The Skill Maker

Resolution (3)

"Do, help? About what? Turn it off! Can't you see I'm busy?"

"It's a simple test. You just have to wear this and come at me."

"Hey, come on... Turn it off! I'm free? From now on, I'm going to have a nice drink with some pretty girls. Ouch! More, dirtier heavy! Damn it!"

Jackal, who pretends to be exercising while talking nonsense, is a bit of a tongue twitch.

Look at this guy.

I guess he's a little upset because he didn't take me to the city last time.

In fact, through the fight with the Red Skills last time, Hyun-chun, Lena and Cerdiana were able to build up a considerable amount of karma. You've killed so many of the Red Skills, watching the effects of the amplification. Naturally, a huge karma would have been forced to build up on the body. Well, that wasn't enough to raise the price. Either way, we really need a huge amount of karma to raise the quality.

"Oh, I was thinking about going hunting around Estvalde next week after a long time. Where is the right party member?"

At that moment, Jackal threw up the weights and jumped up from his seat.

He came up to me, clasping his hands, and shining his eyes.

"Hahaha, what can I do for you, Master? I'm free. I am at your service."

"... ...fucking bastard. Try this all on for now."

We're free, but we're different.

He's a real bastard anyway. Well, that's cute in its own way.

Whoa, I'm crazy. I can't believe you think Jackal is cute.

I handed over all the superior Hermantium armor to Jackal.

The chest protector was useless because it had a hole in it, but other parts were fine.

That's how Jackal became fully armed with Hermanntium. Most of all, he was showing off his status, which is almost like a capable person in the [Confusion] category, as he was wearing all of his Hermantium armor.

"Oh...? Master! What the hell is this Gapju? Why do they have all these good items?"

"Amazing, isn't it? That's the Hermantium armor we're working on these days."

"Kiya! That's really cool, huh? All stats 20... Plus, you can use the power of dimension. Wow, I'm going crazy. How can you have such an item? But I think my body is starting to sting."

"Oh, it's a bit, isn't it? That's because they sucked your karma."

Jackal's face turns blue as soon as he hears me.

I grinned at him. He's cute anyway.

I'm scared of what he said on the subject of gangsterism.

"Don't worry, man. I'm not dying. I'm not sucking that much, so let's just run the test."

"Well, then I'll do it quickly. These items. I feel a little bad just wearing it."

That's why I dressed you.

I hate that kind of stuff.

As a result

Finally, the second battle between Jackal and me began.

It's been 4 years since we first met in this world.

Let's see how advanced he is. To test the Hermanntium defenses.

You need to be gentle for now.

A rattle.

a gain in talent

But then.

Several clans opened the doors of the smokestack and found us and opened their eyes.

Regular rank-and-file members who joined the club more than half a year ago.

They recognized me and Jackal and immediately vented their exclamations.

They seem to have sensed something in a strangely flowing atmosphere.

"Oh? What is it?"

"Oh? This is not..."

"Oh! Jackal and Boomaster? Are you two playing a game?"

"Why, why, what's going on? Why are you two competing all of a sudden? For the position of a true boomer?"

"Watching! Wow, it's been a while since I've seen it. It's a proper popcorn."

"Hurry up and let the others know!"

With the number of spectators starting to increase so quickly.

Following ordinary rank-and-file members, Hyunchun and Ariel, Ceriana and Lena, Galonix, and Elisa, the nine-circle wizard, showed up. Indeed, the story, which began with a light test, has spread to Clan's biggest event. To the point where people are excited and go on a spree.

"What is it, Minhyuk and Jackal?"

"Master? You're not gonna test the Hermantium?"

With my hands waving at you two.

Jackal looked at the crowd and wept.

The odds of you beating me are practically zero. I'm going to be crushed in front of a lot of people.

He pouted his lips toward me and opened his mouth.

"Do you have any penalties, Master? At this rate, it's too obvious for me to lose. People don't like it."

It's not about fun, it's about test rules.

I'm not just trying to play.

But that's true, too.

Clearly it's important to level for the test.

If you're too overwhelming, you'll end up with no information like you're fighting Rad.

I nodded.

"Okay, then I'll start and I'll just defend for five minutes without any counterattacks. Also, do not use skill or level power completely. Do not use weapons, use only one left hand. Yeah. How about this? It's all right, right?"

"Laughing! Oh, my God... Are you crazy? No, I can beat you no matter how much I am? Hahahaha! Good! Finally, this jackal is going to beat you today. Then let's do it! Come on!"

Look at him.

That doesn't mean you can beat me.

Break your dreams. Break your dreams.

But the faces of Clan members who heard me were filled with expressions of high expectations.

Competitors who bring refreshments from all over the place and watch the game. They seemed to have the expectation, perhaps even one, that Jackal could really win.

