I was so tired that I couldn't stand it.

When I walked out of the door, Mengzhen suddenly pulled the corner of my clothes, which scared me into a cold sweat.

"Mengzhen, don't be so startled, my brother's heart is not very good."

Mengzhen didn't react after hearing what I said, and stared at the wall outside the room, which seemed to be stuck with something.

I put the flashlight close to the wall and found a piece of paper stuck on the wall.

The white paper with red text looked particularly eye-catching in the dark.

"Brother Lang, please forgive us for leaving without saying goodbye because of something... We really can't stay here any longer. We have left the things we owe you at the door of 207. Don't come looking for us again."

It seems that this family really encountered something, so they left in a hurry without even having time to clean up the food on the table.

But this note revealed a strange smell, which made me think in my heart, did this family really leave smoothly?

"Mengzhen, your eyes are good, you can see clearly in such a dark." I praised Mengzhen. If it weren't for her, I would never have found the note here.

"Brother, it's not dark at all. If you hadn't turned on the flashlight, I could see more clearly."

Oh my goodness, what kind of species is Mengzhen?

It's clearer to see with the lights off than with the lights on. Isn't this a walking night vision device?

Mengzhen really fulfilled my thoughts. Except for not being able to fight, he is proficient in everything!

"Brother, where should we go next?" Mengzhen asked out loud.

Looking at the endless corridor in the dark, I knew that searching room by room was not a solution.

Not to mention that this method is time-consuming and laborious, if there is something unclean in this apartment, our carpet search will definitely find it.

I plan to ask Meng Zhen for his opinion.

"Meng Zhen, do you think we should go directly to 207 mentioned in the note?"

Meng Zhen nodded, agreeing with my idea: "It's too troublesome to search room by room."

After getting a positive answer, we started looking for 207.

However, when I shone the flashlight on the house number, I was stunned again.

On the house number of the room we just searched, the three numbers "219" were written in blue paint.

But I remember that we just entered the apartment and didn't have time to go upstairs. How come the house number started with "2"?

The light at the door of the apartment also confirmed my idea. This must be the first floor.

This apartment has begun to exude its own unusualness.

Although it was a bit strange, it didn't prevent me from finding 207.

I walked around this floor for a whole circle before I found 207.

I didn't expect 207 to be right next to 219, and we actually started looking in the opposite direction, so we found it last.

Through this round of searching, I also confirmed that the house numbers on this floor all started with "2".

When I opened the door of 207, an equally stimulating smell instantly came out.

This smell is different from 207. It is not the moldy smell of rotting food, but more like the smell of blood settling.

As for why I know the smell of blood, I am not very clear.

This may be an instinctive reaction of the human body to its own kind. The moment I smelled it, I could tell that it was the smell of blood, and it was human blood.

The mottled wall also confirmed my guess. There were splashes of blood everywhere, and one of the walls was dyed red by blood.

Because I had experienced a scene of hell in Bijia Village before, I was more adaptable to this kind of scene, but Mengzhen was not.

She hugged my thighs and buried her head in them.

Although the house looked scary, there was nothing scary except blood.

There were still a few police cordons in the house. Obviously, a murder had happened in the house before. The scene had been cleaned up, and only the blood on the wall remained.

"Since the police have been here, I shouldn't be able to find any clues here."

In the end, I came here just to find the detector of the Taoist with eyebrows.

I searched the house for a while, but didn't find what I wanted, so I was ready to leave the house.

Mengzhen grabbed the corner of my clothes again. Although her head was still on my legs, her finger pointed to the bedroom next to it.

I just looked at the bedroom. There were only simple furniture in it, and I didn't find anything unusual.

The blood wall just mentioned was in the bedroom. Although I was somewhat used to it,

degree, but if you look at it too much, you will lose sanity.

Meng Zhen continued to point at the wardrobe in the room, raised his finger slightly, and slowly said: "On it."

I let go of Meng Zhen, jumped up and barely saw the situation on the wardrobe, there was a photo.

"Meng Zhen, your eyes can't still see through it, right?" I said in surprise.

With Meng Zhen's size, it is absolutely impossible to see the situation on the wardrobe, only perspective can explain it.

Meng Zhen didn't explain too much about this, and I looked at the photo in front of me.

This is a happy photo of a family of three, and the location of the photo is just outside the Tiandi Apartment.

The photo has a wide angle, and the entire front of the apartment building is clearly photographed. The apartment was still very prosperous at that time.

In the photo, a couple is holding a little girl in their arms, and the three of them are very happy.

There are many cardboard boxes and suitcases around the three people. It seems that the three people should have just moved in.

I turned the photo over and there was a string of words on the back.

"Congratulations to Zhao Lang and his wife and daughter for moving to a new house. Photographer: Liu Lan from 502."

It seems that 207 should be the new house of this family of three. I just don't know what the relationship is between Zhou Lan from 502 and them, and why she took photos for them.

"No, why is it 502?" I was stunned for a moment. Doesn't this house have only four floors?

Then I realized that since the first floor starts with "2", it is not surprising that the fourth floor starts with "5".

So, I'm going to look for it on the top floor next.

In fact, I don't really want to go, because I'm not a curious baby and I'm not that interested in what happened here.

However, considering that since the detector appeared in Tiandi Apartment, it must be related to the strange things that happened in Tiandi Apartment. Understanding what happened here will also help find the detector.

"Let's go, Mengzhen, let's go upstairs to take a look."

After leaving 207, Mengzhen became bolder and left my thigh.

Although Tiandi Apartment only has four floors, it is equipped with an elevator, but it is no longer usable due to disrepair.

When we reached the door of the stairwell, Meng Zhen suddenly stopped moving and began to tremble.

"Brother, there seems to be something bad upstairs." Meng Zhen instinctively began to retreat.

I saw that this was too much, so I quickly pulled Meng Zhen out of the hall door.

Even a spirit like Meng Zhen was afraid of something that was born, so how could I get away with it if I went up there?

Fortunately, Tiandi Apartment was very kind and let us retreat safely outside the apartment building. The imagined door suddenly closed did not happen.

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