The Sinners' Queen

214 Reunion 2 The Sinners's Queen

"Actually, this is also the last day of our stay in this townhouse. Tomorrow, we will have to fly back to Alina City."

Afternoon came and the two, Chris and Alessa had just finished a walk around the vicinity. The two had an awkward atmosphere between them, but for some reason, the woman radiated so much glow that her current pleasant mood couldn't anymore be obvious.

Beside her, the man nodded. He was busy admiring the place.

The townhouse they rented had an amazing garden in front of it. Though he was not fond of flowers, his eyes could never refuse or deny beauty. The harmony of the ornamental plants and flower in the garden was so pleasant to look at, capable of calming even souls.

"Beautiful, right? I almost couldn't take my eyes off of them the first time I've been here. I saw many other landscaping similar to this before, but I can't shake off the feeling that this one's somehow unique."

"... I bet you could have enjoyed them better and longer if not for me."

Chris meant, if not for her taking care of him for a day and a half, she would have had enough time to explore the nice scenery.

Alessa's carefree laughter resounded. "I could be nice and say I did not, because I was taking care of a more good-looking guy. But I'm a realist, so yes."

He raised an eyebrow. She smilingly and innocently added.

"No worries, it's fine now. I love that you accompanied me in this short work. I swear this garden became lovelier."

'Damnably cheesy.' Chris thought, still not used to being flirted upon like this.

The adoration of fans was really very different from the adoration of a lover. It felt weird, but also heartwarming. He simply didn't know how to react.

Like their earlier walk, the chat they had in the place consisted of the woman talking more and the man nodding more.

This continued until they were only about ten meters from the entrance of the rented house.

Outside of it, the man felt a bit dazed since he never knew this seemingly simple townhouse would be quite memorable for him.

'... Buy it maybe, in the future?' The thought suddenly came into mind.

The being in his head began to snicker. Chris ignored it.

Nonetheless, he still came back to his senses due to a figure that suddenly appeared from behind a green arc in front.

"Alessa, step back!" He barked.

His senses which failed him in detecting the man then screamed of danger. Be wary! The man who suddenly popped out of nowhere head was scary!

Both of his hands moved to pull the woman behind him. Alessa was startled by the unexpected tugging from him. Her face showed puzzlement at first, then turned ashen as she saw the beads of sweat that ran down from Chris' forehead, discovering it was caused by the tall and masked man only five or so meters away from them.

"Who are you, Sir?" Chris restrained the worry and wariness in his voice.

The person had something in him which could potentially kill him, his mind told him. He worried if they would be able to escape since his reserve of points might not be enough to take the three people with him.

"Chris Meyer, right?" A deep and powerful voice echoed in the open space.

The actor didn't answer.

"Are you from Alina City?"

Chris frowned at the kind of emotions he recognized from the other. It was weird. But it seemed not malicious?

Still, Chris stepped back and Alessa followed.

"Sir. I am indeed from Alina City. But may I ask why you suddenly appear to where I currently stay?"

"I recognize you."

The person lowered the black cloth serving as his mask and a clean and striking face belonging to someone aged between 25-30 laid bare to the eyes. "It seems you're really from that city."

"You are the kid accompanying the girl rescued from Jasper City, right?"

"... What?"

Chris initially sighed in relief a bit when he heard no hostility or ill-intent from it.

But then a memory from within suddenly seemingly wanted to surface, yet before it could do so, the man in an attire almost similar to Chris spoke up again.

"Anyway, it's a miracle that I finally chanced upon someone who's really from there. Every day I'm tracking people who are said to have come from that place, but I always end up missing out on them. Since I can see and converse with you despite being from Alina City, young man, are you also like her? Sofony Mendez?"

The man's lengthy statement ended up with a mind-boggling question. The mention of that woman's name solidified his suspicion about the man.

Chris gave the other a complicated gaze then said, "I can feel no malice from you, Sir. I'm assuming you're like me?"

"Will you answer my question if I confirmed that?" The man chuckled and looked at the woman hiding behind the half-host. "But Mr. Meyer, I'm not like you. Perhaps, more like the lady behind you."

'A non-host supporter?'

The actor looked back to Alessa just in time to see her gaping in shock and covering her mouth while staring at the person before them.

Confusion eventually took over his face. Until he realized that the woman reacted like that because she recognized who the other was.

'Someone who should be from the same city then? If his appearance can astound this woman, it means his identity is not simple. Who?'

"I'm looking for someone like you who can enter the real city and have contact with her. I've researched your group. You'll all be heading back tomorrow, right? There are some things I would like to request for you to give to Sofony."

