The Sigil of Chaos
7 Chapter 7: Confrontation
Nadran looked at the sigil that Kalio was casting, his face extremely serious.[That should be… Earthen Spear, a low slate attack-type sigil.I won't have the time to approach before it finishes, I'll need to dodge it,] Nadran thought, recognizing the shape that was being formed.
In this world, almost everything with any sort of mastery curve had a ranking.From combat strength to the complexity and power of sigils, if it could be ranked, people had found some way to rank it.One major reason, of course, was so that people could compare themselves to others.With these ranking systems in place, those who were higher ranked could feel superior to those below them.Of course, the more commonly accepted reason was to promote competition and growth, but Nadran knew this was not how most people thought about it in their hearts.In a sense, this system was also a self-perpetuating feedback loop, as those who achieved higher ranks naturally tended to compare themselves with others due to the ranking systems that were already in place, making these kinds of comparisons easy for even those who might not have done it otherwise.Thus, arrogance based on comparisons was one of the most common personality traits in this world.
Some of the ranking systems were incredibly straightforward.The clearest example was the ranking of sigil realms.Sigil realms were indicators of someone's levels and quality of internal energy.Internal energy was the power source for sigils, and the same sigil cast by someone from a higher sigil realm would almost universally be more powerful than someone at a lower sigil realm.They could also cast it more times or for longer durations without becoming exhausted.In addition, internal energy could be used to enhance and repair the body, and even to extend the lifespan.
This was something quite easy to rank, since the sigils changed color based on the caster's sigil realm.Slate ranked cultivators had a gray coloration to their sigils, while marble cultivators had a milky off-white color.These coloration changes caused qualitative changes to the internal energy, as opposed to the purely quantitative changes within a realm.The levels of low, mid, high, and peak within each realm indicated the quantity of internal energy that they contained.These energy levels were easily detectable when a sigil was being cast, to the point where even an amateur could tell the difference.Of course, this was only if you could cast sigils yourself; without sufficient internal energy, you could not detect the energy levels of others.
Nadran was somewhat of an exception to these rules, though.His sigils were purple in color, which did not match up with any of the known sigil realms, and his internal energy levels were lower than almost all other sigil users, not even being at the low-slate level.In fact, Kalio had often mocked that, among sigil-users, even infants had more internal energy than him.
The rankings extended beyond just sigil realms, of course, but most of these rankings held less importance to most people than sigil realms.For example, martial arts and other forms of physical combat were ranked, though the ranking systems were much more complex and convoluted, with it being the primary job of some people to create and refine the criteria of rankings like this.It was likely that Nadran was at a decent rank in these areas based almost purely off his strong body, which was stronger than most sigil cultivators due to the hard work he needed to do to help support his family.He had never actually gone through the trouble of actually getting ranked, though.The rankings for these skills, like everything else, was based on precious stones.
There were even rankings for niche or commonplace activities, like cooking and playing card games.Being skilled enough could still earn you fame, though.Nadran had once heard people talking excitedly about a pearl ranked person visiting the country.Her specialty?Crochet.
Sigils themselves were ranked according to their complexity and power.Low slate was not the lowest, however; there was the 'basic' tier below it, containing sigils such as the light sigil Nadran used at the roadside stall.
Of course, even a low slate sigil like Earthen Spear could easily kill a cultivator if it hit a vital area, and a spear of hardened earth was currently flying toward Nadran's heart.
Nadran quickly shifted to the side, and the spear flew harmlessly by him, hitting the barrier and disintegrating.Nadran quickly rushed toward Kalio, trying to close the distance and attack, but he was forced back by another Earthen Spear.[If only I could use sigils in battle,] Nadran lamented.Unfortunately, his incredibly slow casting speed meant that he would be defeated before he could finish even the simplest combat spell.Kalio was able to cast Earthen Spear in less than a second, but Nadran would take almost 10 to cast the same spell.
