The old man was very happy.

"Mr. Luo, I have fulfilled my mission."

The master of the Nine Bureaus from the capital clasped his fists towards Luo Cheng.

"Thank you for coming all the way to catch the monster. The reward will be deposited into your account." Luo Cheng also bowed to the Taoist priest.

"The Nine Bureaus of the capital?"

I was also a little surprised. I didn't expect to meet my colleagues when I was on a business trip to a small place like Gangcheng.

"You are..."

The Taoist priest looked at me strangely.

I know my breath is a little messy now.

After returning to the mountain this time, my master also said that I am in a mixed state now.

It is not like the Taoist Quanzhen Sect's clear and harmonious internal breath, nor is it like the martial artist's full of blood and qi, and it is not like the Zhengyi Sect's powerful mind.

It seems to have a little bit of everything, but it is mixed and not refined.

So it is difficult to tell my master from my breath, and even can't tell my way.

The advice given by the master is to either specialize in one, Wudang has all three ways, and my senior brother takes the way of proving the Tao with martial arts. Of course, there are also methods such as the Taoist talismans of the Zhengyi Sect and the inner alchemy practice of the Quanzhen Sect.

Or integrate the three ways of practice into one, and achieve the unity of the three elements of essence, qi and spirit, and the gathering of the three flowers at the top of the head.

I also asked the master which one is stronger, and the master said that the latter is naturally stronger.

Then I still choose the first one?

But I can't achieve the level of integrating the three ways of practice, so naturally the other party has no way to judge my origin.

I took the initiative to make a hand seal and said, "Hello, comrade. I am Zhao Yunlu, a disciple of Wudang."

"I am Xu Quanyou from Maoshan. Nice to meet you, Senior Brother."

The Taoist priest also made a hand seal in return, as a greeting.

Actually, the Quan generation from Maoshan is the same generation as the Yun generation from Wudang. Since they are greeting each other, they usually call each other "Senior Brother" to show the close relationship between the two families.

"Senior Brother Xu, I am a little confused. I have seen this monster before, but why didn't I feel the monster aura from her?"

This is what I don't quite understand.

"Brother Zhao may not be good at catching monsters, so he doesn't know that monsters can hide in the crowd in addition to changing their appearance or painting their skin. In fact, there is another way, which is devouring. By devouring the victim and digesting the other party's bones and blood, they can completely simulate the victim's breath. Unless she takes the initiative to expose herself, she is no different from ordinary people."

"So that's it..." I nodded, then frowned, "In other words, she ate the real Li Xueyang, and then changed into Li Xueyang's appearance?"

"Yes, this monster devours people, it is extremely vicious, and must not be kept! Senior brother, please! I will escort this monster back to the capital to report."

As he said, Xu Quanyou pinched a magic formula, and the talisman paper immediately lit up, and Li Xueyang, who was originally covered with white hair, gradually turned back into a human form.

At this time, I noticed that Li Xueyang seemed to be looking up at Luocheng in front of him.

I recognized that talisman.

The Demon Sealing Talisman is a relatively high-level talisman. It has a powerful sealing effect on monsters and ghosts. The runes above are generally used to deal with those monsters that cannot be killed but cannot be let go.

This kind of magic seal talisman achieves the effect of sealing by suppressing the demon power in the opponent's body, so as to achieve the purpose of making the opponent change its form.

As far as I know, this kind of magic seal talisman has a huge inhibitory force. For ordinary monsters, it is like a person wearing an ancient wooden yoke, or an iron yoke, which can make people unable to even lift their heads.

Unless the activator of the talisman allows it, they can't even move.

But now, Li Xueyang is actually looking up at Luo Cheng.

The emotions in his eyes are so complicated that it is unknown what hatred or grudges the two have.

"Xueyang? What are you..." The second cousin squatted on the ground, afraid that Li Xueyang couldn't see him, and then asked with hope, "You are Xueyang, right?"

"I'm sorry..."

Li Xueyang didn't answer her cousin's words, but her answer at this time was enough to explain everything.

After getting this answer, a trace of pain flashed in her cousin's eyes.


I walked to his side and couldn't help but pat his shoulder, wanting to comfort him.

"She hated me before. I know. But boys always want to leave an impression in front of the people they like. Even if the impression is not so good, I don't have such good grades and can't go to the same high school as her. So I tried everything to get into the same university as her and get closer to her. But it always goes against my wishes. I finally got her WeChat, but it's so hard to get her to go to school.

Over the years, we have chatted only a few times. When I thought that this was the end of my life, I actually saw her again, but why did she..."

My cousin was talking to himself, but no one in the bathroom paid attention to him.

Everything was like a virgin dream in adolescence, broken.

But Li Xueyang, who was escorted away, paused after listening to his cousin's words, and turned around and said to his cousin: "In fact, she always felt that she was wrong. She never blamed you, and she was very grateful for your care in those years."

As if the years of waiting finally had a response, a few tears welled up in the corners of my cousin's eyes.

He covered his face with his hands, and I heard him whisper: "Save her! Please! "

To be honest, I didn't figure out why I was so impulsive afterwards.

My cousin's words were like a starting gun, which made my body move instantly!

My action was obviously beyond the expectations of Xu Quanyou and Luo Cheng, and my body was as fast as lightning.

I had dealt with the old bastard Deng in the old house of the Wang family before. Although he was not included in the demon-subduing book, but he was made into a pill, the merit record also recorded him.

The merit power obtained was far less than that of the previous salvation of the soldiers' obsession, only less than two thousand points.

After giving half to Fusheng, I used the other half to practice martial arts. Now I am terribly strong!

I rushed forward with a tiptoe, quickly approached, and then a I used the deer horn to elbow Xu Quanyou, sending him flying and crashing into the toilet cubicle.

I raised my hand and tore off the talisman paper on Li Xueyang, holding Li Xueyang in one hand and my second cousin in the other, and left the bathroom like a gust of wind.

I used the only light-body method in Longhua Fist - Swallow Step.

My body was as light as a swallow, and my feet didn't touch the ground.

Of course, I was also careful when I pushed him.

I didn't use my internal strength, but only hit Xu Quanyou, which at most broke two of his ribs, but didn't cause serious internal injuries, let alone death.

After we left, the two toilet cubicles that had been knocked down suddenly flew up, and Xu Quanyou stood up suddenly, frowning, without saying a word.

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