The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 105 Popular Figures

Continental calendar, 1918, September 15th.

This is a day destined to be recorded in history.

A peaceful march broke out in Stim, the industrial center of Albion, with more than 100,000 people taking to the streets to vigorously call for peace. Workers, businessmen, farmers, students, and company employees all spontaneously joined in. The [Steam City] city government declared a state of emergency that day, calling on people to stay sensible and not let the parade get out of control.

The next day, a large parade of the same level broke out in the capital of Goeun. The White Maple Palace was prepared to respond to the peace in advance because of the reminder from the third princess.

On this day, King Goun's capital was filled with doves of peace.

Under the telegraph and flying news, the entire continent heard the hope for peace from the core area of ​​​​human civilization, as if it inherited the human spirit of soldiers from both sides voluntarily laying down their weapons on the Winter Spirit Festival in 1917, whether they sincerely hope for peace, or have ulterior motives. , at least this long-suppressed outburst of public opinion is unstoppable.

On September 17, in response to the two large demonstrations, demonstrations also broke out in large and small cities in the member states of the two camps. From the map, it looked like a plague spreading rapidly.

On September 18, a letter home from a frontline soldier who was extremely war-weary was published in Steam News and was wildly reprinted by major newspapers. For the first time, people became intuitively aware of the serious psychological damage caused by industrialized thermal weapons to soldiers. On the same day, the Hopes Federation, which was at an extreme disadvantage on the battlefield, still maintained a difficult silence.

On September 19, the Hope Federation requested an honorable surrender, and the Roman Kingdom, which was shrinking in the far east of the continent, began to abolish serfdom.

Peace finally arrived amidst such bumps and bruises.

Later sociologists called the first burst of collective will in this era: the brilliant awakening.

This is the first time that the entire human civilization has independently and actively pursued a kind of greatness without the promotion of gods. The voice of human thought finally began to sprout under the gradually abundant material basis after industrialization, just like a child realizing that he has finally grown up, ignorantly starting to open his eyes to see this world that is still far away from dawn, but this is it meaning.

For researchers tracing this period of history, the most original data is a photo.

This is a photo captured at the peace conference that triggered the Brilliant Awakening. Unfortunately, the photo is severely blurred, which makes people wonder what kind of glory that gunshot was in that dark and chaotic history.

[City of Steam], No. 404 Blue Street, Clerical Office.

It was a busy scene, and everyone had at least one pile of documents as high as their heads.

In fact, this exaggerated scene is natural. For any organization's documents, the most troublesome thing is not the difficulty in action, but the filing after the end of a project.

The tedious paperwork, involving every aspect, can raise the clerical blood pressure infinitely. And Linn has been suffering in this hypertensive hell for four full days.

The specific reason...

"Mr. Linn, please check the blood stains on A1 to A5 at the scene."

"Wait a mininute!"

Lin En, who was being questioned by a group of clerks, took the time to raise his head and shouted, and then quickly lowered his head to explain to the gathered colleagues some terms and shorthand standards in his records. Because of his height, the young gentleman often had to lift his head with great effort. Check again and again that they understand.

Lin En didn't even have time to sigh. He had seven documents and records in his hand waiting to be verified, and at least two large files to be filed. There was so much work that even a person with the ability to clone would be busy. And this is all because his overly detailed document report four days ago was favored by the Minister, and he was directly named and encouraged to be the [Lamp Holder] document model.

Colleagues also wanted to learn this skill. With Mr. Clark's permission, Lynn became the core of the clerical department, like a brain that treated others as extensions of his own limbs.

Lynn's work was very bumpy, but he did a good job.

As for being promoted to extraordinary?

Haha, Linn, who is as busy as a dog, has selectively forgotten.

But just because Linn forgot, it doesn't mean that others will forget. When Mr. Bill came to the clerk's office with a happy face and saw Linn looking like a team leader, taking a bunch of paperwork and processing information in an orderly manner in the big office, he leaned at the door and shouted with amusement on his face.

"Little sir, have you turned this place into the staff headquarters of the Northern Front? Throw away your damn soldiers and run with your boots on. Bill needs you, hurry up!"

Mr. Narrow Eyes temporarily freed Linn, who was a little dizzy from work.

Linn subconsciously looked at Clark.

Clark, who was still a little carefree, suddenly became excited and adjusted his glasses calmly.

"Mr. Clark, as my mentor and you who know my writing style best, I believe you can complete the next work."

"Lynn, can't you be considerate of a middle-aged gentleman's mind?" Seeing that Clark couldn't escape, he could only feebly accuse him of this bad behavior.

Lynn's current position is the well-deserved center, and he must direct others as skillfully as the conductor of the orchestra.

Clark is certainly up to the task.

But he used this to train Lin En, why did he throw it back at him? Clara began to wonder whether to blast Bill away first.

"Please." Linn couldn't help but push the documents in his hand towards Clark, accidentally disturbing a pile of his documents.


Clark, who had obsessive-compulsive disorder, couldn't stand it anymore and quickly raised his voice and started sorting documents, while Linn took the opportunity to trot out of the clerk's office. The clerks couldn't help but laugh. The old people with obsessive-compulsive disorder were being played by the newcomers in the office. This was definitely the spice to a boring office day.

"Poor Mr. Clark." Bill outside the door was also laughing in a bad way.

"Why don't you take pity on me, a minor?"

Lin En, who happened to come out, glared angrily. This guy had been coming to the clerk's office to check on him in the past few days.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you who have always been in the limelight in newspapers, do you need us to pity you?" Bill smacked his lips and shook his head, unfolding the steam newspaper under his arm.

A photo suddenly appeared in the center of the front page.

That was Linn's gun warning, and Amiste's face was full of tenderness. This picture perfectly meets all the expectations of the Albion people, a young gentleman, a gorgeous lady, a peace meeting, a dangerous moment. In an era when there were no portrait rights, Lynn's photos once topped the charts and became a hot-selling wealth code for newspapers.

And his behavior of standing up at the critical moment also protected Ziegler, the goddess of peace, and was praised by newspapers as a knight who protected the dawn of peace.

Sophia has been buying newspapers about Linn all over the past few days, and talks about it excitedly at dinner every day. This makes Linn feel ashamed, but Albion people are good at this.

"Okay, why are you looking for me?" Linn grabbed the newspaper in a bit of embarrassment. He didn't need a second person to remind him that he had become a popular figure in the [Steam City].

"Of course it is, your promotion report, my little sir, you don't think that the potion will come to your mouth without applying, do you?"

There was a hint of seriousness in Bill's smiling expression, and the statistics of Lynn's achievements had been completed.

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