The Skill Collector
Holy Attribute Magic User
"What's going on? Though I seem to get confused a lot when I get back. Shall I bring you some water?
When I turned to my face in response to a voice I suddenly heard, there was Sumire, the innkeeper, peeking into my face worried.
Every time she moves in a hurry, the big red ribbon on her head is shaking.
You can't. Were you exposed to such defenselessness that you didn't notice her approach?
"Thank you for the water. I've been a little caught up in a case lately. I was about to be tailored by criminals."
"Uh ⁉ So, you were okay!
He seems to be seriously worried about me, and he climbs out onto the table and approaches me.
She's usually the kind of woman who blushes her cheeks just to get closer, but now she seems excited and not the other way around.
"Thanks to you. Your lord has a good face, so you've managed to rule."
I actually helped someone in a higher position, but I wouldn't have to say that.
It made me realize that Conne is important.
"Good -. Relieved."
"I disturbed you. It's okay now."
When she tries to smile gently and makes a face, Sumire flies hastily, seemingly understanding the current situation, turning her face bright red.
You'll be relieved when you're with Sumire. Perhaps this is the strongest ability to be more useful than skills as a customer business.
"Huh, I'm tired -! Oh, can I sit at the collector's? Sumire, bring me something that swells my stomach."
"Don't make too much noise. It would be a nuisance to other guests"
"Well, that's good. I made more money today than I thought."
"That's why don't you take your wings off too much. Who thinks you can take care of him?"
Former, old sage Luio and his granddaughter, Peari, have come in fine from the inn entrance. Warrior Semash, it was that childhood friendly, wizard sarpy adventurer party.
Adventurers who have something to do with it, and regular companions of this inn.
"Go ahead. It's more fun to eat in large numbers than to be alone."
"Collector, I know. Ruio is as tough as Grandpa."
"I'm sorry. This is also about sex."
Like, it's really Grandpa, not me.
Luio, who turned out to be a full season man because of the "young making" effect I sold, has yet to find out who he is by his grandson, Peari.
There have been many occasions when I have spoken calmly that doesn't make me feel young and when I deal with my grandchildren with my grandfather's gaze, Peeli seems duller than I imagined.
"Oh, yeah. I remembered at dinner that I just had a consultation with the collector."
Semash, the leader of this party, cut that out as he cheeked lavishly on the dishes he had been transported.
"What is it? Whenever you want to buy skills."
"Uh, I might ask for that. Listen to me first. I need some advice. You're in the business of collecting skills, so you know more about skills, don't you? Louis the one who knew so much praised me."
"We're making money from that, a little bit."
"Don't be modest. Isn't there anyone on the right who knows their skills?"
Ruio and I have talked about our skills a few times, but I was still amazed at my knowledge then.
"It's an honor to compliment you. So what do you want to talk to me about?
"Ooh, I did. Actually, one of the newcomers joined us, but I have a little problem with that one. I'm supposed to be here in a little while."
Is it going to be a party of four that will add another member?
Now warriors, warriors, archers, wizards, and I don't think it's unbalanced, but I've never been over it for more power.
"He's bright, he's a really good kid..., if he doesn't even have that one"
"Even though it's really impeccable in its power and character..."
Peeli and Sarpi look at each other and shrug their shoulders.
Just what I'm saying now has conveyed that newcomers aren't bad people, but Ruio had a bitter laugh at the rest of the mentz in terms of tannins.
"My new name is Spi, but I'm a clergyman"
"By priesthood, are you a user of 'sacred attribute magic'? I'll say the recovery job is backwards, aren't you a pretty good person?
Holy Attribute Magic is magic acquired by training with rather special magic, but only those who believe in God can get it. … and is, but is not, actually.
A skill that anyone can remember if they understand and learn how it works.
As a matter of fact, it was possible for me, an atheist, to use the sacred attribute magic even if I bought it.
Many features are effective magic for spirits such as Reis, which has no entity, and undead such as zombies and skeletons. Other physical and spiritual enhancements known as auxiliary magic are also famous.
But that's like an aside. A factor in which 'sacred attribute magic' is respected is the existence of restorative magic.
Injuries are inevitable if you are an adventurer. Normally, the wound can only be washed away with water, applied herb crushed restorative medicine, and wrapped around a bandage.
