The Side Character Turned Villainess

Chapter 143 - Society Is Introduced To Yaoi

Mary burst into the student council room in a panic. She slammed the door shut and looked around frantically. This time she held a bag in her arms.

"Seri's not here, right?!"

William sighed, "This again?"

Artie glanced at her with a mischievous face, "She's not. So what have you brought for us this time?"

Mary took her bag and dumped out the contents across the table. Dozens of papers spilled out, all with detailed and intricate drawings.

Artie picked one up, "Are these... Drawings of Seri?"

Mary nodded proudly, "They are!"

William frowned at the stacks of paper on the table, "Why do you have so many drawings of Seri?"

Mary giggled as she blushed, "She's my muse. Everytime I see that adorable face, I must draw it."

Artie spoke in disbelief, "These are so realistic it's scary."

Everyone at the table began to admire the artwork. Lucius frowned at it and muttered, "Why are most of these drawings of her sleeping?"

William glanced at Mary, "But why did you break in here like something happened?"

Mary's proud face instantly turned glum, "Well you see... I may have been in Seri's room at night again."

Artie chuckled as he smirked, "Oh? And what was it this time? Another noise?"

Mary blushed bright red. She stuttered, "F-For your information, it was!"

Artie couldn't help but giggle at her indignation, "Oh really?"

She nodded firmly as if to convince herself, "That's right. There I was with my art book in hand, when I suddenly heard thuds and what sounded like screaming coming from Seri's room! Naturally as her beloved roommate, I had to rush in and check on her."

Artie nodded with a serious expression, "Naturally." Arties face twitched as he refrained from trying to laugh.

William sighed, "Well go on. That doesn't explain why you ran in here so frantically and threw these drawings all out."

Mary continued, "Well... So there was nobody in there."

Arties face twitched more, "There wasn't?"

Mary stuck to her lie and thought she was speaking convincingly enough, "There wasn't! So I was about to leave, when I decided I should stay and draw Seri's sleeping face." Mary sighed in a dazed expression, "It's always so heavenly. The way the moonlight hits it..."

Dante couldn't help but think back to when he was with Seri in the cave. Her sleeping face wasn't as dreamy as Mary was describing. In fact, her sleeping face looked like it was plotting schemes while laughing at others misery. However, he did have to admit it was adorable in it's own way.

Artie started shaking from holding his laughter in, "Always? I thought this was the first time you've seen it? Since last time you must have been too preoccupied with her journal. Don't tell me there are always sounds coming from her room which sound like something bad is happening to Seri?"

Mary blushed and coughed awkwardly, "It's just that I'm a little protective of my friends of course."

He blinked, "Of course."

Mary continued on feeling flustered, "Well anyway. While I was drawing she suddenly opened her eyes and looked at me. I didn't know what else to do, so I said: Shhh. This is just a dream... A nice dream about your beloved watching you sleep..."

William smacked his forehead and Artie broke down into uncontrollable laughter. Artie smacked the table as he tried to get back control of himself. He wiped away a tear, "A-And then?"

Mary blinked, "Then she went crazy. Although, I have no idea why."

William groaned, "Really? You really have no idea why?"

She shook her head, "I figured she would believe me and just go back to sleep. But then she ended up throwing things and chased me to my room. I luckily shut the door behind me in time, but she was shouting things like, 'This is not a Yuri!' and 'I'm going to destroy those drawings of yours!' So I stuffed all my drawings of her into my bag. That way there would be no proof that I had been sneaking in at night to watch her sleep."

Artie grinned, "You just admitted to sneaking in to see her sleep."

Mary covered her mouth in surprise, "Eep! Ah.. Please disregard that."

William shook his head, "No can do." He continued, "So why did you bring them in here?"

Mary scratched her cheek, "Well.. I was hoping that you all would help me get rid of them."

William frowned, "Why can't you do it yourself?"

She pouted, "I'm not very creative in that regard. What should I do with them? Burn them?"

Artie took a few and looked at them with twinkling eyes, "That'd be such a waste! I will take some to keep. They are pretty good after all."

Dante glared at him making him flinch. Mathias picked one up and mumbled, "Want one."

Lucius smirked and picked up a handful, "Actually, these would be great for target practice. I will take some."

Mary looked at him with puppy dog eyes, "Don't do that!! Seri's too precious to have arrows in her."

Artie waved her off, "Don't worry. He's bad at aiming so he won't be able to hit it even if he tried."

Mary sighed in relief, "That's right. I almost forgot."

Lucius's face turned red with anger, "HEY! I'M GREAT AT ARCHERY!"

