The Side Character Turned Villainess

Chapter 271 - The Grand Finale Part 2

The crowd stopped disagreeing and mulled over the words from the goat farmer, bartender, and the random street person. They began to see me as more trustworthy since so many spoke in my favor. I looked at the farmer and the bartender with a smile. I nodded at them to silently thank them. 

Then I turned to the crowd, "Please have faith in me. I have a backer in the Imperial Palace. He is willing to help us and when he takes the throne, he will listen to the common people. I have both the Church and the Bandits behind this man. All I need now is for you to have the courage to try! You need a King that will not toss away your lives as if they were worthless! You all have the right to live and survive without starving! Are you really going to bow down to a King who believes you are only worth a stale loaf of bread?!"

They nodded in agreement. They began to chatter amongst themselves, "That's right! The King forces us into war, but we get only lost limbs and none of the spoils!"

An elder in the group shouted, "He laughed at our tradition by killing the entire Church of the Holy Empress just so he could take her as a wife! Now he thinks he can hide her away and ignore the yearly celebration where we are blessed by the Gods and her Holy Empress!!!"

"He brags about the war even though we are the ones losing!"

"He would rather our soldiers die than get a meal!"

I spoke in anger, "The King wants to tax you into starvation while the nobles eat cake from your hard-earned cash to their hearts content! He wants to force you to fight for your life on the frontline while giving you NOTHING in return! So tell me! Aren't you angry!?"

"We are!!!" They all shouted in unison. Their faces began to turn red from anger.

They chanted in resentment, "D*mn them! Kill the nobles! Kill the King!!"

I stood on the table with a powerful demeanor, "If you follow me, then we will have our rebellion! The Bandits are already in position! All we need is to charge to the gate and demand justice! Gilyn shall listen! NOW FOLLOW ME TO DEMAND JUSTICE!"

Everyone cheered and poured out of the bar ready to charge into the Palace. I led the front while walking up the long slope towards the Palace. What started as a small group, began to grow in size. Many people stuck their heads out of houses and stores to figure out what was happening.


The excitement and anger of the group was intoxicating. Anyone who heard began to feel their own anger and resentment consume them. Soon, they were all pouring out of their houses to join the crowd. There were women, elders, young men, and anyone else who could fight. 

All of the citizens were spreading the word and joining. Soon, almost no one was left in their houses. It wasn't as if I had chanted a magic spell and they followed me. It was because of their own hatred for the King that they were there.

They were done being considered worthless.

It doesn't matter which world you belong in. Those who are overlooked and stepped on will eventually rise up against the oppressors. It is only a matter of time before they retaliate and succeed. Your only hope is that you didn't choose the wrong side when it happened.

Sometimes, all it needs is one voice to cause the dominos to fall in place.

Seeing how many followed me made me more confident that my plan would succeed. It felt like I was back in time during the French revolution. Although I should be feeling wary about what was going to happen, I only had an urge to sing a line from a certain musical while waving a flag.

As we approached the gate to the Palace, the bandits appeared from their preplanned hiding spots and quickly began distributing weapons. They had not intended on seeing this many people come to overthrow the King. It was certainly an unprecedented crowd. They had to send others back to bring more weapons.

There was only an hour left until the execution.

The bandit chief handed me a sword with a firm nod, "Ready when you are."

I gave him a nod back. I looked up at the wall and clenched the unfamiliar sword feeling a bit panicked. 

Now all I need is Gilyn.

It's not like he ever gave me an answer either. Since the gate isn't opening, could this possibly be his response?

The Chief noticed this and spoke, "We can get explosives ready."

Ugh. I didn't want to explode the gate. Right now, the King was in the back of the Palace at the party. I am unsure that he has heard of the many people behind the gate, but if he had then he would most likely ignore it. If he thinks we cannot enter, he won't bother with it. But if he hears an explosion…

Then I worry he may take the opportunity to escape. I can't let that happen.

I shook my head, "Give him a few more minutes. Gilyn will come."

I looked up at the wall to see the guards staring at us unsure of what to do. The chants echoed around me. I pleaded in my heart as I watched.

Please… Please let Gilyn come… Please…

The shouts rang out around me.





Then, Gilyn appeared. The wall was tall, but I could make out his expressionless face standing above. He stared down at us without showing a single thought. I had no idea what he was thinking. His eyes slowly locked with mine.

I looked at him pleading.

Please Gilyn! Open the gate! Let us succeed! Please… 

Please let me save Dante…

Gilyn only met my eyes with a cold look. It was clear that he didn't intend to open the gate. In the end, he had chosen the King over the people. I bit my lip. 

NO! I can't give up!

I shouted with all my strength using my last bit of hope, "HE KILLED HER GILYN! THE HOLY EMPRESS IS DEAD!"

Gilyn could not hear me over the screams, but he could read my lips. He turned away from the wall and disappeared. I could feel my heart sink knowing that I had failed. If we exploded the gate, many innocent citizens would die against the army. The King would most likely stay alive and escape.

And Dante would still be executed.

However, I couldn't see the truth hiding above the gate on the overlook. 

Gilyn turned away from the hundreds of citizens and walked to the other side of the wall. He looked at all of his guards that followed his every word. How could he lose this position? He had worked so hard to get this far. If he went against the King, it would be like kissing his life and this position goodbye. Then… His eyes turned to the Palace.

He closed his eyes.


A long time ago, Gilyn had served the Holy Empress as her personal Knight. Unlike most people, he had noble birth, but he had still trained in the army from the moment he could hold a sword. He knew of the horrors of war and the pain of watching those around you die. His victorious battles soon caught the eye of the King. Then, he was assigned to a high post.

The personal Guard of the Holy Empress.

At the time, he had no idea that this high position was actually not so grand. As the guard, you were only able to stay in one wing of the Palace. It was incredibly boring. However, he would never forget the moment that he met the Holy Empress. 

The moment that made this boring position turn into a worthwhile one.

He bowed, "Her Majesty the Holy Empress… My name is Gilyn. I may be only a year older, but I have plenty experience in war. I have been fighting in battles since I was seven and have been training since I could hold a sword. I hope her Majesty will put her utmost faith in me."

He waited for her to speak but heard nothing. He grew worried and glanced up. What he saw made him freeze. 

Her delicate beauty startled him. She had beautiful golden skin without a single flaw. Her soft, wavy long hair hung down her shoulders. But what was most alluring were her dark bottomless eyes. They seemed to pull in anyone who dared to look in.

Tears rolled down her cheeks from those bottomless eyes.

Gilyn panicked, "Y-Your Holy Empress! What is wrong!? Did something happen?! Should I call for a doctor?!"

She wiped her tears away and shook her head. She motioned to a servant beside her who brought over a pen and paper. Gilyn watched quietly as she began to write. Then she held up the paper for him to read.

-I am sorry you have suffered so much-

Gilyn flinched and looked at the servants, but none made any change of expression. Apparently, they were used to the Holy Empress not following proper etiquette. The Holy Empress tapped his scars with a frown. She pointed out the word "I am sorry".


The Holy Empress was startled to see Gilyn laughing. Seeing his childish expression made her smile. He chuckled as he spoke, "You are so interesting."

She tilted her head and wrote on another page: -Interesting? I do not understand.-

He answered, "You are sorry for my scars."

She wrote: -A child should not have to have such scars-

He smiled tenderly at her, "It is interesting coming from a Queen who should not have such scars either."

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