The winter is coming, and the master's special care made the eldest brother so happy that his legs were numb.

The last time I went to see the eldest brother, I walked up the road that was less than a palm wide and burned incense on the palm-sized cliff.

In the eyes of the eldest brother full of resentment, I went down the mountain and left Wudang Mountain where I had stayed for three months.

Before leaving, the master told me that she actually found out in the first month that I was not good at martial arts.

The reason why I stayed until now is because winter is coming and snakes need to hibernate.

Although the snake demon has gotten rid of its snake body, it still retains some of its animal habits.

Although the master has a high level of cultivation, she is helpless against the demonic mark planted on me by the snake demon.

Master judged that this snake demon had at least 600 years of cultivation, and it was not on the path of pure cultivation, but on the path of blood and evil.

The path of pure cultivation is like that of White Snake, who found a hole to crawl into, drank the essence of the sun and the moon every day, ignored worldly affairs, and finally survived his own ascension tribulation and became an immortal.

This kind of pure cultivation monster cultivates merits, and most of them are pure-hearted and have few desires. It is possible that they can recite scriptures and books more familiarly than genuine monks and Taoists.

As for the path of blood and evil, it is a heaven-defying path that the beasts with spiritual wisdom have explored on their own.

Generally speaking, except for a few creatures in the water, few animals can live longer than humans.

When their lifespan reaches the limit and they are not dead, there is a certain chance that their spiritual wisdom will be opened.

At this time, they know their destiny, desire longevity, and then fight for life with heaven. Living one more day is fighting with heaven.

But how to live forever? Naturally, they must practice.

But what if there is not enough spiritual power between heaven and earth?

Of course, they can only "borrow" from humans, who are the most intelligent creatures in the world.

When they are not satisfied with the "borrowed" essence they absorb, they naturally start to think of other ideas, that is, eating people.

If you want to survive, you must eat people.

For a big monster like this, which has lived for at least 600 years, the number of people eaten is at least three digits.

No matter how talented Master is, she has only practiced for a few decades and has achieved a little success. Compared with this big guy who has practiced for 600 years, she is still too weak.

According to Master, I have only two ways to go now.

Either I wait until one day I have mastered my magic and kill the snake monster. Her evil spirit will become a thing without an owner, and I may fart.

Or I will stay alive for a while and wait for God to deal with her.

Although most of the monsters who take the bloody road are forced to do so, they must bear the consequences of eating people.

They eat people, and they can't get rid of the bloody evil spirit of people.

Under the entanglement of karma, she is the favorite lightning-attracting baby of heavenly punishment.

Whenever there is a storm, if she dares to show up, you can see whether she will be struck by the thunder or not.

Regarding the two plans of the master, I sneered.

The first one, I have the ability to kill her, so why should I be afraid of that little bit of evil spirit? I am only afraid that my means are not violent enough when I beat her.

As for the second one, she has lived for more than 600 years and has been struck so many times. She must have been struck by lightning long ago. If she could be struck to death, she would have been struck to death long ago. How could she live to this day and wait for me to pick up the leak?

Unless I stay in Wudang Mountain for my whole life, there is a big formation left by the Great Emperor Zhenwu in Wudang Mountain, which can protect the evil spirits from invading. As long as I go down the mountain, I will most likely be entangled again.

It’s a pity that I am not suitable to be a Taoist priest, otherwise I really want to stay in Zhenwu Temple and never leave.

Besides, the world of mortals is rolling down the mountain, and I really can’t let go.

The masters and brothers on the mountain are very good to me, but it’s inevitable to feel boring after living for a long time.

I am not a sincere person like the eldest brother, and I cannot endure such a life.

Before leaving, the master gave me a task.

My uncle, the Taoist Zichuan, was still in contact some time ago, but has lost contact recently.

The master meant that when I return to Shuzhou, I will find him if I can, and if I can't find him, I will treat him as dead.

I deeply understand the corporate culture of our Wudang Mountain, where brothers and sisters are friendly and respectful.

After all, if I were the master, I would be ashamed to admit that there is such a non-mainstream senior brother like the old Taoist.

Our master Ziwei Zhenren has tens of millions of fans on the Internet on a certain audio, a certain hand, and a certain website. He is a hermit master. A live broadcast will have millions of people online, and each video will be played tens of millions of times.

If people really know that there is such an unreliable senior brother, it will be a devastating blow to the master's image as a master.

Although the old Taoist saved my life, I vaguely remember that when the old Taoist gave me the purple gold gourd, the club membership card fell out of his arms.

When the master asked me to find it if I could, I was

I really want to tell my master.

In this colorful world, the rolling red dust, the master uncle is probably in Jincheng, and he has lost contact.

Jincheng, Shuzhou, is a city that you don't want to leave once you come here. The master uncle is probably lingering in Gensokyo and forgetting Wudang Mountain.

But since I have agreed, I must go through the process.

The first time I returned to Jincheng, I tried to contact the master uncle with the phone number that the master left me.

After hearing the shutdown reminder on the other side, I showed an expression of "as expected".

When I was about to go back to my doghouse to clean up, a person bumped into me head-on, and I felt like I was hit by an airbag.

I took three steps back and then fell to the ground.

If this was a martial arts story, I would definitely bow my head and say: "Great kung fu!"

But after seeing this person clearly, I think lying down and pretending to be dead is a good choice.

The iconic oval face, wearing a pure white knitted hat, a snow-white knitted dress, this knitted dress is open-chested. She is wearing a long white down jacket and a pair of white boots.

The most terrible thing is that in the middle of winter, her chest is exposed to a large area of ​​snow-white.

There is a cleavage!

Of course, the most iconic thing is the pair of pure white fishnet stockings, like snake scales...

At this time, her face is playful and charming, pure and charming, especially the eyes and appearance that almost take souls away, which I dare not forget in the past three months.

"What? It's only been a few months since we last met, and you don't recognize me?"

The woman tilted her head coquettishly, looking like a little girl who was acting coquettishly with her boyfriend.

But for me, a chill went straight from the tailbone to the top of my head.

Master has misled me!

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