The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 74 I believe you

"You're a little unfocused today."

With a snap, a document hit Linn's desk.

Mr. Clark, who frowned, was a little helpless. This was the fourth time that Linn was distracted at the beginning of work today. Although Mr. Little was still able to answer questions accurately every time he was distracted, this was a bit unacceptable to Mr. Clark who worked hard to impart experience.

Clark believed that Lynn didn't mean it, but he also needed to show respect for knowledge.

Even the irritable [disputes and neighing] sometimes hold scriptures in their hands.

"Sorry, I didn't sleep well yesterday. I'll go to the bathroom and wash my face."

Linn lowered his head and ran out of the clerk's office.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but just now Clark seemed to vaguely see a bit of red in Linn's eyes, embedded in the emerald eyes like diamonds.

But Clark's attention was soon taken away by Lynn's somewhat messy desk.

This clerk with some obsessive-compulsive disorder began to feel uncomfortable. He wanted to reach out and help Lynn tidy up the desktop several times, but he endured it with his strong willpower. Clark was still well-educated and would not touch others at will. Something, no matter how uncomfortable he is.

It was clear that Mr. Clark was suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder outside of work before Lynn came back from the bathroom.

In the bathroom.

Lin En was standing close to the mirror, his eyes widened and his expression was definitely not good-looking, even gloomy.

The beautiful emerald green pupils in the slightly trembling eyeballs seemed to be polluted. There were many irregular reds arranged around the center of the pupils, as strange and gorgeous as lenses. As Lin's head started to sweat a little, the red quickly spread and dyed the remaining green in his eyes.

The eyes in the mirror are the soft eyes of the Black Holy Grail.

At the same time, a revolving door of broken images flashed in Linn's mind.

Among those broken pictures, most of them were abstract chaos that Linn couldn't understand. In a few scenes, the huge figure covered with scales and the aloof and cold gaze of the lizard brought suffocating pressure to him, and the strange feeling of time falling away was indescribable.

Lynn tried to control these thoughts, but his spirituality kept helping him remember.

It seems that this is extremely important to him...

"I was ejected from the star realm yesterday. Could it be related to this lizard?"

Trying to calm her restless spirit, Linn closed her eyes and patted her face with cold tap water. The distressed and worried Black Holy Grail appeared next to him, staring at him as he stretched out his hand to caress the young man's face, his loving and doting expression was heart-pounding.

When he opened his eyes again, Linn's eyes in the mirror had returned to bright green.

Except for his face being a little pale, everything was as before.

It's better to block it than to open it up. She has already begun to learn how to use this cup correctly. Linn simply let her out and used the Black Holy Grail to help herself share those flashing broken images.

This is indeed effective. The previous forced suppression seems to be an imbecile behavior of left hand hitting right hand.

After Lin En did this, the Black Holy Grail beside him clenched his fists and placed them on the mountain, puffing his mouth and looking cute, as if Lin En had done something that he was sorry for her.

The performance of the Black Holy Grail made him thoughtful, and Lin gradually realized something.

"It won't be so unlucky..."

Lin En, who was thinking, had just returned to the second floor when he saw Yevni's tall and straight figure. Her well-trained body curves outlined a dazzling scene in the sunlight.

"I heard from Clark that you are not feeling well today." Eveni took two steps forward and looked at Lin En's pale face with some concern.

She had a document in her hand that already explained her purpose here.

"I'm fine, I just didn't sleep well after staying up late." The [Spring] surrounding Lin En's body indicated that he was not lying. After seeing Yevni, the Black Holy Grail secretly bit Lin's ear, reflecting some instinctive emotion. .

The one thing you can never hide is yourself.

"Your reminder yesterday was very timely."

Yevni's tough and pretty face relaxed a lot. When she was alone with Linn, the female knight would always relax a lot, no longer like a string that she was forcing herself to tighten. This probably has something to do with the fact that even though Linn is young, she is worthy of the trust and reliance of others.

"We are on the same team, aren't we?" Lin En took the initiative to take the file.

"That's right...a team."

Eveni's expression became a little weird for a moment, as if she was absent-minded under the refraction of the sun.

Lin En looked at her strangely and then focused on the document in his hand, while his mouth was not idle.

"Where's Bill?"

"He took some of his new friends with him and said he wanted to go around."

Mr. Bill has a new friend? Linn quickly understood who the so-called new friend was. This document was information about suspicious individuals screened by the second and third teams from within the Medical Association.

Lin En had previously given a reasoning description about the pervert, so the screening work went very smoothly. The conversation ended almost yesterday and the exchange of interests was confirmed. Today, the Medical Association cooperated with the [Lamp Holder] to complete the preliminary screening.

Bill took the suspects to the scene.

Often when a suspect returns to the scene, he will behave unnaturally. The pervert will definitely be very excited when he returns to the studio that he did not have time to destroy.

After Ye Feni finished her work, she showed the first batch of selected people to the young men in the team to see if there were any good ideas in those curiously constructed heads.

‘It feels good to be valued, but I’m a little tired. Sure enough, I prefer to use my brain instead of using my hands. Fighting, killing, etc. are too uncivilized. ’

Regarding the fact that he swatted an extraordinary person to death like a mosquito last night, Lin En didn't feel the slightest happiness in his heart. It was more of a sense of unreality, and he didn't even feel that he had killed someone.

After quickly reviewing the documents, Lin subconsciously touched his pocket and found that he did not bring the pen with him.


Yevni took out the pen with body heat from her breast pocket and handed it to Linn. The slightly bouncing ball made waves when the pen was separated from the body, making Linn couldn't help but glance at it one more time.

After reacting, Yevni stared at Linn with wide sky-blue eyes. The roots of her ears seemed to be a little red, and she felt angry and ashamed for her thoughtless behavior.

The young gentleman took the pen without changing his expression and began to highlight the key points.

Lynn has described this pervert in her mind many times. A doctor with a clever method, an obsession with prostitutes, a possible medical accident, a real extreme personality, and an extraordinary person at the same time. And there are two such people in the selected list who fully meet the requirements.

"You can focus on observing these two people. I have to face the others to know their situation."

"You can still interrogate?" Eveni's embarrassment quickly turned into curiosity.

"No, but I can smell someone lying."

Handing the pen back to the captain, a look of confidence appeared on Linn's face. Lin was so confident and high-spirited. When Yevni took the pen, she felt inexplicably that the pen transmitting each other's body temperature was very hot, and her slender and plump thighs subconsciously squeezed together.

"I trust you."

Yevni's voice couldn't help but slow down a lot, no longer so sharp and tenacious.

The Black Holy Grail suddenly let out a triumphant chuckle, and the laughter that only Linn could hear was mixed with rich joy.

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