The Sinners' Queen

218 Return 1 The Sinners's Queen


While one guy in the same huge residence was being haunted by nightmares, the other one woke up feeling content with the warmth by his side.

The exaggeratedly large room was dimly illuminated. The sliding glass door and transparent wall facing the east was fully blocked by a thick velvet curtain. However, due to the faint glow of the lampshade by the bedside, the interior of the place could be seen. 

The king-sized pitch-black bed was at the westmost side of the room. There was a piano at its left.

Alongside it, all the way to the wall adjacent to where the door was, canvases and paintings of different sizes and styles could be seen. The background and colors were most of the times different, but the subject of all the artworks was the same. 

That subject had woken up a little earlier than the owner of the house. When she accidentally tossed to the other side, she caught sight of her face there, blowing her sleepiness away, replaced by both shock and speechle@@

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