The old man was very happy.

Watching Lao Fang casually take out a key from his pocket, I really wanted to ask, how did your 37-degree mouth say such heartwarming words.

Originally, I cried poor to this Sun thief because I wanted to ask him for support. I didn't expect that after three months of not seeing him, this guy has become a spirit!

At this moment, he is no longer my brother who eats, lives and shares hardships with me.

"I have been wandering around for half my life and have never met a wise master. If you don't abandon me, I am willing to be your godfather!"

"Get lost!" Fang Qingzhuo spat at me and cursed me with a smile, "Now you know to call me godfather? Don't you laugh at me for being a quack?"

"How dare I? You are the king of ducks!"


Although I am scolding him, I am still very grateful to this brother who can help me at a critical moment.

"Let me make it clear first, there is something wrong with this shop, don't blame me for not reminding you. The market value of this shop is not high, you can use it first, and the transfer of ownership will take two days."

Fang Qingzhuo suddenly took out the key from his arms seriously and put it in my hand: "When you don't want it, just tell me, it's okay to leave it empty."

"Is there something wrong with this shop? What's the problem?"

I was puzzled.

Fang Qingzhuo said, "I don't know what the problem is. I haven't checked it since I got the key."

"Okay, I'll go check it out tomorrow."

I put away the key.

Just as I put the key away, my phone suddenly rang: 40,000 yuan has been deposited into my account via Zhibao.

Watching Fang Qingzhuo put away the phone silently, I knew that the money must have been transferred by him, "Why did you suddenly transfer money to me?"

"Come on, don't act so arrogant with me. We have known each other for nearly seven years. Are you the kind of person who still brings a girl to me after you have a girl? Aren't you broke? This money is my investment in you. Remember to give me dividends when you make money in the future."

It's worth saying. We have known each other for so long, and this guy knows everything about my situation.

There is no point in saying anything extra, it's all in the wine.

Because of Fu Sheng, Fang Qingzhuo didn't stay overnight at my place, he found an excuse to go out.

"Your friend is quite interesting."

Fusheng had been observing quietly beside him. When he saw him leave, he came to my side and whispered.

"He is just like that."

I smiled and said nothing.

Now that I have a place to stay, I feel relieved for the time being.

After a good night's rest, I led Fusheng to the address given by Fang Qingzhuo.

When I arrived at the place, I thought I was in the wrong place.

This shop is located in the high-tech commercial area in the south of Jincheng City. There are subway entrances and business districts around it. At this time of year, it should be busy.

But now a twilight air is blowing in my face. The surroundings are cold and deserted. Not to mention people, there is not even a shadow of a ghost, and even the number of cars is pitiful.

"What's wrong?"

As soon as I got off the car, Fusheng's eyebrows frowned. Seeing her frowning, I couldn't help but ask.

"Something is wrong."

Fusheng responded, then raised his eyes and looked around.

As a Taoist worshiper from the prosperous Tang Dynasty a thousand years ago, Fusheng has lived from the Tang Dynasty to the present, and she must know more than her master.

However, although she knows many magics, they are not listed in the demon-subduing book. Presumably, only the innate magical powers and magics belonging to the demons can be shared with me.

I saw her looking around, muttering something, and calculating with her hands.

The more she calculated, the uglier her face became, and the tighter her brows frowned.

"What did you find?"

When Fusheng stopped calculating, I walked to her side and asked.

"There is a problem with the layout of this place." Fusheng looked around and said, "This kind of business place, not to mention hiding wind and gathering qi, should at least circulate inside and outside, but the layout here is closed. The structure of this building is also like a stone. This building gives me the feeling that it was not built to make money."

"The legendary tombstone building?"

I suddenly thought of the joke I saw on the Internet, and couldn't help but bring it up.

"There is no such thing as a tombstone building in Feng Shui. Most houses nowadays are similar to tombstones, so how can there be a tombstone building? However, changing the color or material of the wall to ward off evil spirits is an innovation of Feng Shui masters of this era. But as far as I know, no one has ever built a house like this."

The shop is a ground floor business outside the shopping mall, very close to the main road.

In terms of location alone, it can be said to be very advantageous.

But the entire ground floor business district is

It looked lifeless, and the few shops were half-opened. It was very appropriate to describe it as deserted.

This was even under the premise that there was traffic outside. The interior of the mall was even more deserted, and there was not even any decoration.

Standing at the door, I could see the cement that had been there for some years, the cement floor that no one had taken care of, and a few security guards who were bored and guarding inside.

There was really no need to guard it. There was not even a ghost inside, and the mice had to leave with tears.

As for the merchants outside, if the rent and property fees were not cheap, they would have left here long ago.


I looked at the towering building in front of me, stroking my chin and smiling.

There must be something wrong with the abnormal situation, and there must be something wrong with the evil.

If there is no dirty thing in here, I will eat this book of demon-slaying in my hand.

As long as there is dirty thing, isn't it professional? This is what we do!

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