The Sinners' Queen

198 Non-Host 1 The Sinners's Queen

Of course, nothing bad really happened. The injured guy was merely having stupid speculations but actually, Wendy was not really harmful. The girl might be quite headstrong, and with a very firm heart, but in the end, she was still just a regular non-host, and a weak, fragile, beautiful woman.

Despite Wendy appearing like a psycho due to the scary words she's been saying, in reality, she was just actually bored and at the same time angry at herself for bringing such trouble home. However, if truly thought more carefully, she was saner and righteous than anyone else in the world.

But of course, her righteousness was something shaped and molded by her environment and upbringing as a girl from a family of police officers.

"I'm glad you're now awake. How are you feeling today? Do you feel like you'll be dying anytime soon? You have a bullet wound in one of your shoulders. And of course, I didn't dare touch that. Who knows when removing that forcefully will kill you instead of saving you? Oops. I became too excited about speaking. Can you hear me? Can you speak? Your brain is not damaged, right?"


Alright, maybe she could be pretty dangerous to one's mental health...

"No reply?" Wendy marched her fair and long legs toward the man. She wore a long blue dress which reached almost the middle of her calves, so when she crouched down next to him, only her thin ankles and pretty manicured toes were left visible by the flowing sky blue fabric.

A frown was on Wendy's small face. "I'm sure you're not voiceless because I perfectly remember you spoke up to me when you requested not to be sent to the hospital. Hmm...."

It seemed the woman not only remember what happened back then, she also remembered his suspicious circumstances.

Ver Drilon, Host 314, looked meaningfully at the woman. Remembering that she too, in his perspective, was equally suspicious and dangerous, he refused to speak and acted as though he truly became mute.

A staring contest ensued, yet after three minutes or so, he was the first one to avert his gaze, groaning soundlessly and pretending that his wound suddenly ached.

"Damn!"Seeing that his hand went to his stomach, Wendy cursed out. Then she stopped the hand and kept it away from the bandaged part. Angrily, she scolded the man, "Idiot! I don't care whether you're pretending to be mute or not! But I'm sure you can hear me. Don't touch the wound and put pressure on it, okay? Or else I'll be the one to kill you!"

Still seething in rage, she exclaimed as she placed her free hand on her forehead, a gesture telling him that he was a bigger moron than she expected.

"My goodness gracious. I really should have just left you there or sent you to the hospital. You're such a handful! You, damnable pretty boy!"

... Fine, he, a great Official Immoral Host, just turned an idiot in this non-host's eyes. He self-mockingly thought due to the woman's clicking of her tongue.


Days passed and the day of the resume of the classes gradually approached. The man had thickened his face and chose to free lodge in Wendy's dorm, bringing the girl countless headaches and making her temper always quick to anger. However, even though she sometimes had to make lame excuses to Steffy and practically anyone else to not let them invade her dorm room, she, unfortunately, doesn't have the heart to chase away a heavily incapacitated man.

This worked so well to the host's convenience as he didn't want to resurface yet. It just so happened that an all-women dormitory seemed to be a decent hiding place for someone hunted like him.

He had to suffer from the girl's sharp tongue though, his ears abused with so many BL stories which the girl most likely conjured out of jealousy for his flawless features.

He couldn't understand this part actually.

Wasn't she also very good-looking in her own right? If his ears did not play on him, quite a few suitors ran towards this place, clamoring and shouting to see her without giving a damn to the incoming wrath of the dormitory keeper.

Aside from the boy x boy stories she was torturing him with, the girl also did not let a day passed without asking him questions about why he became injured. Cold sweats would roll down his back every time she threw him questions because she was just so perceptive. Whenever she was closed to piecing out how he was from a hideous organization, he'd be forced to grasp a pen and write down any random questions like the weather and her school so she would stop.

'... Damn.'

One late afternoon, when the girl left him watching TV news by himself since she needed to cook for dinner, he sighed, with extreme boredom obvious from his expression.

'This way of collecting points is so boring and slow....'

The host, whose upper body was wrapped up in strips of white like a mummy, spoke with the system inside his head and asked it to poison another criminal being displayed on the TV screen. It said words of approval and then shortly after, thousands of points got added into his interface which then got emptied a second later, the points drained to heal his wounded interior.

