The silver fox general of the pirate

Chapter 529 Stampede 20 Times

Time passed quickly, and the fourth round began amidst the anticipation of countless people.

Matches were arranged yesterday, Sakaski and Gion, Kake and Kuzan, Polusalino and Foxy.

One of the most anticipated is the duel between Polusalino and Foxy.

For example, the odds of Sakaski and Gion, Kake and Kuzan are still betting one billion to win one Bailey. These two bets are basically betting on Gion and Kake, trying to get lucky.

Just like the match between Foxy and Gion in the third round, I don't know how many people went bankrupt.

The incident has not eased up to now.

The most interesting matchup is the match between Polusalino and Foxy, with odds of 1:1.

From yesterday to today, all kingdoms and underground worlds, and places where there are gambling cities have arrived all night, because they are all recording bets.

The money circulating in the underground world is already immeasurable.

Today's first duel is the battle between Sakaski and Gion, and the two have already played.

There were no surprises in the ending, Gion persisted for four hours and lost.

This was within everyone's expectations.

Then came the second game, Kuzan VS Jiaji.

There were no surprises, even after five hours of persistence, he was defeated.

In the end, only the most anticipated matchup, Polusalino and Foxy, remained.

After the group was divided yesterday, Donald Duck bet all the Peles on Foxy, a total of 3.1 billion Peles.

And the 2.1 billion Baileys of Berry Goode et al.

And Bashas in the underground world is even more crazy, betting all 110 billion on Foxy.

Although this amount of funds is not the most, it should not be underestimated, and it has attracted a lot of attention from the underground world.

But when all the casinos saw that it was the Emperor Pirates, they put away their little thoughts on the spot.

It is impossible for one casino to swallow 110 billion, so Bashas is still broken up into pieces, and it is probably taken by more than one hundred casinos.

And the Emperor Pirates frantically betting 1.1 trillion was naturally reported.

So much so that now the entire Utopia is paying attention, which is not a small amount.

Now Utopia has begun a comprehensive transformation, involving all aspects, and the news has been announced from the capital. If the 1100 billion can be won, the king will spend 1 trillion to build schools for free, to provide education, and nursing homes, etc. Welfare.

So now the entire Utopian Empire is watching the game.

In fact, Foxy didn't know about this matter, it was entirely decided by Scarlett and Sweetheart, in order to make Foxy famous.

Although Foxy's reputation in Utopia has reached its peak, this reputation is spreading all over the world, so that the flow of people in Utopia has once been high.

What is the most basic of a kingdom is undoubtedly the population.

In short, Utopia is now trying to increase its influence in an attempt to attract foreign populations. One trillion seems to be a lot, but in fact it is not much distributed to the entire empire.

But what is certain is that the entire Utopia has been excited since Wang Du released the news.

At the scene, Polusalino and Foxy looked at each other, their expressions and eyes were full of dignity.

How about rock-paper-scissors?

Polusalino pushed his sunglasses, and the coat of justice fluttered in the wind behind him.

I want to compete with you. I have some confidence in Kuzan and Sakasky, but I am not sure about you.

Foxy shook his head and refused, not to mention that Utopia bet 1.1 trillion on him, even he himself wanted to compete with Polusalino.

If possible, Foxy wants to completely defeat Sakaski, Kuzan, and Polusalino to secure the position of the strongest admiral.

The prestige it brings cannot be underestimated.

It can even bring him a lot of voice in the navy.

And he defeated the three of them with strength, not rock-paper-scissors. He wanted the navy, the Holy Land, and the whole world to see his strength.

Hearing Foxy's fear, Polusalino didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

You think too highly of me.

Polusalino's heart sank. He didn't expect that he had such a high weight in Foxy's heart, ranking above Kuzan and Sakaski.

You deserve my serious attention.

Foxy let out a breath, white mist began to float around his body, and then surrounded his body like five halos of life.

The most important thing is that these five halos are faintly visible and began to be rendered black and purple.

This is armed color.

The second stage, five in one.

Seeing Foxy's face, Polusalino also took a deep breath, and the golden light began to climb from his feet to his body until it covered the top of his head, turning his whole body into a human-shaped luminous body.

God of Light.

The two have already entered the strongest mode before they started fighting, which is enough to see how afraid they are of each other.

However, the dialogue between the two made Sakaski and Kuzan in the audience very upset.

Kuzan was fine, with a calm face and no expression, but Sakalski's paralyzed face was full of anger.

What did Foxy say just now?

Are you and Kuzan inferior to Polusalino?

Sakalski has a lot of opinions, and it happens that he has the last duel, so he must make Foxy look good at that time.

Foxey, have you ever been kicked by the light?

Polusalino stomped his feet lightly, but couldn't see his expression clearly because his whole body was like a luminous body.

Your catchphrase has no sense of innovation at all.

Foxy tilted his head slightly, his eyes were as sharp as dancing swords, shining coldly.

There is only one way to fight Polusalino, and that is to increase the speed, even in a short period of time.

Otherwise, the slow ability will not even have a chance to touch the opponent.


The armed color spread all over the body, Foxy's body didn't move, but the ground under his feet kept collapsing and collapsing, expanding the range of 100 meters in the blink of an eye.

Cap and Zefa leaned forward in the audience, their eyes fixed on Foxy's feet.

It should be right, this guy's shaving has been practiced 20 times.

Garp was unexpectedly dignified.

This is a qualitative change. With 20 kicks in 0.36 seconds, it is not so easy to control.

Zefa frowned. You must know that the most basic thing is to step on the ground at high speed ten times in 0.36 seconds to generate explosive reaction force to move at high speed. Each time the explosive force increases, the speed will also be faster.

The first big watershed was at 15 times, and 80% of the people were eliminated just by reaching 15 times.

It can be said that one step is one day.

And 20 times is the second big watershed, and now no more than ten people in the navy have reached the big watershed of 20 times.

From this data alone, it can be seen how difficult it is to shave 20 times.

Usually the emperor moved three feet off the ground but could not feel any application of shaving, which caused a qualitative change.

Obviously, Foxy has already reached 20 times of shaving, and he has already mastered that explosive power and speed, otherwise he would not be so stable, even standing in the air without feeling any fluctuations.

The best reference is Donald Duck. It is easy to teleport within a certain range, because this guy combines running fruit and shaved, and every 0.36 steps has exceeded 20 times.

Fortunately, Foxy has the fruit of slowness, which can restrain speed-type enemies very well under certain effects.

And with the development of the slow fruit, this situation is becoming more and more obvious. This is also the basic guarantee for Foxy to secure the position of the boss, otherwise Donald Duck would have gone to heaven long ago.

That guy became ruthless and disrespectful, a fierce one. .

The worst thing in life is not being led astray inexplicably, but when you carry loneliness on your back, hold your sword, and decide to keep going and go your own way, a person suddenly appears, hugs you tightly and says: Boy, I want to share this long life with you. When you get excited, you throw away the sword and roast the horse. When you turn around, the person is gone.

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