Well, I was [defeated] when I left Estvalde before.

To be honest, this penalty could have been a pretty tiring fight.

Most of my real power came from the power of operation and of.

But now I'm [a myth] capable of quality.

It's just a different level.

"Khhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Here we go, teacher. Take care. My sickle doesn't have eyes."

Your eyes are on your face, asshole.

"You're not seriously thinking of getting it right with me?"

"Of course, that's the only way I can beat you. Whoooooooooo-hoo!

"Yes. Come with the strength to kill."

Jackal's ruler is a sickle with deep blue gummy.

But his sickle today contained a level of power.

A vast force that freely separates space by the presence of the Hermantium.

Surely his skills were overwhelmingly better than in the past.

A sharp attack that tore everything apart. Above all, a trick-or-treating attack that caused confusion to the opponent by using mana was quite high. Perhaps there aren't many who can deal with Jackal within the same [half-hearted] class.

But nevertheless, Jackal failed to match me with a single attack in five minutes.

In a way, this was a natural result, and this was the true difference in our skills. Although Jackal is a Grand Master, he was far below me in terms of physical ability and mana management anyway. To be honest with you, I was able to overpower about a hundred Grand Master-class men just as I am now.

With only one finger containing mana, without the use of dimensional force or skill.

The guild members gave up their exclamations as they watched the scene of their fingers bouncing the sickle obliquely.

You're taking away the power of the dimension with nothing but the strength?

It would be an incredible scene for them.

"Hey, that's ridiculous..."

"You're too strong, aren't you?""

"It's not already human territory."

"I can never win. No matter how strong Jackal is, his level is different."

"How long has Mr.Jacall been able to use the power of dimension?"


When the murmurs of the people reached an extreme, and Jackal pushed me to the last breast-feeding power.

At that moment I sensed a strange change in Jackal.

No, it's actually been going on and on for a while.

Little by little, but slowly following my pace.

It was an incredible and shocking change.

a curious flexure around Jackal's body

It was deformedly driving up the speed of Jackal's attack.

Quack, quack, quack!

About a dozen minutes later.

Only then did I realize everything.

The surrounding space where Jackal's sickle twists strangely whenever it moves.

It was another grotesque misalignment with the strength of the dimension.

An attack that cuts through the air a step later, even though it has already swung a sickle.

On the other hand, an attack that is already splitting the air with will alone, even though it did not wield a sickle.

In other words, the Hermantium garb was causing a kind of 'rek'-like phenomenon by mysteriously twisting the time around the wearer.

The worst-ever ability to keep a person from reading the timing.


It wasn't until a long time ago that Jackal also felt something strange.

The initial error range is only 0.000000000000000001 seconds. But the longer the combat time, the more accelerated the lag was. After thousands of bickering sessions, Jackal can follow more than half of my moves.

"Huh? This feels weird. Teacher? Why does it feel like my body is getting faster?"

"You know that now?"

I checked the strength of the Hermantium and felt my heart shudder once again.

Think carefully. What if your opponent didn't even pull a sword from your waist, and the scene is already recreating a second later?

What if the enemy hasn't even launched an attack on me, and the opponent's sword is already cutting off my hair?

Who in the world can stop this kind of attack?

Of course, it takes a considerable amount of combat time to make the margin of error long enough, but it was still so powerful that it was ridiculous. The force of time that breaks down normal common sense. Suddenly, I felt very fortunate to have finished the battle against Rad in a very short time. How far can the current country cover the margin of error that the power of time has?

0.0001 second? Or 0.001 seconds? Him or 0.01 seconds?

Considering the crazy speed of the people with abilities... The narrowing of the margin of error was a huge danger signal.

When I think about the difference between Jackal and me, it's even more.

'We need to come up with a plan. This is a completely crazy item. You can't leave it as it is.'

The moment that Hermanntium noticed the unorthodox power and organized all his thoughts.

I pulled up the mana in my body to the limit, gathered the mana at the fingertips, and knocked Jackal down in a single blow.

It's squishy, the floor is broken, and Jackal's body goes deep into the ground.

Destroying the magic that was installed throughout the firearm.


The art of putting strong flags on all parts of the body.

As you can see, I can use a variety of other forces.

the art of using horse power in a rigid form

Gwon Kang has been cleared a long time ago.

after only half a year's awakening as a hunter

"Here you go, Jackal. You've worked hard."

"Laughing! As expected... My teacher is a monster. I can't beat you. My back is stiff."


The moment I grabbed Jackal's hand and held him up.

So in the cheers of the Clans, the test of the Hermantium armor was over.

Giving rise to some challenges that need to be solved.

Resolution (3) End.

by world manners

work review

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