Kokoa West Village, Orangery, Nami and Nokiga’s home.

She prefers to stay here rather than in the Dragon Park, and all the while, the money she stole is buried in the orange grove in front of her door.

It’s just that she doesn’t know that the place where the money is hidden has long been discovered by the evil dragon.

It’s just that he hasn’t gathered 100 million Baileys yet, and the evil dragon is not in a hurry at all, after all, Nami’s own value is much more valuable than 100 million Baileys.

“Isn’t Nokiko at home?” Nami came back this time feeling more tired than ever.

She had forgotten all the unpleasantness for a short time, and now returned to the cold reality.

Here, the only person she can talk to is Nokigao, and she will not hide anything from Nokigao.

That was their agreement.

The orange orchard in the early morning, the fragrance of grass and trees, smelling the air here, Nami’s mood was much better, as if she was alive again.

“This time the harvest is very large, exchange the gold here for Bailey, and you can make up 100 million Bailey in the afternoon!” Along the way.

The pirate ships she encountered with Reika, Luffy and others were basically easily leveled, even if they were average.

She also got a treasure far beyond her expectations, and this time the harvest was great, so she couldn’t wait to return to Coco Yasi Village.

Thinking that she was about to buy Cocoa Yasi Village, she happily cooked herself a hearty breakfast and picked a few fresh oranges.

After so many years of believing as a thief, the life of the Lord is finally coming to an end!

“Belmer, have you seen it, this village will soon return to its original state, and when the time comes, everyone will be able to smile from the heart again.” Nami’s eyes shone with tears of excitement and hope.


At this moment, at the site of the town of Gosa, the little boy happily took Nokigao’s hand and ran towards the coast.

“What the hell is going on?” Nokigao didn’t know exactly what the situation was, but just now he heard him say that the navy was coming.

Is it just true? Where is the navy on this island dominated by pirates?

“It’s the Navy, it’s the Navy coming! The surviving uncles in the town of Goza managed to get in touch with the government, the navy came to pick us up, you see, we can be saved! It’s finally time to escape the island! “When we got to the beach, there were already a lot of people around here.

A very small number were survivors, while others were people from several nearby villages who had heard the news.

A naval warship is approaching the island at the moment, it is the naval ship of the 77th branch of the Navy.

When the boy saw it, he pointed to the warship and said excitedly.

“Is that the legendary Dragon Park? Unexpectedly, let the pirates settle down like this, this world is really over! Listen, today’s task is to rescue the survivors of Gosa Town, who were destroyed by the dragon gang, safely! ”

“But obviously seeing that the city of these arrogant pirates is located there, but pretending not to see it, will our justice forgive us!” A local commodore stood on the deck and righteously asked all the navies present!

“Will not forgive !!!” All navies shouted and saluted in unison!

On this sea, the righteous navy still exists!

“This unit is going to start annihilating the dragon gang now! Start preparing for battle now! ”


In the Evil Dragon Park, the Evil Dragon frowned listening to the report from Ah Ji: “The 77th Branch of the Navy? ”

“Yes, that’s what it says.”

“It’s new, any of you go and negotiate with their leader, tell them not to act rashly, if 2 million Bailey can’t be sent, solve them!” The evil dragon thought a little and made a choice.

“Peng!” But at this moment, a shell burst out of the naval warship and aimed straight at the Evil Dragon Park!

It flew towards the dragon.

“Actually opened fire as soon as he came up, big brother dragon, danger, quickly dodge!” Seeing this, a fishman immediately shouted, the trajectory of the cannonball happened to be towards the evil dragon.

“Hmph!” But the evil dragon just smiled contemptuously, opened its mouth, and directly bit the shell, and then the upper and lower jaws were closed, and the whole shell was bitten and exploded.

“Big Brother Evil Dragon is so terrible, teeth and jaw!” Even the fish people are also subjugated to the power of the evil dragon!

“Big brother, do you still want to negotiate?” Croobi asked with a gloomy face.

“No need, a few of you go and dispose of them, this is our sea area, with Nami providing drawings, you can do it more effortlessly!”

“Understood!” Several Fishman Pirate cadres jumped into the swimming pool, which led directly to the sea.

Several cadres dived into the sea and quickly approached the naval vessel.

Attacked naval vessels.

“Fishman attacks !!!”

Ah Chi jumped out of the sea and jumped directly onto the warship, his long lips spit out water, and every shot of saliva was faster than bullets in speed and lethality!

Several navies were pierced in a row, and even the commodore who looked aristocratic and looked like a soldier on paper was pierced through his chest with a mouthful of water.

Bang!! And at this moment, the naval warship suffered a strong impact of the current!

“What’s going on?! Could it be that the fishmen attack under the sea? ”

“Stop struggling, we’ve dismantled your rudder and moved a huge reef to the middle of a strong current, do you know what will happen?” Ah Chi said with a contemptuous smile.

