The Sinners' Queen

202 His Whereabouts The Sinners's Queen

Wendy shoulder-threw the masked man the moment she arrived next to him. She didn't know if the suspiciously armed man just thought she was harmless or what, but he ended up with dislocated shoulder after the throw.

'He should be not getting up soon...' While catching her breath a bit, she thought, consequently considering to take away any weapon from this assailant.

She was about to execute this plan when out of nowhere, a person she didn't expect to see there appeared. It was that pretty-faced who should be at the dorm, either cleaning or resting. Yet he was here. Gawking at her, agape. Did she see correctly that a handgun was in his two hands?


When the realization hit her, her expression changed from surprise to a grim one. She also didn't like the feeling when she saw his face, this time not because he was almost more good looking than her, but that he shouldn't be here.

"... You're with this guy?" She warily asked while bending over, her tied hair swaying a bit from the motion.

Ver didn't react even though he knew what she was planning to do. The being inside his mind was busy talking about how she was still someone in contacts with a host and so he should not have been confused and surprised by her actions.

He saw her hand reaching out as swiftly as she could to the pistol on the man's waist. She widened the gap between her legs and then pointed the gun at his face.

She additionally questioned, cold as a thousand-year-old glacier. "... Speak, you faker! Are your injuries faked too?"

Ver felt like a criminal caught in the act. Or actually, he really was. He was about to commit the crime of killing a former comrade when the girl chanced upon him. It was such a ridiculous coincidence. It had always been since she, a mysterious regular being, saved the immoral host, him. As expected, fate was a bigger as*hole than already perceived. If it was an author, then its plot twists were more twisted and stupider than anyone else's.

He put up a conflicted and complicated expression.

"... I am not with him." Well, not anymore.

The darkness of the night did not eclipse the beauty of the person before him. He expressed admiration in his mind when her prettiness didn't diminish even though her face sported a mocking expression and clicking noises started to come out of her mouth.

"What a person with a low IQ. So many people like you in the world. Mister pretender, if you don't remember, I asked you, damnable pretty face, two questions."

"Put down your weapon and then we can talk." His eyes darkened at the gun she was holding with confidence and proper posture. One glance was enough to know that she had experiences with handling things like this. Who was she really? Who taught her? Where was she getting the confidence to face off a dangerous man like him?

...Why was she so captivating?

"Oh?" she snorted at the suggestion he raised after careful consideration. "I don't really mind, Sir. But I'm a fragile lady so could you first throw away yours and then I'll follow?"


That guy on the rocky ground should be the last one so there should be no problem laying down his weapon now, right? He double-checked the info with his AI before casually tossing the thing in his hand away. But not without whining remarks about her being a fragile lady.

"I already did your request. Fulfill your side."

The girl smirked but did not put away hers.

"Turn around and face the wall, stupid!"

Ver's cheeks spasmed. He knew this would happen. This woman must be celebrating inwardly that he seemed so easy to fool. If she only knew that this stupid system user had already replenished his points and could even rain down stones from the sky if he wants to.

"You're pretty courageous for someone facing a real underworld person..." he said as he turned around, his two hands raised high in the air.

"Thanks for the compliment. Likewise, you're pretty moronic for really letting go of your weapon and telling me with no qualms about your true origins."

Ver heard the rage in her voice. Earlier, when she learned about his faked muteness, the anger she showed didn't bother him one bit. But now he disliked how he felt bad for making her feel like this.

Wendy who kept pointing the barrel at him was actually also furious at herself for not checking out who this person was. When did she become so lax with her guard? If her brother knew about this, he'd scold her until her eardrums burst.

'I'm the real fool here... To think I'm still complaining about the girls and comparing his obedience with them just a few minutes ago...'

Minutes passed that they remained that way. Outside the abandoned dorm's ground, the others who finally noticed that Wendy was not around panicked and speed-dialed the police's number. They, especially the guilty short-statured girl, all felt worried for their transferee friend but felt extreme awe after hearing from the police that they were already on their way as signaled by Wendy.

None of them braved crawling back into the other side again. Given their current position, without lighting up the place diagonally to their left, they wouldn't see a thing from that direction since it was extremely dark, plus they were never courageous, to begin with. They began crying, waiting and praying for the police car to arrive fast. The two who thought up this game hated themselves for this whimsical gimmick.

Dozens of meters from them...

Wendy felt the strain in her arms as she had been at the same stance for almost five minutes, not daring to bring down the gun in fear that the pretty-faced man would suddenly turn around and incapacitate her.

Ver sighed. Displeasure coursed through his face. It had been the same amount of time that he had been tolerating the girl's unusual silence.

"... Are you really going to do this? I haven't done anything yet. It's you who knocked down that man."

She still refused to speak with him.

"Are you stalling for time? For the police's arrival?"

Behind him, when he turned his head around to see how she reacted, Wendy was sneering and looking at him as if he was asking the obvious.

His expression darkened.

And it grew worse when he caught a glimpse of the supposedly unconscious masked man struggling to lift his left black-gloved hand towards her.

"Watch out!"

"Don't move!"

He ignored her panic-stricken shout and flickered to her side. Disregarding her hysteria and protest, the host picked her up in a bride-like fashion and dashed away from that place.

