The sound of a huge object falling to the ground came from the inner room as if in response to my words. Then the huge object slowly stood up and suddenly ran towards me. It was a pile of meat like a mountain, and its body was pale as dead pork that had been soaked in water for several days. Even its body tissues could not be seen, it was just a pile of dead meat, but I could feel its gaze. "Roar!" Like the roar of a wild beast, the meat mountain actually rushed towards me. "姳姳..." Facing the meat mountain that was shaking the whole room when it ran, I just slowly opened my hands and held her tightly in my arms. When she crashed into my arms, a wet and sticky feeling came from my palm, but I didn't feel any discomfort, but looked at Wang Yi in my arms.

Sure enough, the earth-shaking movement was just a scare.

At this time, she had shed her huge appearance like a mountain of flesh and turned into a familiar look again.

She was covered with water stains, and she was still wearing the sports vest and denim shorts she wore back then.

I looked into her eyes and said with a smile: "Do you want to scare me away so much?"

"Why did you come back?"

Wang Yi seemed to punch me hard in the chest, but I could feel that she didn't use any force.

This moment really felt like returning to the university campus, and we were still as close as friends.

It's just that there were many things she couldn't say, and I didn't point them out.

We were like conjoined twins, attending classes, going to the library, going out to play, and always together.

During those four years, we really thought that the days ahead would be very long, very long, so long that we would have enough time to talk to each other.

Grow up enough for me to accumulate enough confidence and courage until I can say those words.

Grow up enough for us to eat and play until old age like we did in school.

But when we meet again, we are already separated forever, on opposite sides of the yin and yang.

"You bastard! You bastard! Why do you want to come back? Why do you want to come back? Why?"

Wang Yi burst into tears and kept beating my chest.

Like struggling, but also like accusing.

Accusing this fate, accusing this unfair fate.

I am not feeling well now. I am thinking, if I was brave enough and bold enough to say those words to Wang Yi, maybe we would have formed a family.

Unfortunately, there is no if in the world. Ever since we parted ways at the school gate, fate has already drawn a route for our lives.

There is no way to fight, no way to break free.

"Yiyi, who hurt you?" I slowly raised her chin and asked distressedly.

This feeling is very difficult to describe.

I always thought that the days ahead would be long for a person I was very familiar with, but suddenly one day I found that I could no longer find this person.

This feeling of loss is difficult to describe.

"I..." Wang Yi was about to say something but stopped.

She took a deep breath, but shook her head painfully, as if she remembered some painful memories.

"Zhao Qi, go away! Don't come back again."

Wang Yi pushed me away and walked into the inner room without looking back.

"You don't have to look for those hikers, they are all dead." Wang Yi said calmly.

"Dead? Did you do it?"

I looked at Wang Yi in front of me with some disbelief, and there was no way to connect her with that kind of thing.


Wang Yi nodded.

I could tell at a glance that she was lying. There was no bloody aura on her body, and there was no cause and effect.

This shows that she didn't kill anyone, and there must be something hidden.

"What happened to you? Why can't you tell me?"

I grabbed her hand, but found that her body suddenly condensed with water, which made her extremely slippery for a while. I didn't hold her back.

"Let's go, don't come back after you leave."

After that, Wang Yi turned into a pool of water and disappeared.

"Wang Yi! Yi Yi..."

This time, no matter how much I called, Wang Yi never appeared again.

After that, I searched back and forth many times, but I couldn't enter Wang Yi's field again.

It was as if she had really disappeared completely, without a trace.

Two hours later, we and the local police fished out four highly edematous bodies from the well in the backyard of this old house.

But what the local police couldn't understand was that the well was a dry well.


Is it her field?" I asked with a frown.

"No, the field is more like an electric field after all. It stimulates the human cerebral cortex with electric current and constructs an illusion. It actually has no effect on the real world. The food that is transformed is not real. Stones are always stones. They may look delicious, but they are not easy to bite. Similarly, the water in the field is also fake. It may make people think that they have drowned, but it cannot make the body swell. This is something that only real water can do. There must be other reasons. "

"I understand..."

I nodded, and then looked at the old house in front of me with a serious expression.

It is like a creeping giant beast, opening its mouth and choosing people to eat.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but frown, and then I called the boss who was slacking off.

"What? "

After answering the phone, Li Guanhai didn't talk to me in an official tone like those local leaders, but just asked casually.

And I didn't say anything polite to him, and asked directly: "I want to ask you a question. Since we are in charge of the things here, should we also allocate the resources?"

If you think about it carefully, it's ridiculous. We are far away in Shuzhou, driving hundreds of kilometers to go there, and going on field work across provinces.

Not to mention what kind of organizational structure the Ninth Bureau is, the scope of jurisdiction alone is ridiculous.

Since it is so wide, shouldn't the corresponding power be greater?

"What happened?"

Li Guanhai is worthy of being a good leader recognized by me. He immediately hit the nail on the head and asked directly.

"It's like this..."

I told him what I encountered.

Li Guanhai was silent for a moment, and then said: "I see you are really hungry, you can eat anything! You can even eat a water ghost like this? ! "

"Ni Ma..."

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