Chapter 253 The Strange Appearance of the Gills of The Octopus!!

With the sound of footsteps coming up from downstairs, Qin Hao immediately walked out of his laboratory.

Pretending to be idle and looking at the tablet in his bed, at this moment he saw his mother pushing the door in, still holding a nutritious soup in her hand, he knew that his mother had recently cooked soup, which was really addictive.

At any time, he might bring himself a bowl of soup, but he also knew what his body was like, and he was already so powerful.

Drink the nutritious soup prepared by his mother for himself, then this ability will not be said, and Qin Hao also knows that he is also strong, and now he is very advanced

Moreover, under the careful cultivation of his mother, the problem of such an ability to rise is simply not a problem.

“Hurry up and give me this nutritious soup, I have stewed pork liver in it.”

“Pork liver is a good thing for the eyes, not to mention that you have been looking at the computer at work lately.”

“I’m afraid something is wrong with your eyes, so I’ll give you more of these nutritious soups that are better for your eyesight.”

“You drink a little more, and it still helps your body.”

Hearing his mother’s bitter persuasion, he was about to drink this soup.

He then handed the empty bowl to his mother.

“How did you know Qin Su, tell your mother about this Qin Su, how did you know him?”

“You’ve been hiding your mother’s words like this, which still makes me feel a little confused.”

Besides, your work is usually on the computer, how can you meet other people?

Maybe this is my mother’s ignorance of the Internet.

Making friends on the Internet is much faster than making friends in reality, and everyone on the Internet can’t make a living.

Just answer it with some communication questions.

This is still very convenient for Qin Hao, so make friends on the Internet.

It’s so easy, and it’s easy to make an appointment to meet.

However, this Qin Su was something he had really seen on the spot, only because of the last lizard-based ability.

That’s why I realized Qin Su.

“Mom, this is when I was on the field, and the case was a bit strange.”

“So I recognized a talent like him.”

However, it was a staff member of the special research department, so he was still very busy with his strength.

“Every time I call him, it’s just because I need his help, because they’re special, and there are still a lot of special appliances in the research department.”

They can provide me with it, so I’m definitely looking for him to help. Hearing that his son said this, then his mother probably understood it.

“Okay, I also know, your job is not simple, you have to deal with the work, or pay attention to your body, I went first.”

Looking at the figure of his mother walking out, Qin Hao immediately locked his door.

At this moment and a half, his mother would not come to him, and Qin Hao immediately opened the door of the laboratory and continued to dissect the fish inside.

After the unpacking work was done, Qin Hao continued to carefully study the liver, kidneys and other things of this fish.

Finding that the gills of this fish were still bright red, and some of them really surprised Qin Hao.

The gills of a fish turn out to be bright red, so what does that mean? Ten thousand.

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