After the funeral, the family went to the funeral.

Liu Si Niang and I came to the archives in the county.

I often saw people saying on the Internet that the reason why Daxia has been able to pass on civilization for thousands of years without interruption, and even today, thousands of years later, it can still let future generations understand the things left by their ancestors, is because we have the habit of recording everything, whether good or bad.

Compared to the hardcore ancient civilization of the third brother next door, they have no writing, and history is all passed down by word of mouth. Now if we want to study the history of our ancestors, we have to rely on our history books to prove it, and the difference is obvious.

Even the districts and counties to which Xinbao Plaza belongs have their own county annals.

We took advantage of Sister Tu's light, and after asking for connections, we entered the archives.

It should be said that although Sister Tu and Liu Siniang don't get along, they didn't target her. She tried her best to help, and I don't know where Lao Fang, the silver stick, found such a sister who is so amazing.

Moreover, it is not difficult to see from the conversation between Sister Tu and Liu Siniang that Sister Tu's identity is not simple.

I didn't dig deep into this matter, but looked through the county annals in the archives with Liu Siniang.

Not long after, a record caught our attention.

Jincheng is the rear base of the S2 season. Although it has not been hit head-on. But the enemy's bombing, sneak attacks, and invasions are still endless.

Once an enemy army came here, which is the current location of Xinbao Plaza, and was finally wiped out.

Suddenly, everything seemed to have an answer!

Now think about it, it should be this enemy force that sneaked into our rear base, was annihilated and resentful, and then was contaminated by the breath that Liu Siniang accidentally released, which caused the mutation.

Since it is a devil, I won't be polite.

“Brother is finally here!”

As a half-baked Taoist priest, I can still do a few blows if I’m asked to swing my fist, but if I’m asked to fight a monster, that’s beyond my knowledge.

Although I can’t do that, I can call the parents!

It’s a pity that I didn’t get the master’s big and thick leg, otherwise I would have let these little devils experience what real cruelty is.

“Master is in seclusion, so she sent me here. Tell me in detail, what do you want me to do?”

As soon as the eldest brother Yunsong got off the high-speed train, he asked directly.

“Oh, brother, you are always so old-fashioned. We haven’t seen each other for so long. Even if there is something big, I have to take you to taste the Jincheng food and enjoy the Shuyun style first!” I said with a smile.

Then I whispered in my senior brother's ear: "Senior brother, do you want to start with the big sword?"

"Go, go!" The eldest brother pushed me away, but his face suddenly changed slightly, "Your skills..."

Then the senior brother was relieved: "Master is right, your opportunity is in the mortal world, and practicing hard in the mountains is not suitable for you."

"So let's start with the big sword?" I asked with a sly smile.

"I'm fucking——"

Since my senior brother was found to be secretly reading pornographic books by me, his offensive and defensive momentum has changed.


"So that's it..."

After listening to me, the senior brother had roughly understood the whole story, and then began to prepare.

Since the opponent is a ghost, then the senior brother, a professional who deals with ghosts and demons, will definitely not get any good results.

Before, Fusheng and I also suffered from inexperience. If we had prepared a professional formation, we would not have been beaten so badly by the opponent.

"This is the Six Dings and Six Jias Demon Suppression Formation. When the time comes, we can drag the opponent out and trap him, and then slowly cook him."

"Brother, your smile is a bit perverted."

Looking at the corners of my brother's mouth that couldn't help but rise wildly when he mentioned that he could suppress the ghosts, I couldn't help but remind him.

Sure enough, after staying in the mountains for a long time, my brother is a bit twisted...

"Get lost!" My brother looked impatient, "I can't help but be happy when I think I can go back to Wudang soon. This world is not a place for me after all."

"Brother, you didn't say that when you hugged the girl named Jiujiu last night."

I couldn't help but directly ruined it.

My brother didn't say anything, but drew out the peach wood sword that had been with him for a long time from behind and chased me.

I ran away, he chased, and Xinbao Square left two agile figures, which was our unforgettable youth.

Covering my swollen face from being beaten by my senior brother, I stammered, "Senior brother, you take charge of the battle here, I'll let Si Niang cooperate with you."



At first, when Senior Brother found out that Si Niang was the snake demon that had been pestering me before, he was very loyal and planned to exorcise the demon for me.

But after being beaten up by Si Niang, he gave in.

After that, he kept saying that the thousand-year-old demon was unbeatable, as if he wanted to engrave this sentence into his DNA.

I was also in a situation where I ran into trouble. Senior Brother couldn't beat Si Niang, and he couldn't beat me now?

Senior Brother learned the rough education that Master usually gave to Senior Brother.

If a tree is not trimmed, it will not grow straight; if a person is not trimmed, he will grow stubby. Aren't there so many thorns on Wudang Mountain who were all subdued by Senior Brother?

"Get ready and start. I have to go back to watch the show tonight. The finale is coming!" Si Niang urged, "Whoever delays today, I will deal with him! "

The senior brother shuddered, and then pretended to look at the sundial as if nothing had happened.

Generally speaking, Taoists don't look at watches very often.

Although modern timekeeping devices are very accurate, for Taoists, the accuracy of time is secondary. What they need is to borrow the power of heaven and earth.

The yin and yang of heaven and earth are interdependent, and the five elements circulate, which is not immutable.

Why many things can be done in the past, but cannot be done today.

That's because the movement of the sun and the moon produces different results.

What is the most accurate for Taoists?

Of course, the sun, moon and stars in the sky are the most accurate.

The changes in the qi of heaven and earth are all caused by them, so the sundial is much more reliable for Taoists than watches and mobile phones.

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