The Side Character Turned Villainess

Chapter 280 - Absence Makes A Love Grow Stronger

[Author's note: This chapter is borderline PG-13. Viewer discretion is advised.]

Dante suddenly felt like covering himself up to protect his purity under my hungry eyes. Fern sensed his owner's feelings and turned to glare at me. He hissed in warning.

My mouth dropped, "Did you just hiss at me!? After everything I did for you?" I clicked my tongue in annoyance, "Ungrateful snake."

Dante chuckled and put his hand over to a nearby rock. Fern looked a bit upset over being tossed aside as he slithered off his wrist to lay on the rock. However, the rock was warm from the sunlight, so he quickly fell asleep enjoying the sun's rays. Dante pulled off his shirt with a faint smile.

The sunlight peered through the trees as if putting him in the spotlight. His tan skin glistened in the sunlight showing the faint wounds he had received in his lifetime. Each ab muscle was on display begging to be touched. One could almost hear angels singing as the sunlight highlighted every detail.

I didn't even bother wiping my drool.

Not even a month of living in a dungeon could destroy that beautiful Adonis body.

Dante cleared his throat, "Are you going to treat my wounds?"

I blushed and fumbled to grab the kit, "Right! Right…"

As I started to treat his wounds, I quickly chanted mantras in my head to avoid getting too distracted. His wounds were priority. If he died from infection, then how could I possibly enjoy this amazing body?

I wiped the sweat from my brow and sighed in relief, "There. Finished."

I almost lost it there for a moment. That was one large temptation I could barely refuse.

Dante nodded and started tugging at my shirt, "Now it's your turn."

I blushed as I held my shirt firmly, "W-What?!"

"I have to treat your wounds. Take off your shirt."

"M-My shirt?!"

Why is he trying so hard to take off my shirt to treat me wounds?! Doesn't he realize I have nothing on underneath this?!

His golden eyes flashed in anticipation as he tugged trying to take off my top.

… Nope. He fully knows that I have nothing on under my shirt.

I turned away feeling bashful, "N-No! I can't take it off!"

Dante spoke firmly, "I must treat your wounds."

"No! It's too embarrassing!"


I nodded blushing madly. He paused and looked into my eyes with a serious expression, "If you are injured, you could die. Then I will be alone once more. I won't be able to live without you. Do you want that?"

Ugh… Is he trying to guilt trip me? D*mn.

I turned my back to him, "F-Fine! You can treat my wounds. B-But only on my back! I will treat the wounds on my front side…"

Dante frowned in disappointment, but ultimately agreed. I took a deep breath and removed my shirt while trying to remain calm.

It's just my back. It's just my back. 

There's no need to get so excited.

Namu Amida Butsu.

I felt his hand delicately trace the wound on my back sending electricity throughout my body.

I jumped in response, "EEP!"

Dante pulled his hand away, "Sorry… Did it hurt?"

My face burned from embarrassment. How can I admit that it hadn't hurt but felt good instead?!

I cleared my throat, "N-No… It's fine... Just a bit… Tender."

"Mmn. Please bear with it." 

I bit my lip as I felt his hands gently tend to the wounds on my back following the same method I had shown him only moments before. I closed my eyes as I tried to chase away my impure thoughts.

"Seri… I am so sorry…"

I opened my eyes at his miserable sounding voice. Not only did his voice still sound off from having been almost strangled to death, but it also sounded like it was weighed down by extreme guilt. This made my chest feel uneasy.

I really don't deserve Dante's love.

Especially after everything I have done.

I whipped around and suddenly embraced him. I could feel Dante's body freeze from my sudden unpredictable movement. I sat on his lap with my arms wrapped around him.


He blinked in confusion, "Terrible?"

"I have betrayed your trust! I knew Simon was going to kill the Imperial King, but not only did I not stop him, but I also helped him escape. Then, I sought shelter with him and learned that not only was he your older brother, but he was also the one who killed your mother while trying to kill you! I knew he killed your mother and your father, yet I still let him go and didn't even attempt to kill him!"

My lip trembled as I rushed to continue, "Then I got married to the bandit's chief's daughter on accident and now I can't take this disgusting thing off-" I shook my wrist which still had the bracelet on it. I sobbed, "I didn't want to, but they threatened to chop off my wrist and throw me in the desert in a divorce ceremony."


I continued, "But the worse part was that I had to pretend to be Simon's fiancé! I was only pretending to come up with a plan to break you out of prison, but Simon took it seriously! He really intended on marrying me despite my disagreement! He kept touching me and I even had to kiss him! I didn't want to do it, but I still did…"

I sobbed, "I-I don't deserve you!"

As I cried, I tried to wipe away my tears to see Dante's reaction. His face was extremely dark and his voice was cold, "So you're telling me… Simon. Kissed. You."

I sniffed, "T-That's part of it… Yes…"

He tightened his fist as he shook in anger, "I should have killed him."

My lip trembled, "A-Aren't you angry with me? Don't you want to leave me now?"

Dante glanced at me with a frown. Silently, he reached over to my wrist to grab the hair bracelet. He yanked on it.


My mouth dropped as he broke it off effortlessly. Even Simon couldn't get it off. Dante tossed it away with a dark look, "There. Divorced."

Dante then wrapped his hands around me and pulled me closer. He looked down with a frown, "Now about Simon."

I looked down with a guilty expression, "I know I must have made you angry…"

"Very angry." He stated firmly. 

Ugh. I knew it… How could someone forgive their lover for cheating on them? Even if it wasn't my goal, I still didn't stop it. I could have found another way to set Dante free while surviving, but I took the easy way out.

Dante continued, "You must definitely be punished."

I looked up in disbelief, "W-Wait. What?! Punished?"

Why does that seem so ominous?!

"Do you want to make it up to me?"

I nodded quickly, "I do!"

"Then…" He grinned sadistically as he leaned forward to whisper in my ear as he squeezed my waist suggestively, "As punishment, every day we will [censored]."

My head exploded in embarrassment by his lewd suggestion. "E-EVERY DAY?! Isn't that too much?!"

He frowned, "Twice a day."



He was even more irritated, "Three times."

Oh. My. God. Is he just going to keep adding times the more I shout!?

I nodded quickly in agreement, "Three times! Three times is good!"


I nodded quickly, "I promise."

He grinned, "It's a promise then. You're not allowed to break it. So… Shall we?"

"Shall we what?" 

I tilted my head in confusion and noticed his ears turn red as his gaze was lowered. Suddenly I was reminded of the fact that I had taken off my shirt and embraced his bare chest with mine.


I suddenly hugged him to avoid his piercing stare. Dante's ears turned redder as he felt our bare skin pressed together. He knew he wouldn't be able to control himself much longer. His hands started tracing my back teasingly sending shivers throughout my body. I squeezed my eyes closed as my breathing became heavier. 

AAAH! I feel like I'm going crazy!

Feeling frustrated, I bit down firmly on his shoulder.

I could feel his body twitch underneath me as he let out a gasp. His voice was husky, "S-Seri…"

I released him from my bite and turned to see his face draw closer to mine. He planted his lips against mine. My eyes fluttered close as I felt his tongue invade my mouth and tease me. I couldn't stop my hands from drifting down to feel the abs I had gone so long without.

As my mind became fuzzier, I bit his lips while tracing my tongue along the wound. I felt Dante twitch once more and release another earthy moan.

Heh. He really is too easy.


Why does it feel like something is poking me?




I pulled away from him and chuckled with a sly smile, "Dante… Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

"It's not a banana."


I looked at his deadpan expression with a twitching face.

Does he really have to be so honest?!

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