"I understand that you dislike me," Nadran said, dodging another spear, "but isn't it a bit extreme to want to kill me just for that?"He knew that he couldn't talk Kalio out of anything, but he was hoping to at least distract him.
"Shut up!" Kalio screamed, conjuring another Earthen Spear sigil."You wouldn't understand the depths of the humiliation I suffered earlier today.Your vile actions can only be repaid with your life!"
Nadran gaped in astonishment, almost forgetting to dodge the next spear.[I wouldn't understand… I'M the one who wouldn't understand something like that?!?!I can't believe this level of moron exists in this world.]Nadran looked into Kalio's eyes and stated in a voice laced with sarcasm and scorn, "Of course, how silly of me.How could I POSSIBLY have ever experienced any humiliation?Nope, I've lived a life free of any hardships.I've never been injured for others' amusement, or mocked and laughed at, or robbed in broad daylight.I've never had someone I care about enter a comatose state for another's sick pleasure.I could never relate to other's hardships… oh wait."Nadran's eyes became colder."That's not my life.That's yours."
"YOU STILL MOCK ME?!" Kalio screamed in rage, essentially ignoring the truth of Nadran's words to focus on the emotions behind it.He glared murderously at Nadran, then stopped and smiled sinisterly instead."Well, you'll be dead soon anyways.You won't be able to mock me then."
[Darn, looks like he was able to keep his cool this time,] Nadran thought in disappointment.[I guess I need to do this the hard way.]He cracked his knuckles, determination in his eyes as he faced Kalio, who was already casting another Earthen Spear.
Nadran jumped to the side to avoid the spear, then rolled under another one as he approached Kalio.Before he could get within striking distance, though, Kalio began creating a more complex sigil, smirking.
[Not good!] Nadran thought as he recognized the sigil for the mid slate attacking sigil, Shockwave.He quickly crossed his arms in front of his face in a defensive posture as a blast of compressed air and sound radiated out from Kalio, flinging Nadran across the room.He rolled a couple times before he came to a stop, shaking his head to clear the ringing sound from his ears.
Kalio didn't give Nadran a moment to rest, and Nadran had to quickly move and dodge yet another Earthen Spear.Nadran charged forward yet again, timing his charge for right when Kalio started making another Earthen Spear.[By the time that spear is finished, he won't have the time to cast Shockwave before I get to him,] Nadran thought.
Nadran dodged this newest spear, causing Kalio to get frustrated.He had thought this would be over quickly and easily, and yet he had yet to hit that purple-eyes even once with his Earthen Spears.As Nadran approached, Kalio started casting Shockwave again, but soon realized that he wouldn't be able to finish in time.Gritting his teeth, he canceled the Shockwave sigil and began a basic defensive sigil, not having the time for anything else.
A transparent shield flickered into being around Kalio as Nadran reached him, but Nadran ignored it, sending a punch directly toward Kalio's face.All the barrier was able to do was lessen the force of his blow as his fist passed straight through it, causing it to shatter like glass.Kalio reflexively raised his arms to protect his face, causing Nadran's blow to land on his arm instead.
With a cry of pain, Kalio was launched across the room much as Nadran had been earlier, and Kalio swore he could hear something break as pain flashed through his arm.
After successfully injuring Kalio, Nadran moved forward to finish the fight.To his surprise, however, Kalio was able to suppress his pain and quickly form a complex sigil.A giant fist made of stone suddenly materialized in the air and smashed into Nadran, launching him across the room.He was flung into the inflexible barrier around the room and rebounded off before landing on the ground.He coughed violently, clutching his chest as he looked up at Kalio.
Kalio was in the middle of casting another sigil, but this one was the most complex one yet.[That… is the high slate sigil, Earthen Spear Barrage,] Nadran realized in dismay.It was a more powerful version of the Earthen Spear sigil that created several spears simultaneously, then launched them all at once, which made avoiding them all almost impossible without a high-level movement technique.
