[After leaving Venus City, you continue to head west. On the way, you see many gathering places like Klin Town]

[One month later, you successfully reach your destination, the mysterious farm in the far west]

[You park the car and look far ahead. There are large patches of grassland with cattle, sheep and other livestock eating grass leisurely]

[In the middle of the grassland, there is a thatched cottage covering several thousand square meters]

[The thief tells you that this is the farm he mentioned. At the same time, he points to a few hundred meters behind the farm, where a huge tree stands for hundreds of feet. Establish the world]

[The thief said that those "human face fruits" were picked up from the big tree. You moved your eyes upwards, and among the green leaves rustling in the wind, you saw small human faces. That was the "human face fruit" you were longing for]

[You are thinking, such a big tree, there must be tens of thousands of fruits on it, if you eat them all, wouldn't you be invincible in the world?]

[But now, you need to figure out this mysterious farm. With such a precious tree, its owner must be no simple character, and it would be difficult to rob it by force]

[You didn't have any strength because of your strength You are so proud of your achievements that you look down on others, especially when facing this big tree. You even feel your own insignificance.]

[However, the desire in your heart finally prevails. You lead the thief towards the farm. Since the thief was able to bring back a few fruits last time, even if they were just picked from the ground, it proves that those "human-faced fruits" may not be indispensable to the farmer.]

[You tiptoed and carefully approached the thatched cottage. As you moved, the cattle and sheep that were originally grazing leisurely raised their heads to eat, and their eyes were full of As if a divine light is watching your every move]

[You are a little dazed by the gazes of these animals. You always feel that these cattle and sheep are not normal cattle and sheep, but you can't tell what's wrong]

[You force yourself to ignore those gazes and continue to move forward. The thief follows closely behind you, looking around, obviously a little scared]

[Finally, you stand at the gate of the courtyard. There is a fence at the gate. This low wooden fence naturally can't stop you, but you don't act rashly]

[You look around the courtyard. It's very clean inside, surrounded by fences and thatch Houses, with a spring in the middle, and red carps in the water are fat and round]

[Under the thatched house in front, there lies a dog as big as a lion. This dog is ferocious and is sleeping soundly at this time, and it seems that it has not noticed the arrival of the uninvited guest]

[Facing the big dog, you actually feel guilty. You feel that this dog is dangerous. You even have an illusion that you may not be able to beat this dog]

[You dare not act rashly, let alone open the fence rashly. You are not sure whether the moment you open the fence, like Pandora's Box, something bad will happen]

[You Guess, this fence is a kind of balance. Once the balance is broken, things will develop in an unpredictable direction.]

[You signaled the thief to retreat, and the other party understood. He was also frightened by the big dog and wanted to escape. After receiving your instructions, he did not hesitate at all.]

[You retreated a hundred meters, and the haze in your heart disappeared after you could no longer see the big dog.]

[Although you didn't see the farm owner, you still wouldn't let go of those "human-faced fruits"]

[You took the thief and chose to bypass the thatched courtyard and go directly to the big tree. You were thinking, since The thief secretly picked up a few fruits, and he also picked up the ones on the ground to eat. It shouldn’t be a big deal.]

[Ten minutes later, you came to the bottom of the tree. The closer you get, the smaller you feel.]

[On the ground, "human face fruits" can be seen everywhere. It is estimated that there are no less than 50 in this area.]

[Your eyes are shining. So many "human face fruits", eat them all, can't you stack multiple abilities directly to the maximum level?]

[Just as you get closer to the tree, the "green" mutation source that is dormant in your heart also brings you "the thing that devours superpowers" is actually It "came alive"]

[Perhaps because of the connection between the mind and the tree, you felt a strong desire from it, a desire to swallow the whole tree uprooted]

[You were shocked, this can't be done, at least not for the time being without knowing the details of the farm, so as not to cause a fatal disaster]

[You finally suppressed the desire to swallow, picked up a "human face fruit", wiped it on your body, and then stuffed it directly into your mouth, swallowed it all after a few mouthfuls]

[If you swallow a "human face fruit", you can arbitrarily upgrade one of your abilities by one level]

[[Dream lv7 (2/1000000) can be upgraded]

[Self-healing lv6 (92/100000) can be upgraded]

[Chaos lv7 (59/1000000) can be upgraded]

[Devouring lv8 (96/5000000) can be upgraded]

[Puppet lv6 (0/100000) can be upgraded]

[Illusion lv6 (0/100000) can be upgraded]

[Extreme Ice lv7 (5/1000000) can be upgraded]

[Emotion lv7 (0/1000000) can be upgraded]

[Gravity lv7 (0/1000000) can be upgraded]

Bai Xiao didn’t hesitate this time, and just followed the order. There were so many “human face fruits” here, enough for him to upgrade all his abilities to the “full level”!

[Your ability "dream entering" is improved and, at the current level 8, your "dream entering" range is greatly increased]

Keep going!

[You swallowed a "human face fruit", you can upgrade any ability by one level]

[Your ability "self-healing" is improved and, at the current level 7, your "self-healing" ability is greatly enhanced]

[You swallowed a "human face fruit", you can upgrade any ability by one level]

[Your ability "self-healing" is improved and, at the current level 8, your "self-healing" ability is greatly enhanced]

[Two hours later, you have upgraded all your abilities to level 9 through the "human face fruit"]

[Dream entering lv9 (0/1) cannot be upgraded]

[Self-healing lv9 (0/ 1) Cannot be upgraded]

[Chaos lv9 (0/1) Cannot be upgraded]

[Devouring lv9 (0/1) Cannot be upgraded]

[You find that lv9 is not the end, there are higher levels above, but you don’t know how to reach it]

[You have reached the limit of upgrading now. You wave your sleeves and take away all the remaining “human face fruits” on the ground. You look up at the more fruits above, but you don’t have any bad thoughts]

[You find that the more powerful you are, the more you can understand the horror of this tree and even this farm. Even if you have nearly a hundred level 9 superpowers, they still can’t give you any confidence]

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