But with healing magic, it's possible to block that wound. Undo the fracture and heal the major injury immediately and completely... but it is also treasured for its resilience to that extent.
I was quite fortunate to have a user of 'Holy Attribute Magic' at an adventurer's party about whether or not I could reach intermediate like them.
"No, well, I was really thankful, huh? When you hear that there are extra users of Holy Class magic, please accept that you will become a member when you speak up. At that time, I had a little bit of joy with my people. But..."
So I say, semash.
I haven't heard the important part yet. At the right time I tried to ask you about the problem, bam! and the sound of the doors opening up in momentum echoes in the store.
"Oh, I'm sorry I'm late!
You bit me.
There was a small woman who bowed her head so much momentum and so many times that she was likely to hear a peck and a phonetic sound.
A fairly large face compared to the body for both natural perm's and rubbed hair. Is it about four heads?
I have big, neat eyes, but those eyes are not focused and moving around.
Never beautiful, but coupled with a sloppy body, it has a stuffed adorability.
He wears full body armor on his body and carries a mace and shield about the same length as his height. Being able to move flat even in such a state seems confident in the power.
"Whoa, I've been waiting for you. You don't have to apologize, just sit here."
When Semash points to the seat next to him, he approaches him with a small run, rattling his armor, and sits down a bit on the chair.
This shape to the height of only half of a human adult male. Probably a dwarf.
It's a species that resembles a man, clever and stubborn. Men soon accumulate fine mustaches, but women do not grow mustaches.
"Oh, you know, late..."
"That's enough, Spi. You're in a hurry. Drink some water and calm down."
"Shh, excuse me"
You're a low back kid.
When I drank very much of the water handed to me at once, I exhaled small.
"Spi, you haven't introduced me yet. This man is a merchant called a collector."
When I bow my head small because Luio introduced me, I am bowing my head again with momentum that is about to hit my head against the table.
"Ha, nice to meet you! It's Spi!
You bit again. He seems asthenic and nervous and unable to speak well.
Is this a request to cure this personality?
"Uh, this is better..."
Trying to find out what the consultation is about, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! and sounds like a ground beep echoing all over the store.
My body shook for a moment, but when I pretended to be calm and looked around their faces... no one was surprised.
One leans down and the other four gaze is focused on one of them.
Apparently, the audio source is her - Spi's stomach.
Incredible, but that sounds like a hungry, belly-up noise right now.
"Uh, Sumire! Do you mind if I order? Can you just bring me the same one you just asked for?
It was Peeli's shouting to order that broke the place of silence without knowing how to react.
I'm not saying I did well, but my buddies are thumbing up and praising Peeli for her actions.
So far I had predictions about their troubles, but once I checked out her skills in "Appraisal".
There is "precision operation" and "stubbornness" like a dwarf. There are also other 'powers' and 'sacred attribute magic', which can be described as talented people alone.
And I could see the skill of the problem they were trying to talk to me about.
"Oh, uh, are you sure you want to eat?
On another table prepared for her, the same amount of food is sloppily lined up as this one.
Four adventurers who eat more than the average person, including my share of cooking, and the same amount of cooking in front of them don't scare me.
On the contrary, he shines his eyes and tongues.
"Don't hesitate. That's what you had to do when you were with the Lord."
When Luio said that, he hit the food in front of him.
The food disappears into her stomach at a tremendous rate. Seeing one empty plate after another piles up, my voice leaks unexpectedly "ho".
Is this unusual dining landscape unique to the skill holders of "Big Eat" and "Appetite"?
These two skills exist in Spi. That's also at a pretty high level.
Essentially, this skill often coexists, and 'appetite' awakens while 'great eating' is eating first, and 'appetite' awakens the desire to eat first.
It's not a rare skill, but it's important at this level.
Perhaps even this five-serving dish isn't enough for her.
While I was thinking, the food was eaten and only empty plates were laid in vain.
"That's why, collector"
"I'm convinced of everything."
Spi is shyly wiping the sauce on his mouth.
Buying away her 'appetite' and 'big meal' is easy, but the question is whether she wants it.
"Mr. Spi. I possessed special skills and if you want, it is possible to buy out unwanted skills. You know what that means, don't you?