Chris studied the face of the older man. He was sure he never saw him yet. The half-host didn't know there was just no way for all system users to inquire about the individual with a powerful presence in front.

In the beguiled city, there was no problem for non-hosts to see the man's picture there, but for some reason, Sofia and the half-host couldn't. This was why he couldn't recognize who the previously masked man was.

It was only after the person mentioned Sofony's name again that he had a hunch.

Chris said. "Sir. Please forgive me for asking. Are you perhaps, Gio Albarez?"


"Temporarily stay with me at my mansion to fill me in with the situation there. Your supporter can come with us."

Due to this statement from Gio, both Alessa and Chris boarded the man's limousine and headed towards Green Paradise, a village within Jasmine City exclusive for the rich and famous.

Though cleverly hidden, both the man and woman showed brief amazement at the beautiful chateau that appeared before them when they exited the car.

It was very huge and elaborate. Among the almost castle-like mansions Chris saw in his entire life, few residences could rival this one which her ally's lover actually owned.

Just how rich this man was? Didn't Sofony once tell him that no whatsoever amount left any of Gio Albarez' bank accounts?

He was suspecting the woman simply didn't know that her man had a stash of cash somewhere. It could be outside of their country since this mysterious non-host said he couldn't return or have any contact with anything related to that city.

'Maybe it's also the other way around? That woman can't have any contact with anything remotely related to this Gio so they never met in the past 3 years? It makes sense then if only a system user could help them out with this. The problem is probably, there's only two of us apart from Sofony. Or maybe only me since Sofia is her secondary host. The other problem is it's my first time in this country.'

Chris smiled wryly.

Gio Albarez turned around and invited them in.

Yet before anyone of them could take a step forward, the two men alertly looked back and watched out for the sudden disturbance in the air.

Chris was familiar with the sensation since his only high-level acquaintance loved playing with this ability.

'... Teleportation?'

The half-host grimly handed Alessa a barrier device and instructed her to press the red button at the first sign of danger. He also made her stand at the back while he joined Gio who came forward.

Not long after, a white intangible figure formed in the air just five meters ahead.

The dots of lights coagulated into something solid until it was revealed that the figures were two. One with the body frame of a slim and delicate woman, the other, a bulky guy.

A familiar feminine and sweet voice made way into the three people's ears. But instead of sounding hypnotic, it was laced with annoyance and impatient.

"I didn't pay you any attention earlier because I was in a hurry. But you don't want to give up on pestering me? I hate your guts!"

A woman with long silky black hair and impossibly fair doll-like complexion completely materialized in the space. She wore an elegantly styled white suit paired with a white pencil skirt. The color of her belt matched her golden high heels.

Alessa almost had a heart attack at the scene she witnessed. Apparently, she also recognized the gorgeous lady in white.

The beautiful black-haired black-eyed woman had her back turned to them so all they saw was her right hand rising high in the air.

A second later, a loud smacking sound echoed throughout the maze-like garden of the chateau.

In fact, it was not only loud. But extremely deafening. And everyone present was sure they heard something accompanying that sound. A guttural groan and perhaps, noises of bones or neck being broken.


Alessa couldn't take away her gaze at the descending hand that initiated a series of face-slapping.

The target of that woman had been pinned at the pristine white wall with one of her knees while that same hand kept imprinting palm marks at the unrecognizable face of the man who appeared here with her out of nowhere.

The woman in white business attire seemed very angry to not mind her surroundings anymore just to teach the other a lesson. Her other hand held something which couldn't be seen from their angle, otherwise, it might have already also descended with unmatched ferociousness.

"... It's actually just her."

The dumbfounded actress was taken away by Chris. They might appear impolite to enter the enchanting chateau ahead. But what could they do? The one who invited them was focused too much on the newcomer.

Yes, Gio froze at where he stood. His eyes never left the back of the girl.

"Babe," he couldn't help but voice out, disbelief and hope obvious from his tone.

Sofony, the woman in white trembled after hearing that voice. She stopped moving and let the unconscious unknown host to cascade down the wall.

Almost dramatically and in a slow-mo, she turned her head to where she heard it came from.

Her lashed also trembled as she blinked at the man. Not once did she ask herself if her eyes were playing tricks on her. And when she confirmed that they didn't, she exclaimed in her mind.

'It's him...'

Tears streamed her face for the second time today.


She watched as his stunned expression turned into that of his usual mature and heartwarming smile.

When he spread his arms as if waiting for her to jump into his loving embrace, she took a deep breath to control the endless tears from her eyes.

After warping in front of the person she had been dying to embrace again for the last three years, she smilingly jumped onto him and hugged him by the neck.

With tears of joy, she said,

"Finally found you..."



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