“What do you say, Move Reef? How is this possible?! ”

“Of course, you can’t do it with your weak human strength, but we are noble fish-people, judging by your expression, I should have guessed what the result would be, yes, there will be a deep-sea vortex!” Farewell! ”

After Ah Ji finished speaking, he jumped ship and left, and at this moment the whirlpool had formed next to the naval warship, and the navy was terrified!

I wanted to resist and struggle, but I couldn’t do anything, but in an instant, the sudden appearance of a deep-sea vortex swallowed the entire ship and navy, circling and stirring into the deep sea…

“What a fragile race!”

“But Nami’s charts are really accurate, even the currents under the sea are well understood, and with her, we can control the entire East China Sea more easily!”


“Lie to people!! The naval warship sank !! “The people on the edge of the sea case looked at this scene and fell from heaven to hell!

“This is the reality, we can’t escape the rule of the evil dragon!” Nokigao seems to have long been accustomed to such an ending.

People who came full of hope left with despair.

In the end, only the extremely unwilling boy and the indifferent Noki Gao remained!

“I never believe in reality, since you see it, then help.” At this moment, Reka, who was wrapped in bandages, came from behind the two with an axe on his shoulder.

“Why are you here, you are a stranger, don’t be seen by the fish people, otherwise it will cause trouble, but then again, are you looking a little too good?” I didn’t find out last night. Seeing this, Nuo Qigao hurriedly said.

“I’ll be back in a minute.”

“What do you want to do!?” Noki was puzzled.

Reika plunged directly into the sea.

“You’re crazy, your injuries haven’t healed, how can you swim in the sea…” But Reika was gone, and he didn’t see it float up for a while.

“Big brother, shouldn’t he be unable to think of committing suicide!” The boy looked at the sea blankly, feeling more and more desperate!

“Don’t talk nonsense, he said that he will come back, which suicidal person would say such a thing!” ……

Reka swam towards the deep-sea vortex and soon saw many navies struggling in the whirlpool of ocean currents.

“Magic Shield!!” Reika fingered a finger, and all the navies were suddenly covered with a layer of magic shields.

“What’s going on?! Could it be that the sea god manifested? The navy looked at themselves wrapped in a magic shield and found that the whirlpools and currents had no effect on them, and they all showed expressions of disbelief.

“Is this a miracle? Me I… We are still alive!! I can still talk, and it feels like a dream! ”

“Someone swam over!!” Soon someone saw Reka’s figure.

Reka manipulated them, thinking that on the way to Kokoa West Village, he found a desert island, not far away, and could transport them all!

Now put them on the territory of the dragon rule.

I’m afraid it’s no different from Bai Save, and it will soon be eliminated again.

It is also impossible to stay by their side and protect them exclusively.

He has something else to do, save them, just see and go with the flow, after all, not all navies are bad!

Just challenging the evil dragon, it is estimated that the intelligence is missing, and it came without figuring it out.

Although the evil dragon had a bounty of only 20 million Baileys, it was because he bribed the navy and acted low-key in the eyes of the naval headquarters.

With his bounty, even a pirate of fifty or sixty million Bailey is not necessarily his opponent.

If in the sea, then stronger.

After about ten minutes, Reka lifted all the navies out of the sea and threw them on this desert island where many ships passed: “Find a way to help yourself.” ”

“Slowly, benefactor, I haven’t asked your name yet…” Brigadier General Brynblin just wanted to stop this god-like man, but unexpectedly Reka took off into the air and disappeared in an instant!

It really made him feel like a dream!

And Kokoa West Village also welcomed an uninvited guest.

“Another navy is coming, it is the 17th division of the navy, it is the ship of the naval headquarters, can it be said that the ship that has just been sunk has finally attracted the attention of the naval headquarters?” Many people gathered on the coast again.

And more than before, even Koko Yasai Village, watching Nami and Noki grow tall, wearing a windmill hat on their heads Ah Jian is also there.

“I’m Colonel Rat at the Navy Headquarters, may I ask where is the home of a woman named Nami in Kokoa Ashi Village?” Colonel Mouse’s ship landed near the shore and looked at the crowd and asked.

“Navy? What are you looking for Nami for? Could it be the naval headquarters that Nami contacted? Ah Jian couldn’t help but think.

“Are you here to destroy the dragon?” Someone couldn’t help but ask.

“This is a mission, kept secret from the outside world, does anyone know where the woman named Nami is home?” Colonel Rat asked with a smile again.

However, he received a call from the evil dragon, saying that there was a big deal to be done.

And the content is still very simple, just find the place where the woman hid the money.

The local evil dragon also informed, just pretend to search.

It’s not too easy to make this money.

“I’ll lead the way.” Ah Jian opened his mouth and said, even if he doesn’t lead the way, others will bring it, and he can bring it to see what is going on.

In case the other party finds Nami, it is a good thing, in order to defeat the evil dragon, he also plans to contribute!

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