"Die!" Kalio shouted as seven different spears materialized in front of him.Being injured, Nadran knew there was no way to interrupt the spell, nor to make it out of the way quickly enough.[This… could kill me.]
Time seemed to slow down as Nadran watched Kalio finish casting the sigil.[Is this the end?Will I die without even being able to save dad, and after promising my family I would be careful?No, I don't want that!But in order to survive, I need to think of something quick, something that could stop those spears from hurting me.But I can't make a sigil fast enough…]
Suddenly, a thought struck Nadran like a bolt of lightning, causing his eyes to widen.[What if… I could cast a sigil without including all the parts that I don't understand.What if I could create a sigil only using the core sections I recognize?There's no way something that crazy would work… would it?It doesn't matter, I need to try.I don't see any other way out of this.]
As though he was in a trance, Nadran's hand raised into the air and his index finger began tracing a sigil, a blank expression on his face.
"Are you really trying to use sigils to protect you?" Kalio laughed uproariously as his sigil finished materializing into spears made of hardened clay and dirt and he noticed Nadran's actions."Your snail-speed sigils are useless in a battle.Now die by my hand!"
[Barrier,] Nadran thought, tracing the sigil section for barriers.[Sphere,] he thought next as he added a 'sphere' section to the end of the barrier section.[Self,] Nadran finished with the 'self' section, specifying himself as the target for the sigil.As Kalio's spears began flying toward him, Nadran finished his experimental sigil, releasing it.
As the spears flew toward him, Nadran felt oddly calm.[This is it,] he thought.[Either I die from the spears, or am saved by the sigil.Now, I can only trust that my theory was correct.]
The spears finally reached Nadran, but a transparent shield suddenly materialized around Nadran.The spears all struck this barrier, vanishing as though they had never existed.Kalio's satisfied expression quickly morphed into one of shock and disbelief at the barrier that had appeared before his eyes.
"Im-impossible," Kalio stuttered in fright as he stared at Nadran as though he was a monster."Y-you couldn't cast sigils that fast, and certainly not that strong."
A slight smile adorned Nadran's expression as he looked at Kalio.Still in the same strange state of enlightenment as before, he didn't hesitate, but instead raised his hand up to the barrier, causing the sigil that formed the shield to reappear.
Seeing this, Kalio almost collapsed to the floor in fear and incomprehension."Y-you can't make the sigil reappear after you've already cast it.That's not p-possible.Nobody can do that!"
Nadran ignored him.Instead, he tapped the sigil and began tracing lines, adding another section to the already-complete sigil.
The barrier surrounding Nadran suddenly exploded outward, striking Kalio with incredible force.Tyval's barrier, which was still surrounding the room, shuddered, then shattered, disappearing.Kalio was flung against the wall with a loud crash, wood splintering with the force of his impact.He then fell forward limply, landing on the hard floor.
Nadran abruptly woke from the strange state he was in, and he blinked as he realized what had occurred.[Did that really just happen?How did that actually work?]Nadran shook his head, turning to leave, then stopped and turned around, looking at Kalio.He could tell that Kalio was still alive, but was unconscious and badly hurt.
[Should I… kill him?] Nadran wondered, internally struggling.He had never killed anyone before, and the thought of murdering someone in cold blood was terrifying to him.[Maybe I shouldn't… while he tried to kill me, he's never actually killed anyone or done anything of that level, at least intentionally.But still, I feel like he will definitely want me dead, and I should kill him while I have the chance…]
As Nadran was gripped by indecision, he heard the sound of approaching footsteps."Kalio?" Tyval's voice called out from the other side of the door, causing Nadran to panic.
Quickly picking up the Lesser Blood Lily he had dropped during the fight, Nadran leaped out the window just as the doorknob began turning.He climbed down the side of the building in record time and vaulted over the fence, rushing home.As he finally reached his house, he felt as though a great weight had been lifted off his heart.Smiling, Nadran walked in, ignoring his mother's questions, and walked over to his comatose father.
