The Sinners' Queen

283 Fred and Gio 1

Like what Chris predicted, and Sofony realized after the video event, many people belonging to their ranks did take notice of the lady in the video and started inquiring about her from their AIs. The majority did not gain anything because she was still higher-leveled than most immoral hosts in the current batch, plus her anonymity was up to two levels from her current on.

But there were still at least a hundred people who managed to get intelligence about her, the large percentage of this scant few were system users from the previous batches while the rest were from Sofony's ranks.

Those from the modern bunch might be only at level seven. However, because they had access to more wondrous items than Sofony and her allies, they somehow managed to exempt themselves from the anonymity rule and obtained information about her.

Not all of them were like the person from a territory in the layers. The others were simply batsh*t crazy or hostile all because they hated other system users and immoral hosts.

It had to be noted that most people who could climb up in ranks were those who had great capabilities or simply very hardworking, determined, and unfeeling, those without care about how their actions would impact other people.

In short, hostile or not, since they could get ahead of everyone else in this half-millennial batch of immoral hosts, it meant they would be troublesome as opponents or even as harassers.

If thought from a wider perspective, although Sofony presented a reason behind her action at that time, it still appeared that she invited great trouble for herself. Who knows if she would be able to extricate herself from these this time? Especially if her other preexisting troubles were considered.


While Sofony and the others were passing a busy day, Gio temporarily dumped off the majority of his works in Ever Victorious and Albarez Empire to George and then set off to give his uncle and Fred some troubles. While the former did not make things difficult for him and allowed him to throw a few punches in his aged face and troll him big time, the latter was different.

Fred was located somewhere in a layer, actually. It was just that the abandoned convalescence was made to stay on Earth's surface. Only people with connections to the system could see the place but even that was up to the owner's whims. And that person was not Fred. It was the so-called Director, somebody of mysterious origin and power who could make even that crazy failure of a scientist behaved in a proper way.

Before, Gio threatened Leo of making him a human bomb he would throw at the mental hospital, but he was merely bluffing back then. He didn't even have the means to make that place appear. How would he do that? Leo was simply frightened of the physical superiorities he displayed. So the kid assumed he did have a way to do what he declared.

So what did he do?

What else, but dragged his uncle into the mess again, had him contact the person beforehand through a mysterious landline number, and accompany him towards the place.

Now two men, one seated on the driver's seat, the other on the backseat, were on their way to the site riding a very lowkey black car which seemed to be what middle-class families would have. These two men were diametrically opposite in personality yet had the same degree of imposing manner. It was the older man, Conrad, the one with milder and warmer disposition, who was acting like a driver to the younger one.

At one point in time, on their way there, Conrad sighed then helplessly commented to the person sitting with crossed arms behind, "My nephew. Have you thought things through? I know I have already asked this five times, but it's just unnerving this uncle of yours. Out of all places to visit that person, why the abandoned mental hospital? Didn't you say you're from the future?"

"I only have memories from the future. It's different." The answer came so indifferently out of Gio's lips.

It was dark, and they were already at the part where grasses on both sides of the rocky road were as tall as a child aged 7 or 8. After this should be a vast expanse of plain. In such a place was their destination lying in hiding.

The great Business King of the country chose to disregard the words his nephew emphasized since the meaning was still the same. He spoke in a calm tone, "Since you have knowledge about that place, why go there? When you should be aware that Fred Mendez is not the only demigod housed by that convalescence center?"

"For your boost of confidence, my dearest uncle, I would have to repeat again to you that I'm not somebody even a god could kill easily."

"Death is not the only thing scary in this world. A demigod and god don't necessarily have to kill. They always have ways to torment people and make them wish for death themselves. One instance is when that icy old man threw you to the North Pole trapped in his signature living ice, drifting from ocean to ocean for more than a year."

The glimmer that shot out of Gio's eyes was so intensely cold that for a moment Conrad wondered if the young man was, in fact, Fred or his close disguised as his nephew. In a voice dripping of frost, the younger non-host supporter spat out, "Who's fault was it, huh?"

"Of course, I know it's mine." Guilt could not be seen from the master of the Albarez' household since even now he believed that what he did was the correct thing. With a sigh, he pressed on the break and lightly raised his head upward while his eyes rolled to the right to take a glimpse of Gio's darkening expressions.

"Don't blame us much, boy. While it's true I did not do that to help the two of you but out of fear that you will be killed, even when you revealed you've long been a noon-host stronger than me, I still think it's the best that you two got separated. If you have stayed with Fred's daughter before she reached level 5, she would have stayed very weak and vulnerable. I had to say this, but as his daughter, she could not stay like that since his father is not always around to defend her."

"Stop making it appear like he did something great to Sofony. Even if I'm thankful that because he abandoned her that I get to meet her, it's still a fact that it's him who first broke her heart, not only once, but twice. As a father, he should be ashamed. And this shame should be doubled since you just insinuated that he has many enemies that could also strike at Sofony."

Gio promptly exited the car as soon as he finished saying those words. Conrad awkwardly chuckled. On the outside opposite where Gio stood, he caught sight of a heavily bearded man glaring at the young man with bloody red eyes.

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