
The wine bowls collided with each other to make a crisp sound, and Smoker, Berigold, and Drake drank all at the same time.

I was going to go to Utopia after a while.

After drinking a bowl of wine, Derek spoke first.

Oh, I don't even know what to do now!

Berigold was a little confused. During this period of time, he and Smoker wandered around, as if they had lost their target.

That Foxy guy didn't keep you?

Derek's eyes widened in disbelief.

I stayed, but everyone can't accept it for a while, and it will take some time.

Smoker refilled himself and continued to sip.

Yes, I was also taken aback. Drake nodded, then rubbed his forehead. Who would have thought that he would be the emperor of the Utopian Empire. At first I thought I was crazy.

Smoker and Berigold drank without speaking.

Shuen and Hina

Drake hesitated.

In Utopia, Foxy preserved their bodies.

Does he want to? Drake frowned.

Just like you think, he wants to be resurrected.

Resurrection, will there be a way?

have no idea.

Then repair them

Xiu Zuo went to find Teacher Zefa. Gion was observing in Utopia Empire alone, and Admiral Crane is living in seclusion.

Is that so! Can't you face it?

It's hard to accept for a while.

I was going to Utopia in a few days. Drake held the wine bowl and said in a low tone, I just didn't expect you to come here first.

Foxey should have explained to you why!


Smoker and Berigold nodded.

He wants the whole world to be like a utopian empire, where all races are equal and peaceful, and to build a beautiful world.

I have never been to Utopia, but I have heard a lot of news about Utopia. Is it true that the Utopia Empire is a pure land as rumored?

Drake looked serious.

This is true. Everyone in the Utopian Empire lives and works in peace and contentment, and there are no slaves or oppression. The rule of law is very prosperous and lively.

Both Smoker and Berigold nodded.

Is that in line with justice in your mind?

Drake suddenly smiled.

did you mean?

Smoker and Berigold had a flash in their minds.

Originally, I was going to Utopia to join Foxy. I became a pirate because the Warring States Admiral wanted to break into the pirates. I have also understood many things over the years.

Perhaps Foxy was not wrong.

Sometimes, if you change your identity and look at a problem from another angle, what you insist on may not necessarily be correct.

Since so many people around the world want to go to Utopia, it means that Foxy did nothing wrong.

Then why bother?

Isn't it justice to let residents live and work in peace and contentment, equal and happy?

I think Lieutenant General He sees it very clearly, otherwise she would not hide it for Foxy.

What are you looking at me for?

Smoker and Berggood looked at Drake strangely.

I haven't seen you for a few years, and I feel that you have changed a lot. It's like a different person, a little strange.

In Berigold's impression, Drake is definitely not like this.

Maybe leaving the Navy has allowed me to see a lot of things that I don't see in the Navy.

Drake just picked up the wine bowl and signaled to continue drinking.

You really want to go to Utopia?

Smoker looked serious.

Well, I want to see Xiu En, Gaspard and Genai, I believe Foxy will not let me down.

What about the two of you? You shouldn't be able to go back to the navy now!

Speaking of this is out of anger, being tricked by Foxy.

He definitely did it on purpose.

Berigold and Smokey's faces darkened. After they were taken away by Foxy, news spread that they also betrayed the Navy and joined Utopia within a few days.

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, one hundred pass one thousand

One can imagine the consequences, the yellow mud falling off the crotch is either shit or shit.

Although Foxy repeatedly assured that it had nothing to do with him, they didn't believe it.

Haha. That guy has a very dark heart, and it's not like you don't know it.

Drake couldn't help laughing.

Don't talk about those troubles, just keep drinking.


It seems that the captain is really the emperor's friend.

Silver Fox is the emperor. Who doesn't know in the sea now? The captain was friends with Silver Fox, Meteor Hammer and others when he was still in the navy.

Just now I seem to have heard the captain say that he is going to Utopia to join the emperor.

real or fake?

I heard that too.

That's great, if we join Utopia, the days won't fly?

It depends on how the captain chooses.

There was a lot of discussion below, and all the pirates of the Drake Pirates were discussing.

Most of them do not reject joining Utopia, after all, it is Utopia, the most powerful force of the Five Emperors in the sea at present.

Utopian Empire, a gazebo in the back garden.

Foxy put down the teacup in his hand and looked at Katerina who was reporting with a serious expression.

Has it appeared?

Well, here's the route.

As soon as Katerina finished speaking, Foxy turned into a spot of light and disappeared into the gazebo, along with the road map in Katerina's hand.

The next second, Foxy appeared in the courtyard where Donald Duck lived, with an extra bundle of rope in his hand.

This guy is lying on a recliner under a cherry blossom tree, with all kinds of melon and fruit snacks beside him, as comfortable as he wants.

Accompany me somewhere.


Donald Duck opened his eyes, holding a bunch of grapes in his wings, and curled his beak in displeasure.

It's urgent, use the fastest speed.

Donald Duck got up quickly with his eyes fixed, and Foxy sat on his back.

Then a golden long rainbow spanned the entire capital, and disappeared a thousand meters away almost in the blink of an eye.

A layer of golden-green protective cover covered the whole body to resist all the fierce winds, and a route appeared in Donald Duck's mind.

Following a 90-degree turn, the golden Changhong parted from the sea, leaving a bottomless abyss that quickly disappeared.

Because the speed is too fast, there is an illusion of time slowing down.

what's the situation?

There are merchant ships or pirate ships along the way, and the people on the deck only feel their eyes dazzled, and a golden long rainbow appears beside the ship, like a rainbow that lasts for a long time.

More than 20 seconds later, a storm suddenly hit, and the Changhong, which had been lingering for a long time, was separated into the sea and formed a trench, and then all the merchant ships and pirate ships were blown away.

Rampage all the way, quickly passed the sacred road to the first half of the great route, the Chambord Islands, the capital of seven waters, and the long chain island quickly passed by.

This golden long rainbow attracted the attention of many forces along the way, but what they saw was only a long rainbow. If it was just a natural scene, how could it explain the violent wind and split sea.

No matter how you look at it, it's because the speed is too fast.

And in line with this situation, the first thing people think of is a person.

Former Admiral Polusalino.

Leaving aside the sensation caused along the way, Foxy and Donald Duck arrived at their destination.

Fog, iridescent fog, like a maelstrom cutting across the way.

It looks a bit unreal like a mirage. Donald Duck's first thought was that it was poisonous, because it was too bright and dreamy.

It is similar to the poisonous gas and miasma studied by Caesar, but the color is different.

At the same time, there is an island not far from this weird haze. .

I said to my friend: Every time the nurse sister comes to give me an infusion, I will deliberately pretend not to know what the rubber tube tied to my hand is. One word: cuff... Then my friend replied to me and said, do you like it when the driver's license test is taken, the female co-pilot coach softly said: transfer to the library. Understand.

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