Artie raised an eyebrow while still looking at the drawings, "Really? Because I seem to remember you losing the competition against Seri when it was her first time using a bow."

Lucius smacked his head against the table in a fit of rage.

Dante picked up some of the drawings and scowled at it for a minute. Although he couldn't stand Mary, he had to admit these were very lifelike. He always wanted to see Seri's face next to him as he slept. This could more or less fill that desire... Well at least in the meantime. He smiled slightly as he decided to keep a few for himself.

Millie stood up and stomped over to Mary with a chilling expression. Everyone in the room grew quiet when they saw her serious expression. They couldn't help but gulp from fear. Mary shook so bad she looked like she would faint.

Millie's terrifying expression soon turned into a grin that would make any child cry. "Do you take commissions?"

Mary blinked, "Huh? Oh... Sure."

Millie giggled, "Great. Could you draw me a picture of Seri crying?"

Dante frowned, "Why would you want that?"

Millie spat back, "None of your business." She turned back to Mary, "Well?"

Mary thought for a moment, "Uhh. Well I've never seen her cry before, so it may not be accurate. But I can try."

Millie clasped her hands together happily, "Great!"

William shook his head, "Tsk tsk. You all are so very shameless. How could you just want this garbage?" William silently grabbed some drawings and shoved it into his jacket.

Everyone else, "..."


(Seri's perspective)

I threw the door open, "MARY! DON'T THINK YOU CAN RUN AWAY AGAIN!"


I looked at everyone in the student council room staring at me with guilty expressions. This again?

Mary yelped and ran to hide behind William, "I'm innocent!!!"

I ignored everyone's stares and glared at Mary, "Innocent? You were in my room last night! How did you even get into my room?!"

Mary looked away guiltily, "It was unlocked."

Millie glanced at her, "But it's never unlocked."

I nodded with my hands on my hips, "That's right." I paused then turned to Millie, "Wait.. How do you know that?"

Millie smile innocently, "Because you have to let me in every morning."

I frowned and rubbed my chin, "I do? Why don't I ever remember letting you in?"

Millie giggled, "It's probably because you're always half asleep when you open the door."

"Oh... I guess that makes sense." I shook my head, "Anyway! Mary-"

I paused when I saw the drawings scattered along the table. My face grew dark as I picked one up, "What is this..."

"It was Mary." Everyone quickly pointed at Mary who was still hiding behind William. Mary's mouth dropped from having been sold out so quickly.

I glanced at her with an eyebrow raised, "This was you?"

She dropped her head in shame knowing she couldn't lie, "It was..."

My eyes lit up and I ran over to her. I grabbed her hands in excitement, "These drawings are fantastic!!!"

She blinked, "Huh?"

Everyone else, "Huh?"

I nodded, "Although I don't quite understand why you chose to draw me... However, this skill gives me a brilliant idea!!!"

Mary smiled from having been praised, "What is it?"

"You should draw yaoi!"

She tilted her head, "Yaoi?"

I nodded as I pulled her to the seat next to me. I sat down and pulled my journal out from my bag, "Yes! Remember the stories I had wrote? You should redraw the scenes. Then we can mass produce it and sell it!"

Millie glanced at it, "Do you really think it would sell?"

Artie and Lucius shouted simultaneously, "YOU BETTER NOT!" They both looked at each other and frowned.

Mary spoke ignoring them, "I would totally read a story like this! Okay, let's do it!"

I nodded, "Alright. Use Lucius and Artie for reference. Luckily they are right here in the room."

Mary nodded, "Alright. I can do that easily!"

As Mary began to redraw the scenes skillfully and quickly, I began to write out the storyline. William sighed upon seeing that.

He spoke sarcastically, "Sure... Just skip your work for today to do that. It's not like you have things to do."

I nodded, "Alright, thanks."

His face turned dark. He muttered, "It was sarcasm."

Millie grabbed my pen, "Seri, perhaps I should write this. Your handwriting looks like you're giving someone a curse. Not to mention the grammar isn't that good."

I nodded in agreement, "You're right. You can be the editor and I will be the writer. Mary, you'll take care of the drawing. Together, we are going to make tons of money!!!"

Millie smiled, "But where are you going to sell it at?"

I shrugged, "I know a few bookstores."

William frowned, "No decent bookstore would accept this smut."

I shook my head, "Nonsense. I know a few that definitely would."

Artie smirked, "Oh? And how do you know that they will?"



I blushed, "Mind your own business."

Dante chuckled. He knew just how exactly she knew where to sell them at.

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