Because everyone got the news yesterday afternoon.

   Knowing that Miss Su did not give priority to recruiting people from Su Teng Village this time, she was recruiting people based on ability and character.

   They were all working hard, and they all wanted to come to the winery to find a job.

   There were also people who were far away from Suteng Village. They got up before dawn and started walking.

   Even if they walk back and forth for more than two hours every day, they all want to work in the winery.

  The treatment of tofu workshop and embroidery workshop, they all know.

The treatment of the    winery must also be good.

   Queueing up one by one is both exciting and nervous.

  When Su Binglan appeared in the winery, everyone looked at Su Binglan, nervous and excited.

  Su Fengmao looked at so many people and was shocked, "Are there so many people?"

   "Our winery can't use so many people, so how many people will it take down."

  Su Fengmao understands very well the idea that everyone wants to find a job and make money.

   He thought that everyone was applying for the job with anticipation, and he would definitely feel sad if he was dismissed.

  Su Binglan said: "Dad, you don't have to worry too much. Potatoes and sweet potatoes are very productive. As long as everyone works diligently, the conditions at home will be good."

   "And we look at the ability and character to recruit people, fair and just. Those who are not recruited indicate that their ability is not as good as others or their character is not as good as others."

   "I will build a factory in the future, and there will be other plans here in the future. As long as you have the brain, ability, and diligence, you can always make money."

   After all these places are built, there will be many places for people to be employed.

   Besides, if you grow high-yield grains, your income will be much higher than in previous years.

   It depends on whether you are diligent or not.

   After hearing what Su Binglan said, Su Fengmao felt much better.

   All have experienced poverty and know what it feels like.

   In fact, I am also afraid.

   So although the conditions of the Su family are better now, Su Fengmao works hard every day.

   Help my daughter watch the tofu workshop, and the delivery of the delivery, everything is clear.

   The winery also has a dedicated office.

   There are also two tables outside.

   Su Fengzhang and Su Wenxian also arrived.

  Su Wenxian is responsible for simple registration outside.

  Su Binglan, Su Fengmao and uncle Su Fengzhang are responsible for recruiting people there.

   Directly decide on the spot who can't work in the winery.

  Because some people's villages are too far away, it would be too troublesome to go back to inform them.

   And if you go back and find out that the information someone is telling you does not match, the winery can fire these people.

   These people who didn't come to apply for jobs are not fake.

   Because everyone knows that the Su family will find out.

  If they cheat, they will also be reported by the people in the village.

  Because everyone is staring at the location of the winery and wants to go in and work, if someone cheats and goes in, it will be unfair to others.

   So no one is cheating with a fluke mentality.

   Everyone is very sincere, and Su Binglan answers what he asks.

   Little cuties, 10,000 words is better today haha, ask for a monthly pass.



   (end of this chapter)

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