"I got you something," Nadran said as tears ran down his cheeks."So get well soon."
In this world, almost everything with any sort of mastery curve had a ranking.From combat strength to the complexity and power of sigils, if it could be ranked, people had found some way to rank it.One major reason, of course, was so that people could compare themselves to others.With these ranking systems in place, those who were higher ranked could feel superior to those below them.Of course, the more commonly accepted reason was to promote competition and growth, but Nadran knew this was not how most people thought about it in their hearts.In a sense, this system was also a self-perpetuating feedback loop, as those who achieved higher ranks naturally tended to compare themselves with others due to the ranking systems that were already in place, making these kinds of comparisons easy for even those who might not have done it otherwise.Thus, arrogance based on comparisons was one of the most common personality traits in this world.
Some of the ranking systems were incredibly straightforward.The clearest example was the ranking of sigil realms.Sigil realms were indicators of someone's levels and quality of internal energy.Internal energy was the power source for sigils, and the same sigil cast by someone from a higher sigil realm would almost universally be more powerful than someone at a lower sigil realm.They could also cast it more times or for longer durations without becoming exhausted.In addition, internal energy could be used to enhance and repair the body, and even to extend the lifespan.
This was something quite easy to rank, since the sigils changed color based on the caster's sigil realm.Slate ranked cultivators had a gray coloration to their sigils, while marble cultivators had a milky off-white color.These coloration changes caused qualitative changes to the internal energy, as opposed to the purely quantitative changes within a realm.The levels of low, mid, high, and peak within each realm indicated the quantity of internal energy that they contained.These energy levels were easily detectable when a sigil was being cast, to the point where even an amateur could tell the difference.Of course, this was only if you could cast sigils yourself; without sufficient internal energy, you could not detect the energy levels of others.
Nadran was somewhat of an exception to these rules, though.His sigils were purple in color, which did not match up with any of the known sigil realms, and his internal energy levels were lower than almost all other sigil users, not even being at the low-slate level.In fact, Kalio had often mocked that, among sigil-users, even infants had more internal energy than him.
The rankings extended beyond just sigil realms, of course, but most of these rankings held less importance to most people than sigil realms.For example, martial arts and other forms of physical combat were ranked, though the ranking systems were much more complex and convoluted, with it being the primary job of some people to create and refine the criteria of rankings like this.It was likely that Nadran was at a decent rank in these areas based almost purely off his strong body, which was stronger than most sigil cultivators due to the hard work he needed to do to help support his family.He had never actually gone through the trouble of actually getting ranked, though.The rankings for these skills, like everything else, was based on precious stones.
There were even rankings for niche or commonplace activities, like cooking and playing card games.Being skilled enough could still earn you fame, though.Nadran had once heard people talking excitedly about a pearl ranked person visiting the country.Her specialty?Crochet.
Sigils themselves were ranked according to their complexity and power.Low slate was not the lowest, however; there was the 'basic' tier below it, containing sigils such as the light sigil Nadran used at the roadside stall.
Of course, even a low slate sigil like Earthen Spear could easily kill a cultivator if it hit a vital area, and a spear of hardened earth was currently flying toward Nadran's heart.
Nadran quickly shifted to the side, and the spear flew harmlessly by him, hitting the barrier and disintegrating.Nadran quickly rushed toward Kalio, trying to close the distance and attack, but he was forced back by another Earthen Spear.[If only I could use sigils in battle,] Nadran lamented.Unfortunately, his incredibly slow casting speed meant that he would be defeated before he could finish even the simplest combat spell.Kalio was able to cast Earthen Spear in less than a second, but Nadran would take almost 10 to cast the same spell.
"I understand that you dislike me," Nadran said, dodging another spear, "but isn't it a bit extreme to want to kill me just for that?"He knew that he couldn't talk Kalio out of anything, but he was hoping to at least distract him.
