The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 145 Terrible Person

"It's a shame that you were able to deal with that arrogant genius even after destroying her wheelchair. Should I say that the tolerance left between you geniuses is always much greater than that of others? If it were me, I'd probably be a serf by Miss Atali now."

Mr. Bill, who was asked by Lin to repair his wheelchair, did not hide his teasing.

There should always be sympathy between geniuses and geniuses.

At least Bill thinks so. In the eyes of others, the reason why Lynn and Atali can chat is largely because of his talent, which can keep up with the knowledge of the wheelchair girl, so that she can look at each other.

Of course, as long as he is not a complete lunatic, Lynn can have a good conversation with each other with his excellent social skills.

"Mr. Bill, you have been promoted to Sequence 8 [Manufacturer], and Miss Atali still respects you very much." Linn couldn't help laughing from the bottom of his heart when he recalled the sarcasm you said to me when they met just now. , these two people really have hopeless personality differences.

"That's right, from pointing your nostrils at me to moving your head down twice with respect." Although Bill's words were exaggerated, it was still possible to see Atali's ruthlessness.

Having said that…

However, Lin En still saw the exquisiteness of the [Manufacturer]'s hands. He actually repaired the broken wheelchair with his bare hands. Bill's smooth flow during the whole process was like magic. The scattered parts are accurately placed in the suspended space.

In the end, the parts fit together and the shape was magically formed.

That process.

The little gentleman put everything into the memory palace, but he clearly understood that it was impossible to replicate the process with his own hands. Perhaps with the blessing of [Nourisher], I can temporarily compensate for my perception with exquisiteness, but it still cannot keep up with the amazing precision.

Bill's basic ability, shock detection, has been greatly enhanced.

"Anyway, congratulations on advancing to Sequence 8."

"Haha, I'm very happy for your blessing. Please hurry up, little sir." Mr. Narrow Eyes was in high spirits, and it was obvious that his condition couldn't be better.

‘Want to speed up? ’ Linn couldn’t help but have a hint of thought in his smile. If it was just a simple digestion of the potion, there is no doubt that he had already eaten the contents of the potion, peeling off the skin and bones until nothing was left.

The moment the potion was completely digested, the fullness of [Flower Maker] and [Nourisher] reminded Linn of the limit of Sequence 9.

The Black Holy Grail helped Linn digest all the pollution.

On the third day after swallowing the magic potion, he had completed the digestion at the fastest speed among all the others. This made Linn cautious and began to think about when he would find an opportunity to make some achievements again and transition smoothly to the sequence. 8. According to the information that Lin En read, it is not unusual for the lower ranks to be promoted faster, and it will not attract attention.

Lin En sighed inwardly, this is the most troublesome thing in the system.

Cannot be promoted quickly.

Not only are people staring at you, there are also people who are curious about you. Of course, everyone has their own little secret. To put it another way, if others don’t see through your little secret, then use it.

"I just moved into a new home. I want to plant some flowers recently. Do you have any..."

As he and Bill were walking leisurely towards the office, suddenly a figure appeared in front of them without warning, causing both of them to stop subconsciously.

Sherlock Holmes.

This man has dark hair, slightly curly bangs on both sides, and a fashionable ponytail hanging behind his head. His three-dimensional facial features are in line with this era's perception of beautiful men. What is worth noting is that his eyes suddenly looked over, as if he were facing a bottomless sea, and the flow of thoughts in them was complex and unpredictable.

He was holding the pipe, and his purpose was obviously here.

"Mr. Sherlock?" Bill was a little confused. This guest from the [Fate Weaver Bureau] should be discussing work with the minister and the team. Why did he come here.

"Hey, hello gentlemen."

Sherlock was dressed in a simple formal suit and raised his hand to say hello in an easy-going manner.

"I'm here to talk to Mr. Moriarty about some personal matters." Sherlock approached with almost no airs and an approachable attitude.

‘Want to talk to me? ’

As if he saw Linn's doubts beneath his calmness, Sherlock's smile gained a hint of meaning.

"Yes, I have already spoken to your minister. It is in compliance with inter-departmental procedures, but will not be recorded. It is a private conversation."



When she first saw this man, Linn had a strange feeling. This feeling comes from the bottom of my heart and is impossible to ignore.

The name for this feeling is, Threat.

Although Sherlock Holmes concealed himself very well and was gentle and polite, that was just his acting skills. Underneath that cracked gentleness is the arrogance of overlooking and scrutinizing, a kind of alienation that does not take the people around you into consideration. The reason why he was able to see through this man's disguise was because Lin En was so annoying for a short period of time, treating everyone else as dispensable.

In other words, Linn almost became that kind of person, smart and cold-blooded, with weak ideas, and capable of doing anything to achieve his goals.

It was Sophia, Bill, Eveney and the others who pulled Lin back to the edge of the normal world with their sincerity.


Lynn Moriarty really wanted to stay away from this Mr. Sherlock. Being with this kind of person, he really didn't feel safe at all and felt that he would be abandoned at any time.

In the lounge, steaming black tea was brewed by water jets.

Sherlock craned his neck to sniff at Lynn's poor brewing skills, and praised him completely without telling the truth.

"The black tea brewed by Mr. Moriarty is so fragrant. I have only drank such fragrant black tea at Ananta. I still remember that when I tasted the tea with a few friends, we all sighed that if there were enough sugar, Just add it in. Personally, I like six sugars in a cup of tea.”

"It's because the tea in the bureau is good. You praise it so much."

Sherlock suddenly looked at Linn intently.

Is there something wrong?

Lin En thought subconsciously, Ananta is a tea-producing place in the Far South Continent, so there is no problem with this. Why is this Mr. Detective staring at him like this?

"Haha, Mr. Moriarty is really interesting." Sherlock, who was holding the tea cup, retracted his somewhat rude look, sighed with no meaning, and then continued. "I'd better call you Mr. Lynn. In fact, I was also present on the day of the peace meeting. Unfortunately, for some reason, I couldn't have a good talk with you, the knight who protects the goddess of peace."

Sherlock took a sip of black tea and then put it down.

Then he crossed his legs and formed a tower with his hands. His eyes were as sharp as a knife, as if he could tear apart Lin En's disguise.

"Can you tell me how you saw the [line]?"

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