The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 380 Sickness

This should be said to be that the then second prince Leicester made a mistake when he was about to win politically. He was too emotional and complacently issued an order.

The more elegant way of saying this order is that it is better to chase the poor bandits. Translated, it means, you bitches who support my brother to mess with me, wash your necks one by one and wait to see if I can deal with you.

If it is a knock-down style of seizing power, no one dares to be dissatisfied if we say that this kind of liquidation is feasible to the end. But if it's a palace struggle style, and speaking of this kind of emotion, it's a pleasure. After the pleasure is over, what will those people who don't take sides, or are betting but not all-in and ready to stop, think?

The second prince, who was dazzled by the victory, had two consequences.

One is that the eldest prince Baldwin, who had been captured, slipped out of the prison with the help of some people. His escape gave the rebels an excuse and a flag. To this day, the matter of rebellion is still a taboo in Albion politics, and no one dares to mention the torn scar. Another result is that families in various regions who obeyed the imperial edict have suffered more or less blows. Before they consciously were liquidated, in addition to transferring property and personnel, those people took revenge before leaving.

At that time, Gowan and Hopps both laughed from the corners of their mouths to their ears.

This is pie in the sky!

All kinds of extraordinary people, whether they are skilled workers, engineers, or financial people, their exodus and systematic exodus are naturally warmly welcomed.

The second prince came back to his senses after having fun, and realized that his order was wrong, so he quickly issued a new order late that night. Albion was tortured like this once, and his vitality was also damaged.

Aitali and Yevni lived in that turbulent background of the times.

The two of them have been close friends since childhood.

They are basically inseparable playmates who play carefree together. The two ladies have left their footprints in many beautiful places in Stim.

Atali remembers it clearly.

In those days she always played the princess, and Evonne the knight. The knight failed to perform his duties perfectly and always protected the princess. In that sudden attack, the attendants and extraordinary people who guarded them suffered fatal blows, and each of them died tragically without effective resistance. In the hands of a sequencer.

When the man came to Aitali, paired with the gloomy and oppressive sky, the young Aitali was so frightened by the gloomy and cruel face that she did not dare to move, waiting for death to come.

But in the end the attack failed.

Yevni, who was extremely courageous and agile, rushed over to hold Aitali in her arms, and at the critical moment, the strange and incomparable attack was dodged in front of her. In the aftermath of this attack, Yevni was unconscious and dying for a whole week, while Atali's legs were affected by a strange ability, which directly affected her spine and lost all feeling in her legs.

Then the rescue force of the two ladies' families finally arrived and rescued the two people.

Afterward, everyone said that it was luck that they survived.

But for Atali, what she will never forget is the fearless and decisive figure of her guardian knight who pounced on her when she was so scared that she couldn't move, like a chicken in the storm.

From that time on, the girl in a wheelchair became somewhat inferior and sensitive, and naturally had a strong repulsion towards other people. Except for Evni, only female knights can enter her safe range. This almost pathological trauma has only improved in recent years, and only slightly.

Arrogance and strength became part of her hard shell, words and deeds.

She will instinctively feel resistant to those who try to get close to her and those she is not interested in, and may even develop a tendency to attack.

The auxiliary profession [Astrologer] based on [Line] and [Registration] was chosen by the Atali family for her to prevent her unconscious attacks from harming others.

She is normal.

At least it seems normal to others, but in the heart of the lady with disabled legs, she knows better than anyone else that a large part of the reason why she can continue to be normal is because her knight, her Ye Fu, has always been by her side. She and I are good friends who talk about everything.

This close and dependent friendship gradually deteriorated when the two became adults, and Linn suddenly made a brilliant appearance!

For Atali.

The appearance of Lin En and the slight change in Yevni's attitude made her feel very insecure. What makes the lady in wheelchair even more confused is that Yevni's love for Linn is real and strong. This is why Yevni, who has been feeling guilty for so many years, has shown such joy in front of Aitali.

When Eveni was happy, she also became happy inexplicably, and she extinguished some of her more dangerous thoughts.

She was extremely jealous that Lin En could touch Yevni's heart. She was happy for her friend, but she couldn't hate Lin En. She even felt vaguely happy. She didn't know what was wrong with her, and she couldn't find the answer from books.

This autumn hunting, she wanted to find the answer.

As for Linn, several bold and intimate moves seemed to have delivered the answer.

So she calmed down and came to the grassland to relax a little melancholy, waiting for Lin En to come over. She knew that his personality would definitely come to him if he reacted after seeing Shu Chui there. Facts have proved that it is correct. Atali's grasp of Linn's character is still very accurate.

And Linn's expression was wonderful when she heard this.


He didn't know what to say to start with, but he put his arms around Atali's delicate shoulders, not feeling charming at all. The little gentleman felt that he was holding the lady in the wheelchair, as if he was holding an unstable bomb. Whether the bomb would explode depends on his temperament.

Linn felt that Aitali was sick and had a very serious mental illness!

According to various theories, it can be proved that what a person encounters in childhood will change his life, which is why there are unfortunate people who spend their entire lives healing their childhood. The trauma left by the attack that year probably still remains in her heart.

Of course, fortunately, Atali's mental illness was cured, and it was she and Evene who went to cure it together.

If he knew this in advance, Lin En felt that he could provide a little help through verbal therapy. After all, he had come into contact with all kinds of people, and even if he couldn't provide help, he wouldn't detonate a bomb.

But the problem is...

The current ambiguous entanglement between him and Yevni has made the already dangerous detonator structure even weirder, like a mess that makes people feel scared just looking at it, let alone trying to dismantle it!

"Why don't you speak?" Aitali slowly turned her head, staring at Lin En with her heterochromatic eyes.

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