The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 20 Childhood Friend

Squirrel Street is the intersection of Zhongcheng District and Xiacheng District of [Steam City]. If you look over the city, you will find that this street is roughly crescent-shaped.

This middle and lower buffer is the most diverse place in the city. Here you can see people who are pouring into the [Steam City] with dreams and trying to work hard through their own efforts. Most of them have a natural advantage. That is to be young enough to fight hard.

A young man becomes a stockbroker by virtue of his keen sense of smell and defeats financial giants to achieve social class promotion. Or an actor or dancer is spotted by a big shot and becomes his bed partner.

Of course, you can also see many people who have fallen into the abyss in this place.

The bosses whose companies have gone bankrupt, the main workers in their families have been injured or died, and the unlucky ones who have been cheated. They never forget the good old days and still try to maintain the futile and ridiculous style. There are also many more people who were originally poor, who have been poor since the previous generation and have been unable to accumulate wealth. They are still poor in this generation. They work hard on Squirrel Street and place their hopes on the countless opportunities in this city that roars with steam.

Someone becomes rich overnight.

Someone went bankrupt.

It sounds like a gambler who gets jealous at the gambling table, and the winner is always the city. Everything from the loser fertilizes the city, while the winner feasts on flesh and blood.

This scene was unforgettable for Lin En.

What a terrible night it was, with creditors, insults, threats, pushing, chopping off hands and feet, slave ships, debt collection, the destruction of a poor child was almost at hand. Thanks to the kindness of Detective Douglas, who came forward to tell those people to go away, Linn had the opportunity to settle down on Squirrel Street with the help of others.

Lin En's father was originally a well-known figure, and his cane sugar and downstream product business even supplied the country to the Far South. When Lin En's father became wealthy, he would often fund some church orphanages or welfare institutions. As time went by, Lin En could even recall that he started to be ignorant and could remember.

Because of this, Lin En gained a childhood sweetheart, and she was a big help in being able to settle down on Squirrel Street.

Ambition cannot be eaten.

Before leaving his name in this era, the priority is how to solve today's dinner. Lin En, who had an empty pocket, had no magic to conjure food, and did not want to challenge his hunger tolerance. He had no choice but to shamelessly decide to find his childhood sweetheart to tide over the current difficulties.

Sophia is her name.

[Good Luck Bar] is located on the edge of Midtown, close to Squirrel Street. It is said that if you get drunk here all night, you will have surprisingly good luck the next day, and no matter what you do, you will go well. Maybe looking for self-righteous luck in a hangover is just an excuse to numb yourself with alcohol.

Sophia worked as a female worker in a bar, and the lady boss was pretty nice. It was said that she was given a weekly salary of 20 soles, which is 1 gold pound.

The reason why she is worth this price is that before becoming a female worker, Sophia, who left the orphanage, was in a gang, and she was doing pretty well. Agile and daring to fight, she quickly gained her own position on Squirrel Street. Now she is still somewhat thin on the street, able to deal with the drunkards in the bar who want to make trouble and pay for protection.

‘When there is a base gap that cannot be reached by superstructure rights, someone will automatically fill it. The form of filling may be clan, squire, church, gang...'

Lin En silently recited some knowledge that came out of his super-memory brain, and opened the door of the [Good Luck Tavern] in the already red sunshine.

In the folklore of Albion, every day when the Burning Sun sets in the west, the Weaver Moth will flap its wings and bring the veil of night stars to the entire world. However, [Burning Sun] and [Weaving Moth] often conflict. In order to pray for the smooth rotation of the gods, people will put down their work at this moment to pray. Of course, nowadays, except for church personnel, few people follow this custom.

But the girl with silver hair and ponytail who was praying at the bar in front of her obviously retained this living habit brought from the church orphanage.

Sophia's long silver-gray hair was tied at the back of her neck with a ribbon, and her upper body was in a loose top that was easy to move around. She did not wear an ankle-length skirt like other girls, but instead wore modified work pants. The same It is to facilitate kicking or running. What is striking is that there is a long scar from her left eye to her face, which makes her look very fierce.


Hearing the movement at the door, she opened a pair of lake green eyes that were similar to the young Lin's but lighter in color. The eldest sister's head immediately showed a look of joy.

"I thought you weren't busy at this time, so I came to see you."

Linn walked over a little unnaturally and put one hand on the bar.

"It will take another two hours for this place to get lively. Do you want something to drink? I'll take it." Sophia reached out and hugged Lin En's shoulders, not caring that the scenery in her loose top was exposed. It should be seen. Linn caught a glimpse of things he shouldn't have seen. This kind of thing happened not once or twice. Sophia, who spent her childhood with Linn, was too careless to be a girl.

In Sophia’s rude words:

When you cried and hugged me and wiped me hard, it was me who picked up a stick and beat away those little bastards who bullied you. Why don't you give me a hug? Sister Sophia? Is there anything you haven’t seen?

Indeed, Lynn's childhood was basically covered by Sophia. Before she was thirteen years old, she was Lin En's father's playmate. The two of them got along in childhood as the eldest sister and the weak follower. Until she was thirteen years old, Sophia left the church orphanage and followed her own path. Xingzi went to the streets to work hard for a living, but the actual relationship was not far apart.

So, if you have a childhood sweetheart who knows all the embarrassing stories of your childhood, when she hugs you carefree, Lin En's shame can make him carve out a three-bedroom and two-living room on the floor.

Before the time travel, Linn didn't really want to see Sophia. One reason was shame, and the other was embarrassment.

It can only be said that adolescent boys are worried about gains and losses and need to have strong self-esteem.

"Something happened to me yesterday." After breaking free from Sophia's arms, Lin En patted her troublesome claws in vain as she smiled and rubbed her head.

"Are some bastards bullying you? I'll help you break their legs!" Seeing her brother hesitating, Sophia opened her mouth to break their legs.

"You can't beat the hell out of a certain police officer at Elba Field."

"Huh? Were you caught while looking out?" She was the one who introduced the boy's gang to the job. When Sophia thought of the terrible name "Poor Man's Grave", she quickly jumped out of the bar and looked at Lin up and down. kindness.

"It's not that, it's just that I did something I shouldn't have done." Linn, whose face was deformed like a Shiba Inu being rubbed, stared at her eldest sister's head expressionlessly. "In short, four people in the gang died. In order to survive, I threw all the money I hid to the police. Today I went to the fish market with people from the [Suppression Bureau]. The charges against me were cleared not long ago. Lost."

Lin En's description was very brief, but even so he could tell how dangerous it was, and Sophia was naturally distressed and hugged him tightly.

"Don't be afraid, I'm still here."

ps1: Thanks to Yiru Fanzhang for your monthly vote~

ps2: I had a chat with the editor today. The current reading of this book is 20, and the collection is over 400. If you want to test the waters, you need to have a reading of more than 120. I don’t know how many readers can read this paragraph. , if you see it, I hope that readers will often click on the latest chapters when they decide to fatten up, so that the dolls can read more. This is the greatest encouragement to the dolls! Thanks!

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