"Yes. I have been told in advance by all of you. Well, when I heard that, I wanted to make sure you bought it out."
"Are you sure it's good? Less appetite for eating, more dramatically, right?
"Ha, ha. It's been really bad lately and most of my income is gone for food... This is so much food, I can't even go on a long expedition, and other parties throw me away."
Speaking with a crying face, she must have had quite a hard time.
You can only take a day trip request for a big meal so far. Food runs out by the time we reach our destination.
I could understand so painfully why Spi, with all his outstanding skills, was extra without being able to combine with anyone.
"So let me just leave level one and buy it out?
I didn't feel like taking everything away from her when I saw her flattening the dish with a happy look that would convey to me watching.
"Oh, uh, is that okay?"
Spi talking to you most of the time as you look around your buddy's face.
"Yeah, that's about all right!
"That's right. She said she's cute if she eats a little bit."
"That's right. I'm glad you're enjoying the delicious food you've made."
"I mean. Besides, would a collector buy it out even if the level went up again?
I smile with a grin as Luglio skipped his gaze slightly sideways.
When the level rises, it will be her extraordinary income and additional food costs.
"Oh, thank you. But what good is it for a collector to buy these skills?
"Any skill is surprisingly useful."
I reassured Spi that I was worried and made her buy out her skills.
"Big Eat" and "Appetite" sold for a pretty good price for the big rich eater. He was the one publicly proclaiming that eating delicious food from all over the world was viable, so this should have allowed his hopes to come true.
Nevertheless, I didn't wait a year to give you all that level, and I was seeing that I would be barrel-like and unable to move, so my skill level hasn't decreased much.
Dwarf is born with a big meal and a fuel-efficient body, so there's no problem with a little big meal.
Spi always wears heavy protective gear in addition to Dwarf properties, moving his body violently as an adventurer, so his muscles were stunned, not fat, without being extremely fat after eating all that.
Plus the existence of another skill was preventing her from gaining weight.
"Well, do you want to go check on him"
Big rich customers only thought about the extent to which they earned change, so I'm not shocked that they have a ton of extra skill levels.
He's more important than that when he decides to go see it on a regular basis.
When we arrived at our destination, it was just in time for lunch.
When I gently open the door of that building, I hear a talk.
"I've put more on my arms today to make lunch! It's definitely better than that crazy Sister dish."
"You know, because Sister has lunch for me. My stomach had its limits..."
"Darling! I've been cooking, too, so eat and eat! Because it's a secret dish with plenty of rare demonic meat!
"Both of you, the priest is in trouble, so, welcome home. No."
Inside the church, a girl and a Thacubus pushed her lunch box, and there is a figure of a troubled priest.
Sister resists trying to pull the two looming off, but the hem of the monastic garment is about to appear curly underwear at that time.
The priest pretends not to know that, turns away, coughs up and urges Sister to notice herself, but there's no way she'll notice that she owns' Blunt '.
You're the same. Confirming the skills of the mothhot priest, the levels of 'sexuality' and 'reason' were higher than before.
But it's hard to say how well it's fostered. Getting up to this level is getting worse.
If there's one more thing, I think the priest's "reason" is going to wake up to high skill.
"You won't eat me...... I woke up early in the morning and worked so hard to make it."
"After all, we give priority to humans. I thought priests weren't the kind to discriminate."
When the girl and Thacubas stared at the priest in tears, he exhaled loudly, as he had given up.
"I can't waste the lunch you made because of me. Thank you, I'll have it."
When a priest who couldn't say no receives it, the two of them hold their fists so that they don't look like priests and rejoice.
The two seemed satisfied when they gave them their lunches and left the church, and Sister also pulled into the back to prepare the dishes.
The other day, those two names told me to sell 'cooking' so I was wondering what was going on.... No, no way - I didn't think you were developing like this.
When I walk over to a priest who sighs louder than I just did alone, I smile and talk.
"Hi, I just bought up some 'Big Eat' and 'Appetite' skills the other day. If you have" Big Eat, "you can flatten about three servings with Pero, and if you have" Appetite, "you can eat even the Getemono dish without having to because you have an appetite. Oh, yeah, there's also a skill called 'metabolism'. With this it is also possible to get a less fat physique even if you eat it.... Would you like to buy it?
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