The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 50 Getting off work

This world is not a game.

While you are investigating, others are also taking action. They will not wait for you to finish the investigation before moving on to the next step. Accidents always come faster than planned.

There's a big breakthrough on Bill's side.

Although he was very eager to participate in his heart, Lin En agreed with Eveni's patting on his shoulder and her approval of his paperwork. He also understood that he did not have the capital to be willful. He really should go back to the branch and do the paperwork well so that he can better support Evene and Bill.

Linn got into the carriage of the manor with the sex material.

And Yevni rode a horse galloping in front, and soon she left the carriage far behind, and finally disappeared from Lin En's sight.

Lin's bumpy carriage on the carriage reflected the westward sunlight.

"What a beautiful pastoral scene."

At dusk and sunset, it’s time to pray.

The golden waves of wheat, symbolizing the harvest, spread across the earth, as if there is gold waiting to be harvested. This symbolizes the beauty of food and harvest, which is the simplest beauty.

When Lin En returned to the [Lamp Holder] branch, it was already past the off-duty time. The manor's carriage was stuck on the road for a short time due to the rush of get off work. Lynn was also lucky enough to witness a Victorian car accident and hear the friendly curses of the Albion people.

Bishop was still reading the newspaper in the hall and greeted Linn who came back.

The clerk in the logistics department is a lady with flaxen hair who doesn't like to talk much. Her eyes are wide open. She is sitting in the corner of the clerk's office and is busy packing her things and getting ready to leave. And when she took the sex photos that Lin En brought back, her eyes seemed to be accusing Lin En of being a damn bastard for delaying her get off work.

Lin En, whose conscience was reproached, could only laugh and retreat.

Mr. Clark had already left after get off work, so Linn could only find other clerks to ask for information about the [Lamp Holder] file query.

As a newly hired clerk at [Lamp Holder], Lin En can go to the archives to check out most of the pollution-free paper records. The archives are right next to the clerk's office. Usually, they can freely enter and exit the first-level archives.

For most jobs, a first-level archive is sufficient.

For example, the second ring, which is slightly contaminated, and the third ring, which everyone tacitly avoids talking about, unless it is a particularly difficult incident, the information sealed there will not be used.

At least in that clerk's nearly four years of working, I have never heard of any of the team leaders turning on it.

Four years...

Lin En has endured four years of doubts about why you haven't been promoted to extraordinary yet. The horrific scene he encountered when he went to work for the first time today explained everything.

Not everyone has the courage to leave the safety of the office and choose an extraordinary path.

Now thinking back to the skeletal angel that was placed in a posture of spreading its wings and about to fly, and the holy and weird ritual atmosphere at the scene, Linn still felt nauseated and disgusted. His appetite for the whole day was ruined.

"I have to work overtime on my first day at work. I am truly a dedicated pioneer..."

At least he didn't have to save the world on his first day at work. Lin En laughed at himself and took out a booklet and pen. The records of the [Continental Medical Association] had already been written by him.



When the light of the moth moon fell and the hazy gauze enveloped the entire [Steam City], the clerk's office on the second floor of No. 404 Blue Street was still glowing with the orange halo of the gas lamp.

The platinum hair was dyed golden by the lights. Lin En's writing movement couldn't help but pause. The sound of the pen tip scratching on the paper seemed to be sharp and sharp, and then a somewhat angry voice sounded.

"Damn, no more ink!"

This pen, which did not store much ink, had been squeezed out twice by Linn in one night, and the result was five more pages of information.

In addition to the information obtained from the transaction from the countess, there was also some information that Linn dug out from the First Ring Archives. These information were filed by date and initials, and it took him a lot of time to retrieve them.

In fact, if it was a simple record, Linn could just use his own memory palace to scan page by page without using his brain or a scanner. If you are making a written report, your boss will definitely not be able to listen to what you have to say. You have to prove that what you say is based on foundation.

At this time, the record book is very convincing.

Putting down the pen that really had no drop in it, Linn twisted his neck left and right and made two crisp noises. Only then did he notice that the moth moon was already hanging high. When he looked over, he thought it was a glowing, fluttering moth lying on the ground. A corner of the window.

When did this happen? Why haven't they come back yet?

Linn quickly took out his pocket watch.

Under the dim light, the time had quietly come to around 8:30 pm. A bright metallic color was reflected on the brass surface, and Linn closed the pocket watch with a snap.

"get off work."

The merciless worker got up and started cleaning up.

He had waited long enough. Yevni and Bill didn't come back, and there was no trace of Tongque either. They probably discovered something and were too busy to come back. If something unexpected happened during the investigation, he couldn't do anything with a little paperwork. He might as well tell others and go home to wait for news the next day.

After cleaning up, he went downstairs. In the empty office building, Bishop was still guarding the door. Lin En mentioned this to him, and Mr. Bishop laughed after hearing this.

"Don't worry, if something happens, [Lamp Holder]'s distress signal will wake up the whole city from its dream. Go back and have a good sleep. See you tomorrow, Lynn."

"Good night, Mr. Bishop."

Again, it’s information that I don’t understand.

Linn's brain was a little bloated. He had written down too many things in one breath today. After leaving No. 404, Linn took a deep breath and patted his face to cheer up. For him, he felt that his biggest gain today was the channel from the Countess.

Although it takes a lot of effort to deal with that smart and beautiful mature woman, there is hope for reward. It would be better if she was not so competitive. In a leisurely and comfortable environment, Linn is quite happy to be with Hermitage. A battle of wits and courage.

Let's have a good rest tonight, and forget about studying the astral world in dreams for the time being.

Lin En walked slowly on the slightly bleak street with a somewhat heavy step after get off work. After dark, the night shift at the [Steam City] night market has just begun. The impact of the war is intuitively reflected in working hours and prices. Fortunately, Albion prevailed in the stalemate of the war and the impact was minimal.

While walking, I looked at the traces of craters on the huge moon wheel in the sky.

The silhouette that resembled a moth in the forest suddenly made Linn a little curious. Is this really a miraculous work of nature? Or maybe there really was a huge moth lying on the moon, leaving such marks on its body.

Thinking of this possibility, Linn felt an inexplicable feeling of fear, which was the natural fear of human beings towards giant objects.

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