The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 771 Human War

The so-called [Giant God Soldier] is actually one of the wonders left behind by the original elven civilization, an unfinished humanoid war machine. What is more speechless is that, according to Feilian Mingxi’s explanation, the so-called [Giant God Soldier] It is not a war weapon, its full name should be interstellar space single artificial weapon equipment.

It can only be said that the place that is really suitable for it is the surface of the thin atmosphere, and it is best to control it with the new type of Beyonder. It is probably that the human weapon output of this era is too bad, and some devices used for breaking rocks and welding are used as weapons. , the real self-defense method of this engineering equipment is a special plasma weapon.

That plasma weapon is truly terrifying.

When it came up, the front of the magic power train and the first two carriages were directly melted. The explosion was so powerful that Qianlin, who had been riding smoothly, was so frightened that it was difficult to move.

But that’s about it.

The protective weapons of this Titan Soldier were not fully deployed. Lin En, who had already contacted the nuclear magnetic power storage plant at the rear, used the field opened by Yuri as a bridge and positioned himself to launch the super weapon lightning storm from the planet. The position of the ionosphere is taken down.

As was later recorded.

The originally gloomy sky suddenly brightened, as if dozens of suns were shining simultaneously, causing everyone to close their eyes in pain and shed tears. Then came the deafening thunder and lightning. People at the scene of the attack first smelled a mixture of burning and fragrance, and then a fishy smell. Even if you close your eyes, the light that is about to cover up the sun still has to penetrate your eyelids, forcing people to stretch out their hands to block it.

Only a few people in the room can observe without closing their eyes.

One of them is Lynn.

Although he had already estimated the power of the super weapon lightning storm, when he witnessed the thunder and lightning appearing as a plasma halo descending and then dispersing, he still instinctively felt the aura of destroying everything.

A blow of this magnitude...

It is already at the level of fantasy technology, more terrifying than a tactical nuclear bomb. This level of blow can be regarded as the limit that the surface world can reach. In other words, if a semi-sacred person, an angel who descends, takes advantage of this kind of power, Then it will also be beaten into the most primitive structural units. After all, this is the power accumulated by most of Albion's ionosphere for a long time, and has always been protected and guided by dedicated Beyonders.

After this move, Liaoyuan Heavy Industries will wither for at least three months, and the upper limit is also clear.

But this is also terrible.

A small half of the wilderness turned into molten lava.

The [Titan Soldier] directly turned into a twisted mass of coke and steel mixture, falling sideways into the melting magma, just like the Titan giant who was killed by the God-given hero during the Fate Period and fell on the doomsday wasteland. This scene has not appeared again for more than a thousand years. Now, human beings have once again used their own power to rival the power given by gods.

In the void, outside the gathering, many beings who witnessed such a moment couldn't help but fall into silence.

When you have the power to flip tables in a game, others will be polite enough to consider your opinion. Of course, it is also possible that other people who also have greater power to flip the table will join forces to target them.

The angels were silent and the gods were silent.


The shadow of the Third War of Gods is planned to follow the Second Continental War. By then, everything that happens on the continent will be like the fights between gods and gods, but when gods fight, they do not think that they will not survive, nor do others. If you want to play, then destroy the world.

Lin En used his mortal power to tell the transcendent beings in this world that he had increased the intensity of the war to a level that would destroy the whole world. When the war begins, there may be nothing between the gods, but humans are likely to die. Absolutely. Whether they are those who try to control variables or those who want variables to be free, they are unwilling to see such an outcome. Under this situation, the righteous gods temporarily gave up their original layout fight, and instead had a frank chat.

The content of the conversation between the righteous gods was difficult for the angels to discern.

It can only be vaguely felt that [Daughter of the Cup] and [Mother Goddess] are putting pressure on [Eternal Wind Lantern] at the same time, [Sewing Mouth] is whispering on the side, [Dispute Hissing] is inciting the hymn of war, and [ The Secret Singer] came out to smooth things over. It can be seen that the attitude of all the righteous gods towards the newly appeared [Crown of Evil] is very subtle. Although it has not reached the level of being hated by humans and gods like the [Eternal Decay Beast], this abnormal existence always seems to remind the righteous gods that they are not truly transcendent.

The attacked [Eternal Wind Lantern] flashed with light, releasing a signal.

Obviously, it is either to welcome this righteous god to the summit of immortality or to kill him. After all, Lin En has not yet returned to his position. Theoretically, as long as more than five righteous gods fight against him at all costs, they can turn Lin En into an NPC. However, for a being who already has the status of a god For example, if you want to be obliterated, well, it will take millions of years.

Get rid of the "Evil of Wearing the Crown", and then the righteous gods will have to face the "Eternal Sun". Obviously this is a proposition.

However, as players, the righteous gods are not rigid about games.

As long as the game doesn't freeze, they can continue playing. If this world is compared to a dungeon, it is obvious that this dungeon has been played almost to the point of being tired, and the players are ready to play some new tricks. But at this time, a new copy was suddenly opened, so these new tricks could stop.

New copies do exist.

[Changming Fengdeng] still revealed some information. For example, [The Sin of the Crown] holds information about another world. As long as he returns to his position, he will be able to open the door to the new world. By that time. A brand new world, more interesting than the star realm. If Linn hadn't been a person of character, the righteous gods would have already taken action.

The communication between the righteous gods ended quickly. They had reached a tacit understanding. A brand new world was indeed enough for the righteous gods who were competing for a strong position on different lines to put aside their disputes.

This war really shouldn't continue, otherwise it would be a pity to just smash it.

The angels don’t have to go down anymore.

The moment the righteous gods completed their exchange, Linn, who was looking at the doomsday lava scene, suddenly felt that all the things that had been obscured by his personality were suddenly dispersed. As if he was seeing the blue sky through the clouds, Lin En turned his head slightly, and a strange smile suddenly appeared on his smoke-filled face.

"Yes, man's war is over."

Next, there is a war between gods.

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