The Sinners' Queen

164 She Who Tries To Put Up A Fight 2 The Sinners's Queen



Long ago, about... okay, not really long ago, but just within the century... Some intelligent normal people believing in either Astrology or the Supernaturals made a claim that the world was composed of many layers. They said that the Earth was filled with more wondrous places than those in the acclaimed ever-changing list of The World's Seven Wonders.

Some of the most notable was,

The city of Atlantis so advanced and modern than all of the places in the world of its most splendorous time combined, thought to have sunk deep into the ocean together with its high-specie inhabitants...

Ophir, the land of gold, silver, sandalwood, pearls, ivory, apes, and peacocks mentioned as the wealthiest city of old in the core texts of the biggest and most widespread religion in the world.

The phantom Aurora Islands said to be where mermaids were last sighted a couple of centuries ago.

Sodom and Gomorrah, the two widely known cities of the ancient times said to be purged through@@

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