"Shut up!" Kalio screamed, conjuring another Earthen Spear sigil."You wouldn't understand the depths of the humiliation I suffered earlier today.Your vile actions can only be repaid with your life!"
Nadran gaped in astonishment, almost forgetting to dodge the next spear.[I wouldn't understand… I'M the one who wouldn't understand something like that?!?!I can't believe this level of moron exists in this world.]Nadran looked into Kalio's eyes and stated in a voice laced with sarcasm and scorn, "Of course, how silly of me.How could I POSSIBLY have ever experienced any humiliation?Nope, I've lived a life free of any hardships.I've never been injured for others' amusement, or mocked and laughed at, or robbed in broad daylight.I've never had someone I care about enter a comatose state for another's sick pleasure.I could never relate to other's hardships… oh wait."Nadran's eyes became colder."That's not my life.That's yours."
"YOU STILL MOCK ME?!" Kalio screamed in rage, essentially ignoring the truth of Nadran's words to focus on the emotions behind it.He glared murderously at Nadran, then stopped and smiled sinisterly instead."Well, you'll be dead soon anyways.You won't be able to mock me then."
[Darn, looks like he was able to keep his cool this time,] Nadran thought in disappointment.[I guess I need to do this the hard way.]He cracked his knuckles, determination in his eyes as he faced Kalio, who was already casting another Earthen Spear.
Nadran jumped to the side to avoid the spear, then rolled under another one as he approached Kalio.Before he could get within striking distance, though, Kalio began creating a more complex sigil, smirking.
[Not good!] Nadran thought as he recognized the sigil for the mid slate attacking sigil, Shockwave.He quickly crossed his arms in front of his face in a defensive posture as a blast of compressed air and sound radiated out from Kalio, flinging Nadran across the room.He rolled a couple times before he came to a stop, shaking his head to clear the ringing sound from his ears.
Kalio didn't give Nadran a moment to rest, and Nadran had to quickly move and dodge yet another Earthen Spear.Nadran charged forward yet again, timing his charge for right when Kalio started making another Earthen Spear.[By the time that spear is finished, he won't have the time to cast Shockwave before I get to him,] Nadran thought.
Nadran dodged this newest spear, causing Kalio to get frustrated.He had thought this would be over quickly and easily, and yet he had yet to hit that purple-eyes even once with his Earthen Spears.As Nadran approached, Kalio started casting Shockwave again, but soon realized that he wouldn't be able to finish in time.Gritting his teeth, he canceled the Shockwave sigil and began a basic defensive sigil, not having the time for anything else.
A transparent shield flickered into being around Kalio as Nadran reached him, but Nadran ignored it, sending a punch directly toward Kalio's face.All the barrier was able to do was lessen the force of his blow as his fist passed straight through it, causing it to shatter like glass.Kalio reflexively raised his arms to protect his face, causing Nadran's blow to land on his arm instead.
With a cry of pain, Kalio was launched across the room much as Nadran had been earlier, and Kalio swore he could hear something break as pain flashed through his arm.
After successfully injuring Kalio, Nadran moved forward to finish the fight.To his surprise, however, Kalio was able to suppress his pain and quickly form a complex sigil.A giant fist made of stone suddenly materialized in the air and smashed into Nadran, launching him across the room.He was flung into the inflexible barrier around the room and rebounded off before landing on the ground.He coughed violently, clutching his chest as he looked up at Kalio.
Kalio was in the middle of casting another sigil, but this one was the most complex one yet.[That… is the high slate sigil, Earthen Spear Barrage,] Nadran realized in dismay.It was a more powerful version of the Earthen Spear sigil that created several spears simultaneously, then launched them all at once, which made avoiding them all almost impossible without a high-level movement technique.
"Die!" Kalio shouted as seven different spears materialized in front of him.Being injured, Nadran knew there was no way to interrupt the spell, nor to make it out of the way quickly enough.[This… could kill me.]