"F*ck! Good thing I already healed myself!" He exclaimed a couple of seconds later, the muscles in his just recently recovered arms contracting, as they dove deeper into the dark dormitory. He collapsed and released hold of her near the back of the stairwell.


Wendy rubbed her knees then opened her eyes just in time to see the flash of light and loud explosion that engulfed the spot where she used to be.

Frightened, she exclaimed, "A grenade?"

Crackling sounds ensued as the double door entrance of the haunted building got caught in the fire.

Realizing how close she had just been to death, Wendy became stunned, her knees lost strength when she tried to stand and ended up sitting.

The man beside her placed his hand to the side and propped his body up using it. He stood next to the shocked her. His expression turned weird as he stared at the reddish glow ahead. When his eyes got pinned to the girl, he suddenly remembered one thing then subconsciously asked, "... He saw your face, no?"

She subconsciously nodded, her mind still busy processing what just happened.

"... Just want to tell you. You're now wanted by them for sure. Because that man has some sort of device in his eyes, that whatever contact lense surely implanted with the feature to record stuff connected to some sort of monitor somewhere...."

Wendy's eyes went down to the handgun she was holding. For some reason, she couldn't find the strength nor the desire to point it against him again. Must be because she realized that he just saved her now. And if it weren't for him, she would have already become a scorched corpse, joining that fried masked man in his journey to the unknown afterlife.

She stared foolishly at the pretty-faced man for some time. But came back to her senses later on since this was not really her first time being so close to danger. She shakily stood up, her brain still mushy from confusion regarding how she should treat this guy hereon.

When he began to walk away, most likely to look for another exit since they were now essentially trapped inside the dorm, Wendy rooted her feet on the ground and chose to forego her sense of justice for once and not do any action to trap or stall the man anymore.


East coast of Edogawa Prefecture.

A woman dressed in a black negligee paused what she was saying on the phone, shifting her gaze to the northwest.

"101. Is that the same host from a few days ago? In a fight again?"

Since she was the only one in the elaborately designed suite and the call had been put on hold, she dared to speak loudly to the system inhabiting her brain.

It answered,

The woman let out a few chuckles then resumed the conversation. Her eyes lit up after the person reporting to her from the other side spoke up and said, "Milady, it seems regular thawing machine have an effect with the iceberg. It's quite negligible but our experts clearly noticed the decrease in the volume of ice."

The woman remembered the mysterious blue iceberg her men recovered from the coast nearby. It drifted to her resort's territory as if a work of fate. For a reason she badly wanted to uncover, a human being was inside it, half-naked and seemingly asleep. When she asked her system to get the man out of it, to her surprise, it said her level was not enough to make it execute the command!

Yet somehow today, she received a call from the lab people she tasked with the lookout that they managed to melt the ice using normal machines.

'Wow. I can't believe what I just heard. What the hell is this? What I can't do, the current technology could?'

She laughed and asked, "How long will it take to thaw that gigantic bloke of ice completely?"

"Milady, we estimate that with our current progress, it will take about four months. And that's already the fastest we can do if we work twenty-four seven."

"Four months, huh?"

The female immoral system host giggled, ending the call. After changing her clothes to a thicker set, she walked out of her room and took the elevator down the lab located at the basement.

It didn't take long for it to open, revealing to her a world only seen on a sci-fi movie. It was a huge science lab, the type which could put any other laboratories to shame with its complete set of equipment and plethora of specimens lined up neatly on very huge glass-framed shelves. The woman had recently grown fond of the sea hence a tall and wide aquarium rivaling that of ocean parks laid bare to her eyes, a few sharks and innumerable school of fishes and cluster of sea plants scattered all over the superb seascapes. It looked so beautiful, giving life to the metal underground world glinting and refracting coldness from its people and the machine.

Mirth flashed across her jewel-like eyes. Clarissa Guzman's Original didn't answer the malicious comment of her system and merely walked over to the left where she immediately saw the over ten-meter tall ice bloke entrapping inside a man of an impeccably toned body and charismatic facial appearance.

The ice was so crystal clear hence she could see even the fine lines of his abs and muscles. His eyes were closed and with how relaxed and peaceful his face looked, it was as though he was currently in the best dream of his life and he just didn't want to wake up.

Greetings from the staffs and workers of the lab poured from all direction. She ignored them of course, entranced by the Eastern Adonis the ice had mercilessly captured and frozen.

She placed one hand on the bitingly cold ice, her eyes looking up to the figure suspended above. With a smile, she murmured, "A four-month wait, huh?"

Turning around, she sternly ordered to the nearby woman in a white lab coat, "Make everyone do their best. Four months will be the maximum I will wait to see him out of this damn iceberg!"

Everyone who heard her command respectfully answered, "Milady, leave it to us. We won't fail you."

She nodded then gazed back to him, seemingly in a good mood. Clarissa's Original smilingly thought, 'I'm already so excited. When you wake up, if sci-fi stories don't lie, you'll have a high chance of losing your memories right?'

She leaned closer.

'It should be fun if you lose your memories, right? Even though I already advanced to Level 6 by hooking up with another host supporter, I still want to capture you for myself and take you away completely from Host 137...'

She widened her grin.

'Gio Albarez...'



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