He can carry, fight, and hide. What can he do? What can he dare to do? Of course, he will hug his thighs!

"Thighs! I have been wandering for half my life and have never met a wise master. If you don't abandon me, I am willing to be your godfather. Godfather, please accept..."


Bai Xiao was stunned by Shen Ning's shameless and shameless behavior.

What kind of person is so shameless.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and interrupted the other party's spell in time. At such a young age, he didn't want to take in a big son who was older than him.

"I don't take a son."

Bai Xiao waved his hand, and Shen Ning was held up by an invisible force and couldn't move at all.

"Fatty, that's enough!" Xiaoya couldn't help but give Shen Ning a white look, her eyes full of disgust.

"Hehe, I'm used to it!" Shen Ning smiled embarrassedly, but it wasn't that embarrassing.

Moreover, from his words, this was not the first time he had done this.

This made Bai Xiao even more speechless, but he didn't say much and took back the inner force that was controlling Shen Ning.

The farce ended, and Ying He started to get straight to the point.

"Sir, you are not from our Daqin, right? May I ask where you are from and what is your name?"

Before this, they had completed the facial identity comparison, and the comparison results showed that there was no information about the person in front of them among the citizens of Daqin.

So there are only two possibilities, one: the other party is an illegal resident and has never been registered, so there is no such person; the second: the other party is also an illegal resident, but smuggled from abroad.

The possibility of the former is small, so Ying He boldly speculated that Bai Xiao came from abroad.

Bai Xiao had expected this. After knowing their identities, Bai Xiao knew that he could not hide his illegal household.

Whether it is "Li Aotian" on the fake certificate or the middle-aged man with this face now, in front of the entire state machine, no secrets can be hidden.

But he was not panicked. People with ability are honored wherever they go. It's just a matter of household registration. In front of powerful ability, it's insignificant.

"I am indeed not from Daqin. As for where I come from, you don't need to know. You just need to know that I came to Daqin not for any purpose, but to find a place to settle down."

"As for my name... they all call me Dugu Baitian!"

Bai Xiao put his hands behind his back. His ordinary appearance gave people the illusion that he was a mountain to look up to.

Although he seemed calm on the surface, Bai Xiao was already very embarrassed in his heart.

But when he thought that the face he was wearing was not his original face, he was relieved instantly. Anyway, he was not the one who made a fool of himself.


Bai Xiao heard a sound of sucking in cold air. It was the little fat man Shen Ning.

"Dugu Baitian, such a domineering and second-rate name. It turns out that the old senior is the old senior. The name is so extraordinary!" Shen Ning flattered him at the right time.

The rest of the people were skeptical, always feeling that the name was not very reliable.

But after thinking carefully, it was just a title after all, no matter whether it was true or false, even if it was called "Taishang Kaitian Zhifu Yuli Hanzhen Tidao Jinque Yungong Jiuqiong Yuli Wandao Wuwei Dadao Mingdian Haotian Jinque Supreme Jade Emperor Xiexie Datianzun Xuanqiong Gaoshangdi" it would be nothing.

"First of all, I am very happy that Mr. Dugu is optimistic about our Daqin and is willing to settle in Daqin. I welcome Mr. Dugu to join us;"

Yinghe grasped the key point of Baixiao's words. If the other party is willing to settle in their Daqin, then it is very likely that the other party has a good impression of their Daqin.

So as the host, he expressed his welcome to such talents to join.

"Mr. Dugu probably doesn't have a Daqin identity certificate yet. If you are willing, we can solve your identity problem today. Once you become a Daqin citizen, you will be protected by Daqin. Any foreign forces that want to move you must first ask our great Daqin for consent!"

Then Yinghe expressed his sincerity, saying that they would solve the problem of illegal households, and also hinted that even if Bai Xiao came to Daqin because of a dispute or to avoid the enemy, they were willing to give him shelter.

"Finally, the main purpose of our Longwei Division to find Mr. Dugu is whether Mr. Dugu is willing to join our Longwei Division?"

The end of the road is revealed. From the beginning to the end, Yinghe and his team had only one goal, which was to recruit Bai Xiao, a great master.

"Mr. Dugu must also know that the spiritual energy is reviving, the world is about to undergo a huge change, many monsters and demons will appear, and it is less than half a year before the second 'great tide' erupts. If Mr. Dugu joins us, I promise to give him a place to enter the 'Ancestor Dragon Secret Realm' during the second 'great tide'!"

The second "great tide"? What is that? Is there a first one?

In addition, what is the "Ancestor Dragon Secret Realm"? Bai Xiao felt that the other party's words were very interesting.The amount of information was a bit overwhelming, and I couldn't react for a while.

"To be honest, I have been in seclusion in the mountains for many years, and I don't know what the 'big tide' and 'Zulong Secret Realm' you mentioned are. Can you introduce them to me first?"

Bai Xiao asked without knowing, and he was not embarrassed at all.

"The big tide actually refers to the stage of spiritual energy recovery. At a certain moment, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will erupt rapidly in a blowout. Many species will take advantage of this opportunity to mutate or awaken, and gain great benefits;"

"The first big tide was when the spiritual energy erupted for the first time. It has been five and a half years since then; it is understood that the second big tide will be within half a year."

"And the Zulong Secret Realm is a small world controlled by our Daqin. There are countless treasures in it, and there is also a pool of 'Dragon Transformation Pool'. Practicing in it can improve the quality of the awakened person's supernatural powers!"

"As long as Mr. Dugu joins our Dragon Guard Division, you can get this opportunity! What do you think, Mr. Dugu?"

Ying He saw that Bai Xiao seemed to be interested, and couldn't help asking.

"What duties do you need to perform after joining the Dragon Guard Division?" Bai Xiao did not refuse or agree directly, but asked.

"Joining the Dragon Guard Division does not restrict personal actions at ordinary times. Sir, you only need to accept the tasks from above at certain times." Ying He explained.

"Okay, then I will join!" Bai Xiao, with an ordinary middle-aged face, finally accepted the other party's invitation.

Bai Xiao agreed for the following three reasons;

First: As a layman who changed his career halfway, he had almost no understanding of the changes in the world. He could only know about anything after it happened, and he might not know it even after it happened for a long time. That was very passive. Joining the Dragon Guard Division backed by Daqin could make up for the shortcomings of being blocked from information.

Second: Joining the Dragon Guard Division means that he has a basic foothold in Daqin. It doesn't matter if he is alone, but he still has his parents to worry about. By joining the Dragon Guard Division, he can boldly bring his parents to Daqin, which can also relieve his worries.

Finally, the first impression Ying He and his friends gave him was still very good, and it was worth joining.

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