The Sleepless Night of the Maid — Chapter 52

“I’m sorry, but I don’t care about other people’s circumstances.”

Rex firmly spoke and continued to walk away.

“Make them leave. If they say they won’t go, drag them away.”

A security guard approached Eva, as if threatening. Another guard picked up her luggage while another stood behind Cecil. Rex was really trying to throw them out without any mercy.

Eva’s heart became desperate. She had to persuade him, but there were no conditions to put forward. She didn’t have anything and all she could do was…….

“Wait, Mr. Rex.”

Eva called his name urgently. He turned around with a raised eyebrow as Eva hurried to speak.

“What if I work?””

As if it was unexpected, he tilted his head and asked back.


“I’ll do laundry, cook, run errands, everything.”


“I’ll do whatever you ask me to do. Anything you wish.”

When Rex showed signs of concern, Eva drove the momentum and added conditions. Just seeing a short gap was a good thing for her. Somehow she had to squeeze through the gap and change his mind. Otherwise, there was no reason to come all the way here with a heavy burden on her mind.

“Anything? Whatever I want?”

With his chin raised, he laid his eyes on Eva.

“Yes. Anything…”

Eva replied with difficulty, chewing her lip. She wasn’t going to step down easily, so there was only one option. Despite her not even the daughter of a noble anymore, she was just saving face.

Rex, who pursed his lips as if he was conflicted, finally smiled leisurely.

“Then I think we need to introduce ourselves if we’re to live together for a while. There’s nothing more to explain about me. What’s your name?”

Finally, Rex’s words gave her permission. With relief and joy, Eva and Cecil made eye contact. The introduction was up to the elder, so it was Cecil who opened her mouth while looking at Rex.

“My name is Margaret. This is my daughter, Lily. Thank you for giving us recognition.”

“Nice to meet you, Margaret and Lily.”

Rex, who smiled and received Cecil’s words, turned toward Jack, who was shaking the whole time.

“Build a barrack for these two to sleep in. And during the day, let both of them ride in my wagon.”

“No, you don’t have to do that.”

“You’ll sleep comfortably and rest comfortably. That way, you can work properly.”

Rex pushed Eva’s rejection and the corners of his mouth lifted.

Even though she barely got his permission, Eva was strangely not happy. Suddenly, she thought that all this all fell into the palm of his hand. She thought he knew from the beginning that this would happen.


When everyone was asleep, a faint light leaked from the largest barrack. Returning to his accommodation, Rex asked a question to his secretary, Rune, who followed.

“What did the daughter call her mother?”

“She called her nanny. And the mother called her daughter a Lady.”

“Hmm. As expected, she lied about her identity.”

Rex, who was now sitting in a simple chair, was lost in thought, his hand resting beneath his chin. He didn’t think she would reveal her identity as much considering she was secretly running away. He was curious and disgusted at the same time because he knew of it but went through it himself.

“Isn’t it the gentry class?”

“Once you see the aristocrats speaking with sophistication, it’s not just the gentry class. She must have been an employee who served the nobleman or a fallen nobleman.”

As if it was fun, he stood up smiling. In fact, he had been watching the situation since those two climbed the wagon in Ingraken, or when the person in plain clothes took Jack, the horseman. The mercenaries he hired were not inferior, but were those who knew how to move quietly if they considered something suspicious.

Even after hearing a report that the two women secretly boarded the wagon, he deliberately left them alone. But no matter what they did, his curiosity remained piqued.

Like a shaking mouse hiding in a rat hole, the two women did not even show hide nor hair. When he deliberately held the guards back, they finally appeared, looking around. Then they boldly left the campsite without knowing that they were being monitored. At that time, Rex was busy so he couldn’t follow them. Still, since they were women, shouldn’t they keep to their business? If they didn’t return, it wasn’t a loss here.

“Tomorrow, prepare a meal and order a small errand. And tell her to bring her own meals and tea every meal.”

“Yes, I see.”

Rex wanted to test Lily, to see how it would turn out if he decided to press her and hurt her pride. He pushed a little too hard to make them hang and shrink, and as a result, a bad situation was created. Even in such a situation, it was interesting to see her act calmly and propose cleverly.

Lily’s offer to work was a really good decision. She could get the legitimacy to ride a wagon, and Rex could spend what was originally a boring time exploring the two women.

“I’m really curious.”

And she was pretty too.

This was fun for a guy who was on a dull and groggy expedition.

“Mr. Rex, we’re going through the Rubel area soon. Are you going to go to the Duke yourself?”

“Yeah. I’m the only one going.”

When asked by Rune, Rex quickly replied with a cold expression. The Duke of Kensington and his daughter Olivia. Thinking about meeting them, he quickly became irritated. 

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