Time seemed to slow down as Nadran watched Kalio finish casting the sigil.[Is this the end?Will I die without even being able to save dad, and after promising my family I would be careful?No, I don't want that!But in order to survive, I need to think of something quick, something that could stop those spears from hurting me.But I can't make a sigil fast enough…]
Suddenly, a thought struck Nadran like a bolt of lightning, causing his eyes to widen.[What if… I could cast a sigil without including all the parts that I don't understand.What if I could create a sigil only using the core sections I recognize?There's no way something that crazy would work… would it?It doesn't matter, I need to try.I don't see any other way out of this.]
As though he was in a trance, Nadran's hand raised into the air and his index finger began tracing a sigil, a blank expression on his face.
"Are you really trying to use sigils to protect you?" Kalio laughed uproariously as his sigil finished materializing into spears made of hardened clay and dirt and he noticed Nadran's actions."Your snail-speed sigils are useless in a battle.Now die by my hand!"
[Barrier,] Nadran thought, tracing the sigil section for barriers.[Sphere,] he thought next as he added a 'sphere' section to the end of the barrier section.[Self,] Nadran finished with the 'self' section, specifying himself as the target for the sigil.As Kalio's spears began flying toward him, Nadran finished his experimental sigil, releasing it.
As the spears flew toward him, Nadran felt oddly calm.[This is it,] he thought.[Either I die from the spears, or am saved by the sigil.Now, I can only trust that my theory was correct.]
The spears finally reached Nadran, but a transparent shield suddenly materialized around Nadran.The spears all struck this barrier, vanishing as though they had never existed.Kalio's satisfied expression quickly morphed into one of shock and disbelief at the barrier that had appeared before his eyes.
"Im-impossible," Kalio stuttered in fright as he stared at Nadran as though he was a monster."Y-you couldn't cast sigils that fast, and certainly not that strong."
A slight smile adorned Nadran's expression as he looked at Kalio.Still in the same strange state of enlightenment as before, he didn't hesitate, but instead raised his hand up to the barrier, causing the sigil that formed the shield to reappear.
Seeing this, Kalio almost collapsed to the floor in fear and incomprehension."Y-you can't make the sigil reappear after you've already cast it.That's not p-possible.Nobody can do that!"
Nadran ignored him.Instead, he tapped the sigil and began tracing lines, adding another section to the already-complete sigil.
The barrier surrounding Nadran suddenly exploded outward, striking Kalio with incredible force.Tyval's barrier, which was still surrounding the room, shuddered, then shattered, disappearing.Kalio was flung against the wall with a loud crash, wood splintering with the force of his impact.He then fell forward limply, landing on the hard floor.
Nadran abruptly woke from the strange state he was in, and he blinked as he realized what had occurred.[Did that really just happen?How did that actually work?]Nadran shook his head, turning to leave, then stopped and turned around, looking at Kalio.He could tell that Kalio was still alive, but was unconscious and badly hurt.
[Should I… kill him?] Nadran wondered, internally struggling.He had never killed anyone before, and the thought of murdering someone in cold blood was terrifying to him.[Maybe I shouldn't… while he tried to kill me, he's never actually killed anyone or done anything of that level, at least intentionally.But still, I feel like he will definitely want me dead, and I should kill him while I have the chance…]
As Nadran was gripped by indecision, he heard the sound of approaching footsteps."Kalio?" Tyval's voice called out from the other side of the door, causing Nadran to panic.
Quickly picking up the Lesser Blood Lily he had dropped during the fight, Nadran leaped out the window just as the doorknob began turning.He climbed down the side of the building in record time and vaulted over the fence, rushing home.As he finally reached his house, he felt as though a great weight had been lifted off his heart.Smiling, Nadran walked in, ignoring his mother's questions, and walked over to his comatose father.
"I got you something," Nadran said as tears ran down his cheeks."So get well soon."
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