Chapter 231 is just a small laboratory!!

“It’s still of some use to Qin Hao.”

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have secretly carried out such a small laboratory, after all, what the special research department was studying, Qin Hao was also working on.

Although Qin Hao had high hopes for the special research department, Qin Hao also knew some things that should be investigated, and he still needed to do everything in his power to investigate.

Although these things were not so simple to investigate, Qin Hao knew that as long as he made unremitting efforts, these things could definitely be investigated for him.

Besides, these are not difficulties.

If he investigates, he can still solve a lot of problems, but if he wants to investigate the problems of capable people, he may have to find more help from Qin Su’s side, not to mention that Qin Su is a person from the special research department.

Qin Hao also knew that Qin Su still had a lot of rights, although sometimes he didn’t want to rely too much on him.

However, Qin Hao himself did not want to join the special research department, because he knew that as long as he joined the special research department, no matter what he did, he would have to report to him.

This was the last thing Qin Hao liked, because he didn’t want to be controlled, let alone if he did something wrong.

“It may also be a special research department to undertake, and then you may be scolded by the superiors.”

Therefore, qin Haoguang felt a little withdrawn when he thought about it, which was a big reason why he was reluctant to join the special research department.

Although there were many privileges that could be obtained in the special research department, of course, it was impossible to get these privileges that Qin Hao knew that as long as he obtained these privileges, then the price he would pay accordingly would be many.

Besides, if the special research department is for the potion, if there is less of a sentence

If it was found that Qin Hao had taken them out, it would definitely be to be held accountable to Qin Hao’s head, so Qin Hao also knew that these things were not something he could be delusional about, so he was sure that he could not touch these things at will, and he also knew that he would not join the research department.

Qin Hao found a café, which was just this hot summer, and the café was open with cool air conditioning, which was still very comfortable for him.

I casually found a seat, ordered a glass of ice American, and immediately opened my tablet, and this wave of operations was like an office worker working all the time.

Those waiter sisters next to them saw Qin Hao’s appearance and inevitably had some obsessive looks, not to mention that Qin Hao’s face was actually rare, this facial feature was such a sign, the waiter sister kept on the side, Qin Hao was also seriously staring at some information on the tablet at this moment, and did not notice the gossip next to him.

When the ice American style came up, Qin Hao was also holding this cup of ice American style and sat in the whole café for a whole afternoon.

After all the information Qin Hao had almost finished checking, it probably summed up a bunch of small documents, although Qin Hao knew that this document was actually of no great use to himself, but if these things were integrated, it would be very convenient for him to investigate in the future.

“Little brother, may I ask your girlfriend?”

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