After a while, the injured hand was completely healed, and there was no trace of blood. It was impossible to tell that it had been injured. "So Mengzhen, are you a nanny?" I asked excitedly. I have only seen monsters like Fusheng and Liu Si Niang, and their abilities are to fight if they don't obey. Or most monsters have more or less ability to hurt in order to protect themselves, but monsters like Mengzhen who are good at assisting are too rare. I don't know if I have encountered a very rare monster. If Mengzhen has fighting ability again, she might be stronger than Si Niang. Suddenly, I had an evil idea in my mind and included her in my demon-slaying book. As long as I move my fingers, the defenseless Meng Zhen in front of me will belong to me.

As soon as this thought came out, I was frightened by myself and hurriedly forgot it.

No, no, I am a famous and righteous person, how can I do such a thing that only an outsider can do?

Since I now know that Meng Zhen is not dangerous to humans, there is no need for me to use the Demon Subduing Book.

Besides, I have to go with her to find the Taoist Sleeper, which is my top priority.

After Meng Zhen helped me with the treatment, she fell into my arms powerlessly.

It seems that helping me treat my palm consumed a lot of Meng Zhen's demon power. She was just born and did not have such strong strength. I am afraid that such treatment is already her current limit.

I carried Meng Zhen on my back, and her small body lay on my back, like a small backpack.

Only then did I realize that she was not wearing shoes on her feet, and the soles of her feet were dirty and covered with a lot of mud.

I temporarily gave up the idea of ​​rushing to the next place. Anyway, it was late today, so I might as well start tomorrow.

I carried Mengzhen down the mountain and came to a children's clothing store, ready to buy a pair of shoes for Mengzhen.

"Wow, sir, your daughter is so cute."

As soon as I entered the store, the clerk couldn't help but praise Mengzhen on my back.

Mengzhen was sleeping soundly on my back at this time, and her pink little face looked even cuter.

But why do they think this is my daughter? Do I look so old?

It's not long since I graduated from college, okay?

As soon as I walked into the mall, Mengzhen attracted a lot of people's attention.

The reason is nothing else, it is because of her silver hair.

Normally, if a person has silver hair, it may be that this person has albinism.

The reason why so many people pay attention to Mengzhen is that in addition to her being very cute, there is also sympathy for her illness.

Of course, they don't know that there are monsters.

"Can you help her pick a pair of shoes?" I was too lazy to explain to the clerk and walked directly to the shoe cabinet.

"Of course, sir."

The clerk helped me pick a pair of pink shoes with a pair of small wings on the upper.

When I was about to leave, I saw the children's clothes hanging on the wall.

It was also pink, and there was a pair of small wings on the clothes.

"Sir, this is the latest model in our store, and it is a set with the shoes you just bought." The clerk saw that I was interested in this dress and hurriedly recommended it to me.

"I want this one!" I swiped my card to pay the bill and turned to leave the mall.

Now I understand the mood of those dads when they dress up their daughters. If there is such a lovely daughter, who doesn't want to dress her up beautifully?

Mengzhen was too tired today, and she didn't wake up from her sleep until we returned to her residence.

After browsing the posts related to Sleeping Taoist for a while, I didn't find more information, so I ended today early.

Because I rested early the day before, I woke up early the next day.

I originally thought that I would see a full-of-energy Mengzhen when I woke up, but who knew that after a night's rest, Mengzhen was exactly the same as yesterday.

"Will she not be able to get up like this?" I was a little worried.

But after thinking about it, it was unlikely to happen.

If Mengzhen's demon power was really exhausted, then she could not still maintain her human form, and should have turned back into a little pillow long ago.

Since she still maintains her human appearance, it means that she is just sleeping soundly.

I comforted myself like this, sitting on the edge of the bed and admiring Mengzhen's sleeping posture.

Looking at her round face and delicate features, I couldn't help but poke Mengzhen's little round face with my fingers.

When my fingers were one centimeter away from Mengzhen's face, Mengzhen just opened her eyes.

The fingers just stopped stiffly.

Staying in the air, the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

"I just wanted to... make sure you were still asleep, so..." I was startled by Meng Zhen's eyes opening without warning, and I hadn't even thought of an excuse yet.

"What's wrong with you, brother?" Meng Zhen sat up from the bed in a daze and asked me in a weak voice.

Obviously she didn't pay attention to what I just did.

"Nothing." I shook my head and hurriedly changed the subject, "I'm ready to wash up and go out. We are going to find the Sleeper today."

"Okay!" As soon as he heard the name of Taoist Sleeper, Meng Zhen immediately became energetic.

After washing up, we got ready to go out.

Mengzhen puts on a whole set of clothes I bought, not to mention how cute she is.

Even I, a thousand-year-old straight man, felt so cute that I almost melted when I saw it.

Wherever we passed along the way, there would always be people who unconsciously stopped to look at the Dream Pillow. Naturally, I felt very proud when I was next to the Dream Pillow.

"Young man, wait a moment." A hoarse voice stopped me.

Along the way, I saw people admiring it and people taking photos secretly. This was the first person to stop me.

I want to see who it is.

I looked at this man's outfit and it looked familiar to me. He was wearing a plain mandarin jacket and was sitting in front of a low table. Next to the table stood a cloth flag with four big characters "divination and fortune telling" written on it.

Colleagues, isn't this a coincidence?

I originally thought that I was a passerby who was attracted by the cuteness of Meng Zhi, but it turned out to be a fortune teller and liar.

The writing on his flag is too unprofessional. How could a truly capable person only write four words about fortune telling? There must be some more professional terminology.

His level of deception is not as good as mine when I first debuted.

I pulled the dream pillow and looked at the liar with contempt.

"What's the matter? What do you need from me?"

The liar looked to be at least seventy years old, with a hunched back, only a few hairs left, and many spots and wrinkles on his face, giving him an old look.

He looked at me, then turned to look at the dream pillow next to me, and said to me in a small but clear voice: "Young man, can you come forward and talk?"

This is a common trick used by scammers, and I’m all too familiar with it.

I will call you over first and ask you to sit down in front of the stall before starting the next step.

I want to see what tricks this liar can come up with.

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