Chapter 198 Just in case! Mom’s thoughts!!

In fact, Qin Hao did not believe in Gao Yi, but he wanted to take precautions, and if he participated in the four major families, the benefits he could give would definitely be unimaginable.

He was not afraid that Gao Could be blinded, because such a thing must involve a very large number of people, and people like their director.

Since we can tolerate such a thing, I believe that Gao Yi will definitely be unable to control the words of the director.

“So what do you want to do with your bureau chief’s side now, and how should you communicate?” Moreover, such a big thing, you can’t do it alone, and your current status is not so strong. ”

To tell the truth, Qin Hao did not expect that the suicide of the Four Little Hua Dan could actually involve so many people.

And he really couldn’t believe that a person who had left like this had some connection with these high-ranking people, and he really couldn’t bear it.

And even if a girl is forced to commit suicide, he will certainly not be able to do what a moral person like him says. Those people are completely morally deprived.

“I will definitely look at this matter, you should do a good job of your hand, anyway, you definitely don’t have to care about this.”

“Besides, I don’t want to stay in this one, and that’s it, and if I continue to work under him, I’ll feel sick to myself.”

With that said, does Gao also want to resign? And he came up with the support of this director from beginning to end. Of course, most of them rely on the efforts of Gao Yi.

But standing behind Gao Yi is this director.

If Gao Can breaks up with this bureau chief, then in the whole circle of the industry, who dares to continue to use Gao Yi this person?

In fact, this idea is also Qin Hao’s worry, because people with such an identity as Gao Yi really don’t worry about finding a job.

“What are you doing with a sad face?” Do you think I resigned over here? On the other side, can’t you find a job? ”

“Actually, I’ve already looked for the next one, and it’s international, and they’re definitely fair and just there.”

“You don’t have to worry about this matter, and these are my personal affairs, but the relationship between us, you know, something as important as this, I don’t think you will say it.” 」

Of course, Qin Hao’s tone of voice was absolutely good, and moreover, such an important matter, if he went outside and said something casually, how could it be?

Qin Hao also knew the importance of things, and he was still very sensible.

“You really think I’m a kindergarten kid, how can you say such a thing casually?”

Since he saw Qin Hao’s attitude, then he believed Qin Hao, not to mention such a thing, if he solved it alone, it was indeed difficult to clean up.

Now there is a task assigned above, which happens to be to clean up some rich children.

Qin Hao sometimes didn’t understand that since he already had so many interests in his hands, why should he covet these?

In fact, it cannot be said that they are greedy, but only that they are blinded by these beauties. But even if this is the case, can’t you be a normal person?

Why just start those bad clubs?

“I don’t think it’s a big deal to talk about, and it’s not good for us to talk about these things here, and you know my mother is cooking inside.”

“I’m afraid this partition wall has ears, and if he had hidden in the shadows and listened, he would have heard a lot.”

The pig got up and went into the kitchen to see if there was anything he could do to help his mother. Then as soon as I entered the door, I saw my mother handling a sea fish.

“Wow, tonight there are fish to eat, it’s really rare, usually you don’t let me eat fish, Mom, you are also too eccentric, you just look at gao can also come to prepare such a fish.”

Because when I was in the hospital before, some doctors had already stressed that Qin Hao’s body also had to eat less fish. Because of the previous offense

After that kind of illness, and some of the factors inside, it was still not so good for Qin Hao.

“This rain is certainly not for you to eat, how can you go fish?” Have you forgotten what the doctor said? This is specially made for high can also be eaten. ”

“Haven’t you seen that Gao Yi has lost weight recently?” If I don’t give him more supplements, I think he will exhaust his body when he does his work. ”

Before thinking about it, my mother was also very concerned about Gao Ye, of course, Gao Ye also had this blessing.

Listening to this mother and son chatting in the kitchen, Gao Yi stood in the doorway, but felt relieved, because his parents did not care so much about themselves, and Qin Hao’s mother was still very kind.

“Auntie, don’t make so many dishes, we can’t eat too much for the three of us, don’t tire yourself.”

Gao Yi listened at the door, the two of them, what you said, and then walked in, wanting to take the handle together.

Therefore, if this table dish was thrown to Qin Hao, and her mother made it alone, it would inevitably tire her out, and they were all elderly people.

“Auntie, do you still want to fry this green vegetable?” I’ll help you wash this dish, or pick it up. ”

Then Gao Yi immediately found a small stool and began to pick vegetables carefully.

Qin Hao was cutting slices of meat on it, and when he had just finished cutting this piece, he saw that his mother had made a face for himself.

Qin Hao couldn’t understand what his mother’s face meant after half a day?

“Mom, what’s wrong with you?” Is there something in the eye or is it itchy? I’ll blow it for you, or shall I? ”

He was speechless, looking at Qin Hao’s uncontrolled look, he instantly spoke his words.

“What? What’s wrong with my eyes? If she doesn’t hurry down to help Gao Yi pick vegetables together, how can she finish picking alone? ”

“Besides, people are girls with these little hands, and they are not used to work.”

Listening to his mother’s words, Qin Hao immediately understood, and immediately went down to let Gao Yi go to the side, and began to pick the dishes himself.

Gao Can also not flash away, this dish has not been picked, how can it be left halfway?

“My hands are already dirty, how can you let me leave now?” Let’s pick it together, pick it together, pick it faster. ”

The two people began to pick green vegetables together, Qin Hao’s mother made ingredients for the fish on it, and when she looked at the appearance of the two people picking vegetables together, she immediately smiled.

To tell the truth, Qin Hao’s mother was very happy with this Gao Yi in her heart. Sure enough, the two people picked vegetables together, that is, they picked very quickly, and after a while they picked a lot.

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