The film was originally a joke, but halfway through, I noticed that Liu Siniang, who had been sitting next to me, had a strange expression on her face. At first, she could still chuckle with me, but when the traitor played by Datou appeared, she was silent. Her beautiful eyes stared at the big screen in front of her until the end of the film, when Datou suddenly stood up and began to be sentimental and recite famous quotes from ancient times, but Liu Siniang suddenly stood up and shouted, "Bullshit——" "Bang!" At the same time, there was a sudden explosion in the screening room, and then the whole cinema went dark. At this time, I knew that it was this lady who got angry and probably blew up the projector in the screening room.

Can I blame Liu Si Niang at this time?

Of course not, otherwise it would be no different from admitting that I did it.

Anyway, this supernatural power cannot be explained, and the best way is to curse with everyone.

"What the hell? How come it disappeared while I was watching it?"

"Are you kidding me? It disappeared before I finished watching it? Your cinema has to give us an explanation!"

"Geneva! Give me back my money!"

After a brief calm, there was a storm of booing and cursing.

Although some people complained about Liu Si Niang's sudden standing up and cursing, no one would think that the projector was broken by a little girl's shouting.

The only possibility is that it was a projection accident, so most people shouted for a refund.

In the end, the people in the cinema admitted their fear and refunded everyone's tickets.

Until she walked out of the cinema, Liu Si Niang's face was still ashen, as if she was uglier than before going to the movie.

At this time, I didn't know what to do, so I could only ask tentatively: "Should we go back..."

Before I said home, Liu Siniang suddenly looked at me and said, "Will you accompany me to another place when you are free?"



Seeing the environment in front of me, I was surprised why Liu Siniang brought me here.

This is Jincheng City Library, the largest collection center in the entire Shuzhou Province.

She is a monster, why did she bring me to the library?

With confusion and doubt, I looked at Liu Siniang and asked, "Why did you bring me here?"

Liu Siniang didn't say anything, and took me to a reading area with ease.

Although I was not particularly familiar with it, I had been to the city library several times when I was in college, and I was still familiar with the layout inside.

Liu Siniang took a book from the bookshelf very elegantly, and then took me to the reading area on the side, sat down, and opened it.

I took a look at the cover, which said "History of the Song Dynasty", and it was an illustrated version for young people.

After Liu Si Niang sat down, she turned the pages of the book very skillfully.

The paper on that page seemed to be particularly yellowed, and even the illustrations on the book became blurred.

"Why? Can't you figure out why a fairy like me would bring you to such a place? Don't look at me like this, I was admitted to Peking University and Southwest Associated University once."

Liu Si Niang suddenly turned her head and looked at me at this time, saying jokingly.

"Excuse me..."

At this moment, I felt that my IQ was mercilessly mocked by Liu Si Niang.

"Sit down, let me stay alone for a while."

Liu Si Niang was not happy with my reaction. After just greeting me, she began to look at the book in front of her seriously.

It can't be called reading, but tasting.

While not looking at the book in her hand, she stroked the pages carefully, as if she was wiping some rare treasure.

I was a bit bored sitting aside, and I didn't think of taking out my phone to look at it. Instead, I was a bit curious about what Liu Si Niang was reading.

I secretly took a look at the page she was reading, and it was about the history of the Jingkang Incident and Yue Fei.

And the portrait of Yue Fei was the one that Liu Si Niang had polished so hard that it was almost unrecognizable.

"Emma..." I was a bit surprised, but suddenly I recalled the life story of Liu Si Niang that I had seen in the book of demons before, and combined with the time, I suddenly realized, "Do you know Yue Fei?"

Hearing my question, Liu Si Niang rarely spoke coldly to me, but said calmly: "I have seen him a few times, but I am not very familiar with him."

At this time, I realized that monsters can also lie.

If Liu Si Niang really didn't know Yue Fei well, would she polish his portrait to make it patina?

But this

I couldn't ask any more questions about this, so I could only wait quietly.

I waited until the library closed.

When the librarian issued a notice, Liu Siniang reluctantly closed the book in her hand and put it back in its place.

After leaving the library with me, Liu Siniang said nothing, as if she had separated from the world, and everything in the world had nothing to do with her.

I returned home in silence all the way.

I opened the door and walked in front.

When I turned on the light, Liu Siniang followed me and suddenly said, "Can you... help me?"


Before I finished speaking, Liu Siniang suddenly hugged me from behind and buried her head deeply in my back.

Two huge soft lumps pressed deeply on my back, but did not make me feel distracted.

Because in addition to feeling the two lumps of softness, I also felt two lumps of warmth.

She... cried?

I didn't dare to move, but I only heard Liu Si Niang say: "Please, don't move, just let me hold you for a while, just for a while..."

Maybe it was ten minutes, or maybe half an hour.

Liu Si Niang left my back, and when I turned back to look at her, she had regained her usual calmness and even said to me with a bit of coquettishness: "What are you looking at? Haven't you seen such a beautiful sister?"

I stared at her and didn't say anything.

I don't know where the courage came from, and I don't know what went wrong with me. I actually opened my arms and hugged her in my arms.

I could feel that Liu Si Niang in my arms suddenly stiffened, as if the whole person was fixed.

After a while, Liu Si Niang in my arms actually slowly raised her hands and hugged me.

"Si Niang..."

I hesitated and wanted to say something.

But when I said these two words, Liu Si Niang seemed to be triggered. She cried and hugged me more tightly. She cried and said, "I'm sorry... Pengju... I'm sorry..."

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