The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 202 Banquet

Lin En spent the entire day running up and down 404 with Clark, mainly to coordinate arrangements between different teams. Good coordination can avoid a lot of useless waste or contradictions. For example, in the battle before time travel, because of coordination problems, when we asked for bullets and cannons from the logistics, what we got instead was beer and cigarettes.

When Lin En saw this anecdote, his first reaction was to laugh immorally.

Imagine that those soldiers were going to fight each other with beer and cigarettes. Probably the only thing they could do was sit in the trenches, smoke and drink, and wait for the other side to rush up.

After laughing, it’s time to think.

The larger the organization, the more it needs a beautiful coordination to avoid all kinds of delays and errors. In the information age, companies use various chat software to avoid coordination errors, and large enterprises have dedicated personnel responsible for this aspect.

In this era, there is no convenient communication of information. Due to personal habits and lack of attention to regulations in various aspects, it is easy to cause embarrassing situations where the program does not respond. Clark solved this problem by proposing some documents that were specifically responsible for facilitating the exchange of information and stipulating the interval between exchanges.

Anyway, there are quite a lot of support documents brought by other branches, so use them if you can.

Lin En also learned from Clark.

Work on paper will feel boring after a long time, and there seems to be nothing to elaborate on. In addition to paying attention to various inconspicuous details, Linn just communicated with the team leaders.

With Bill's preliminary work, Lynn's wiring was easy.


When talking with a certain red scarf team leader at [Timepiece Tower], the team leader expressed slight dissatisfaction with some of the intimacy between Lin En and his team members, showing the look of an old father looking at his daughter for fear of being abducted. . Lin En could only laugh awkwardly and pretend to be stupid.

At this time, Linn knew that Leticia was the little angel of the [Timepiece Tower], but this angel seemed to hit the ground head first when descending to earth.

Although Captain Quinn wears colored glasses when it comes to his feelings for Lynn, he still quite approves of his professional abilities, especially when some young gentlemen with inexplicable guilty consciences are really more serious and attentive here.

Linn, who was running up and down with great energy, could not see the dying look he had yesterday.

Even he was a little surprised.

It seemed that since a certain moment yesterday, she had always felt a sense of emptiness that her injury had healed. If she hadn't opened her clothes and clearly saw that the wound under her bandage and gauze had not healed, Linn would have thought that she had recovered as before. I checked it several times and there was no problem. It also allowed me to focus more on my work. The young gentleman gave himself a [Flower Maker] ability and left it alone. Anyway, with the Black Holy Grail here, there is really nothing wrong with it. If the problem doesn't make sense, you won't notice it.

Time passes quietly and quickly.

When Linn came back to his senses from the intense busyness, the sky outside the window was already dyed with a hint of yellow. This made him quickly take out his pocket watch and took a look at the time. Lin En couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Clark, that's the end of it for today."

After shouting to his colleagues in the office, Lin shook the pocket watch in his hand.

"You divide the work." Clark was busy with his back to Linn, so he couldn't see his expression. From his tone, he just lightly told the young gentleman to arrange things before he left.


Lin En's eyebrows were stained with a hint of fatigue. He always felt that he seemed to be tired more easily than usual today. I don’t know why, but Mr. Clark’s energy is much stronger than before, as if he has been given a shot of blood. You must know that he is just an ordinary person, and he is still an extraordinary person.

Asking ordinary people to apply the standards of extraordinary people is an extremely inhumane act in itself.

When Lin En arranged the work that other clerks needed to take over after he left, the sky became more and more dim, and large clouds floated in the sky, giving people an extremely unreal movie scene. It's as if those sugar clouds are gathered together like condensed milk sugar strands, hanging there tempting you to take a bite.

So beautiful.

In fact, in half an hour, these beautiful clouds will turn from white and yellow to the gorgeousness of burning clouds.

"Not a single carriage is gone..."

Under this beautiful sky, Lin En couldn't help scratching her head at the empty parking lot. When he came in the morning, he saw rows of carriages parked here and planned to borrow one to take him to the Rhine Street Hotel. Unexpectedly, when he was busy, all the guys who were out had already borrowed all the carriages.

Lin En saw this, felt that there was nothing wrong with her body, and decided to take the No. 11 bus to her destination.

But soon, Linn regretted his decision.

Because when he was halfway through the walk, the false sense of recovery had obviously subsided, and was replaced by the intense pain that should have appeared in Linn's body to remind him not to torture himself.



Before the time travel, the most painful time Lynn experienced in college was on the way back from a trip to an Internet cafe. At that time, acute enteritis broke out, and Linn felt that every step he took would cause pain to his internal organs, which would cause him to breathe cold air, so he could only move in small steps on the road.

Even his vision was blackened by the pain, and he doubted whether he could hold on until he returned to the dormitory. In the end, he walked a long way back to the dormitory to rest based on his willpower. Looking back afterwards, Linn felt that he had created a miracle.

Linn felt that his record should be broken.

At first it was just a little warning pain, but Linn didn't take it seriously as he quickened his pace. Then the pain gradually increased as time went by. When Linn walked to the Rhine Hotel, he felt that he must be in a sick state with a pale face and cold sweat on his forehead.

There was never a moment when the little gentleman missed driving Lolita so much.

He swore that if Leticia appeared now, he would kiss her, immediately! Hardly!

Although the current pain is more intense than the most painful experience he has ever had, his body is also very different. Linn gritted his teeth and slowly inhaled. The pain was a bit more painful, but he could still hold on, so he couldn't help but Going to suffer.

The hotel doorman looked at Lin En. He saw the wax seal on the letter and really didn't dare to stop Lin En. But Linn's appearance as a special guest who is not completely formal and has a pale face is still very eye-catching.

The second floor of the Rhine Hotel.

The place is magnificent, with gold and silver as the main tone. Even the wallpaper reveals a sense of luxury, and the lighting is luxuriously powered by electricity, making the interior feel like daylight. When Lin En came up in the elevator, what he saw was this luxurious and gorgeous scene. Lin En, who was dressed a little shabbily and informally, quickly became the center of attention.

I still owe 79 chapters~~

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