The man didn't answer. Or properly put, he couldn't answer yet since Wendy suddenly came out of the kitchen. She gave him a grumpy look then said, "I have to buy some seasonings. Hey you, Mr. Pretty Face, don't ever do anything funny here while I'm outside, or else, I'll pluck one of your teeth out with my huge plier!" she threatened.

The man who was already used to her style of speaking obediently nodded. Naturally, this was only for formalities' sake since even if he did do something 'funny', she would be kept in the dark about it. The girl was not aware, but he perfectly knew how to hide a crime. All hosts do.

A few seconds later, after putting on her slippers, she went out of the door and left him to his devices. Since his back had gotten sore from lying too much on the thin mattress, he got up from it then stood up. Facing the window to his left, he caught glimpse of that mysterious non-host trotting speedily along the unpopulated road. Up above, the sky had already turned a bit red. He couldn't help but blink as he beheld her beautiful wavy hair being played by the wind as she walked.

'... If I will take all the beauty-enhanced hosts out of the question, this witch could probably be said as one of the most naturally beautiful individuals in the world.'

A second later, he shook his head, 'But it could also happen that she looks good due to another host giving her a total and permanent makeover. Or maybe, she got fed so many charm attribute candies with or without her knowing.'

Fortunately, the girl who just left did not turn her head towards the window of her dorm. Otherwise, she'd see her bedridden patient sporting a pondering face by the window side. She would have either freaked out, finding it unacceptable that her unwanted baggage tricked her of his true health condition and that he was suspiciously checking her out from within the room.

The first option had actually a higher odds of being the real reason, if ever.

Meanwhile, the man with a face that could cause even the members of the same sex to be infatuated with took the chance to peek into the woman's laptop. As a newly ascended Level 3 Host, he was rewarded with a very useful skill which he could use to check where his enemies were lurking.

'... It's been days. Are they still around the area?' His fingers flew all over the keyboard of the blue framed laptop.

'I really want to go back to C Empire already and blow up that detestable place. I want to rip those hateful bastards and f*ckers into pieces. No, bombing them might not be too bad, so they'll become mere heaps of charred bodies and cinders!'

Probably due to being pressured with time and hurrying to complete his objectives while Wendy was still not back, he didn't hear the system's alarm of an intruder coming to the room. It was already too late when he heard a knock, followed by a voice that accompanied the creaking of the opening door.

"Wendy, are you here? Let me borrow your plier!"


He seemed to be hearing that irritating word, 'plier', again for today. And the voice was different from his savior's.

When the man saw a head popping into the place, he immediately cursed out, annoyed that he didn't have a hypnosis skill which could easily dictate people to believe even the funniest jokes ever invented, nor enough time to set up a tricky illusion within the room.

Lamenting that all his most recently gained points were spent on recovering his health and healing a few injuries, he could only resort to using whatever was left in his inventory.

Yet he found out that a face-changer was the only thing he could use at the moment... if he didn't want to kill this bothersome female guest...


'Damn! Now I'm feeling the bad thing about being in an all-girls dorm!'

When the woman, who he just recently knew was called Wendy, returned, Ver just couldn't help grimacing badly due to the unnatural smile her delicate, cherry petal-like lips had curled into.

He watched as she closed the door. It had to be said that she did in a very slow manner, to the point that it turned so dramatic. In that split second, her action, coupled with the smiling side glance she threw his way appeared quite... enchanting.

The system was correct. And since he knew exactly what caused her to be like this, he felt embarrassed, remembering that a few minutes ago, he had claimed himself as a master of hiding his tracks and crimes.

The girl faced him, her face still sporting the same sunny look, but dark chilling halo also seemingly appeared behind her. He who got used to her warm and playful disposition despite the spine-chilling teasing became dazed for a moment.

She sneered as she took her seat on the sofa and looked down to him.

"... My dormmates saw me just now and told me many interesting facts about the man I saved a few couples of days ago."

Acting the usual mute that he had been these past few days, he quietly looked at her in his sick makeshift bed, waiting for what she would say.

The only reason he kept his cool was her lack of real killing intent.

Her anger and hate were in full-throttle though, and he quite felt intimidated. Ver wondered if this was caused by her or something the host backing her had given her.

Wendy's stare sharpened.

"... Care to explain to me VERBALLY how you, Mr. Pretty Face, are seen by that dormmate of mine standing perfectly and looking so lively? And nowhere injured when you talked with her?"


"While you're at it, can you also kindly tell me how you suddenly... became a veeerrrrrrrry beautiful woman in front of her?"



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