The elves dismantled their own world tree and cast it into a flying object in space that Linn couldn't understand at all. It might be called a plant-type biological mothership, or a self-contained ecosystem that provides a place for life and can capture meteorites and rays. Its size needs to be on the other side of the planet to form a gravitational balance with the moth moon to avoid tearing apart continental plates.

As for the question of whether any elves object to cutting down their own old trees.

It can only be said that war creates absolute authority. This is just like the founding emperor or the loving father of the Soviet Union, the wheelchair man in the lighthouse, and the rabbit librarian. The Elf King at that time used constant victorious wars to shape his authority. , coupled with its powerful power, one person is the leader and helm of civilization.

From running in the handicraft industry to entering the magical information age?

This is like riding a rocket and sprinting to the era of the magical universe, right?

The young gentleman could no longer resist the desire to complain in his heart. There were very few human records about elves. He subconsciously viewed the elves in the image of rangers wearing leather armor and shooting arrows before time travel. At most, they were made like spell casters. The spectacle was amazing, but now it seems...


More than a thousand years ago, when human civilization was still struggling to enter the electric age, it was once the overlord of the mainland. It beat the ocean civilization and directly killed this god-given race to a river of blood. It was so full of martial virtue that three-quarters of itself was destroyed. All the tribesmen were wiped out by the civil war, and in the end they even demolished their hometown without stopping and rushed into space.

Lin En was full of respect for the Phoenix King who appeared many times in the picture.

This king of the elves, using his personal charm, determination and forward-thinking vision to lead the entire race in a vigorous and epic attack on the power structure with the characteristics of his race!

On the time scale of five human celestial clocks, the bright silver atmosphere of the astral world filled one-fifth of the continent, during which countless astral creatures tried to descend to the outer world through this unprecedented path to feast or take root for survival. , but they were all blown up by the very responsible elves.

Perhaps in the eyes of the elves, cutting down the World Tree and then walking away is a very irresponsible thing for the remaining life on the entire continent. They have to leave a legacy for future generations, especially humans who already have a rudimentary civilization. A safe cradle, so be extra diligent when clicking on the astral creatures in the picture.

However, Linn felt that these elves with strong martial arts were just happy to get new toys.

In any case, facing the vigorous feats of this civilization, Lin En was immersed in the continuous watching, ignoring the introduction of the elves and demigods. He was in awe of this civilization that once existed on this planet. Strictly speaking, elf civilization and human civilization were like brothers.

The elder brother's departure just gave the younger brother a broad space for development, allowing another civilization to absorb nutrients and grow on the earth.

When the scroll stopped at the World Tree mothership of the elven civilization, it was swept away by the silver atmosphere and disappeared from the outside world. Lin En, who seemed to have reached the end like this civilization, was still a little unfinished.

"Is there more later?"

He is not despicable. When he sees a great person, he will not taunt him. He will deliberately belittle the other person, which is tantamount to insulting himself. Lin En's thoughts were far ahead of the times, but now that he saw this, he resonated with him, and the heroic spirit of fighting against heaven and earth emerged in his heart again.

Lin En's emotional change made the elf demigod on the side flash his spiritual light, not knowing whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied.

"According to the test procedure, until this point, every person who is tested will be baptized with resonance in their will after listening to our stories." She felt that the short-lived species in front of her, no, it should be said that Lin En's will resonance, It is very strong, and the spiritual emotion is not crazy and out of control, as if it is playing a song of stars and sea. In fact, the music that naturally sounded in Linn's heart at that time was the promotional song for the aerospace department before he traveled through time.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Linn always felt that the voice of this elf and demigod was much more humane.

It seems that he is gradually becoming more pleasing to the eye.

Before, she was like a machine executing orders, one by one, without any emotion. If there wasn't a life here, Lin En would have doubted whether the other party was a cold machine.

"Am I being baptized by greatness before the test?" Lin En felt funny about being underestimated, but then he thought about it. From the perspective of elf civilization, he was indeed qualified to underestimate other lives.

Too many people see a prosperous civilization and only see its power and beauty.

But it is difficult to see how much sweat and even blood and tears are required for the prosperity of civilization. After all, looking at it from a despicable point of view, it is not difficult to find that most individuals who join a powerful civilization essentially do it for enjoyment, not for struggle. Before time travel, even if so many people drowned in the basement of the lighthouse, they still wanted to go there and enjoy the air of democracy and freedom. What a song and tearful spirit this was. When Linn saw it, she felt like sitting in the car and having fun like the happy boy Kennedy.

"Yes, I am a member of our civilization. Out of a responsible attitude towards the entire world, I voluntarily stationed in Avalon to test and guide subsequent individuals, and give them corresponding powers so that subsequent civilizations can To be able to take over the flag, may wisdom and civilization live long under the same starry sky.”

Although the slogans spoken by the elf demigod were very inspiring, the mechanical flavor she brought directly eliminated the excitement.

"You stayed here voluntarily? Have you been guarding here?"

Lin En was suddenly curious. Judging from the human records of the Shuojin era, there were indeed no elves active after the Shuojin era. This civilization, which dragged its families and families away overnight, left garrison points in a responsible manner.

If you put yourself in their shoes, the people who stayed behind might be deserters in the eyes of the elven civilization.

Especially when the Phoenix King in the scroll record is so strong.

And this is an angel and demigod...

Lin En didn't know what he was thinking of. Not only did his eyes look a little speculative and strange, but he glanced at the hazy green figure. He wondered if the demigod in front of him was the group that was purged within the elven civilization.

Facing Lin En's somewhat rude eyes, the elf showed a relatively obvious emotion for the first time.

She seemed to be a little confused and exuded her own spiritual radiation. That gentle blow almost prevented Linn from being blown away. Fortunately, the spirit body was flexible and floating, and he deftly stepped on the pillar and stopped.

"I don't remember very clearly..."

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