The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for each other for a long time.

"Xueyang, we haven't seen each other for many years. I didn't expect you to still look so young and beautiful."

As soon as the big brother who cut in line sat down, he smiled and said to Li Xueyang.

"Uh... hehe..."

The second cousin looked embarrassed and could only walk to the other side of Li Xueyang and sit down, watching the two people in front of him chatting.

I suddenly remembered a line in Stephen Chow's movie - "Look at him, he looks like a dog."

It's obviously a movie about three people, but he doesn't deserve a name.

"After so many years, you are still so good at talking." Li Xueyang smiled sweetly and replied politely and distantly.

"Hehe, well, do you still remember that we..."

I ate while listening to the wall.

I have to say that this brother Li Rui is much better than my dull second cousin.

He is very eloquent, and even deliberately pulled my second cousin into the conversation to ease the atmosphere and highlight himself.

I listened to the general idea of ​​the conversation between the three of them.

To put it simply, these three people are deskmates.

The second cousin is the deskmate on the right side of Li Xueyang, and Li Rui is the deskmate on the left side of Li Xueyang.

In that era, in order to highlight their equality, teachers would let students change seats every week, and each student would move a row horizontally.

So every week, Li Xueyang would sit at the same table with Li Rui or the second cousin respectively.

At that time, their junior high school was still a four-year system. In these four years, the three of them accumulated a book of grievances and hatreds.

The dull second cousin is a little transparent person in the class. He is neither a top student with explosive learning ability nor a conspicuous bag with super performance ability. Instead, he is annoying because of his limited communication ability.

Compared with the friendship between classmates, the three of them are more awkward, and it feels like chasing a goddess with a rival as a wingman.

But the goddess obviously doesn't buy it. After a series of attacks, the two lickers are defeated and are no match at all.

To sum up the whole article, it is roughly "um", "ok", "really?" "Hehe".

There is nothing nutritious at all!

Not taking the initiative, not refusing, and not taking responsibility, this level is really a bit high.

As lickers No. 1 and No. 2, the second cousin and Comrade Li Rui are obviously confused by the authorities. Like Tom, they are almost played into donkeys by the little female cat.

"Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom. Excuse me."

I don't know if he was annoyed by Tom and Feiyangyang's nagging, Li Xueyang nodded politely to them, then got up and went to the bathroom.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

As a bystander, I could only smack my lips as I watched them reluctant to leave.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking like that?"

After finishing the first half of the competition, the licking dog No. 1 came back to my side, and asked me as I shook my head and smacked my lips.

"Nothing, just a sigh."

Look at your internal friction, or my Si Niang and Fusheng are worry-free, and the love that runs in both directions is so refreshing.

"Let's talk business, do you think there is a possibility between me and her?" The second cousin asked excitedly.

"Oh, my dear second cousin, I mean, is there a possibility that you two are just running with each other, and the main person has already got on the highway?" I asked with a smile.


My second cousin looked a little strange.

"You still don't understand?" I replied with a bit of regret, then thought about it and said, "Let's put it this way, 'The flower path has never been swept for guests, and the door is now open for you'. Do you understand?"


As an old driver who came to my house during the summer vacation and opened the door to the new world for me for the first time, my second cousin understood this sentence immediately.

Although my second cousin was furious, his anger only lasted for a few seconds.

More than ten years have passed, and many people have married and had children. It is not unimaginable that someone has galloped on the goddess's track.

"What's wrong? Do you regret it?" I approached my second cousin and asked with a mean smile.

"Well, I regret it. I regret that I studied too hard and didn't have a relationship early. I regret that I didn't work hard to go to a bigger city and have a more decent job. I also regret that I have never been able to convey this feeling to her. "My second cousin said with a sense of loss.

"Life is..."

I patted his shoulder, wanting to persuade him, but I didn't know how to start.

What about me?

It was not so. I was too obedient and honest back then. Like those adults, I thought that early love was evil.

Wang Xi and I were the tragic example. We were both good boys and girls in our school years. We didn’t know how to fall in love or express ourselves, and we missed each other.

If we could really be together in the four years of college, we would have more beautiful memories.

In fact, what’s wrong with boys and girls having some affection for each other?

Without any experience in love, you still expect to find someone who can accompany you for the rest of your life?

I’m afraid you’re dreaming.

It can be said that if Fusheng and Si Niang hadn’t taken the initiative, and I had learned about their past, I wouldn’t have been so easily attracted to them.

I sighed about my youth, and Xi Xi also comforted me in my heart, so I didn’t continue to feel sad.

I am happy enough now... No, this is called the blessing of having three girlfriends.

I have girlfriends, and I have three girlfriends!

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt better and even wanted to laugh.

"Brother, what are you laughing at?" My second cousin asked when he saw the corners of my mouth that were harder to suppress than AK.

"Nothing, I just remembered something happy."

With a bit of sympathy, I looked at my second cousin.

Then, my second cousin received his critical hit.

Goddess Li came back with a handsome man who was 10 or even 90% handsome.

"Let me introduce you to everyone, this is Luo Cheng, my husband."

The goddess dropped two atomic bombs, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki suddenly became two ruins.

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