The two young men were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"Little kid, it's better to be a little more honest."

Suddenly, the same voice as before came to my ears again.

My face changed immediately, and I turned around to look, only to find that there was a person floating next to me who looked exactly like the young man on the ground.

"Why don't you sit down and have a good chat?"

I looked at the two young men several times, and after confirming that I was not mistaken, I could only nod.

This guy should be the "god" worshipped in this small temple, but I don't know what his purpose is, and whether he is an enemy or a friend.

After the young man appeared, the trapped slime monster and mandrill attacked each other even more frantically.

After going back and forth, they no longer had any thoughts of escaping, but were determined to kill each other.

It seemed that they had an instinctive fear of the young man, which made me more alert.

"Relax, little kid, I was also a human before, not as scary as you think. I know what you want to ask and what you think. As you can see, I am the mountain god of this mountain."

"Mountain god? Who recognized it?" I looked at him and asked.

"Of course it was recognized by this mountain. Otherwise, how do you think I, a person who has just died for forty or fifty years, can mobilize the power of the entire mountain to trap the two of them?"

He pointed to the two monsters that were getting stronger and stronger over there and asked with a smile.

Yes, I felt something was wrong just now.

When the mandrill tried to break through the blockade several times, the agitated power had a heavy feeling.

That feeling didn't seem like some kind of magic. Now after hearing what he said, I realized that it was the power of the entire mountain. No wonder the mandrill couldn't break through the blockade.

Every time he collided, it was like shaking the mountain.

What kind of powerful monster could knock down a mountain?

Being able to mobilize the power of the mountain is enough to show that the mountain recognizes this mountain god.

Then the mountain god told me a general account of his experience.

He was born in the 1960s and came to Gangcheng with his parents to build the Third Front. Later, in order to find a missing child on this mountain, he fell into the ravine and died.

There are too many mountains in Gangcheng, and there were no advanced search and rescue equipment in that era.

In addition, a sudden forest fire burned him to ashes, and he was completely integrated with this land, and his soul was also detained here.

Until one time he helped a child who was lost in the mountain find a way down the mountain, and then the child's parents came here with fruits, incense and candles to worship him.

From then on, he began to be recognized by the mountain and gradually possessed the godhood.

After that, he officially became the mountain god of this mountain.

"Recognized by the mountain..."

Knowledge gained from books is shallow, and one must practice it to know it.

Before, I really thought that gods like the one in front of me who were not officially recognized and not conferred by the sect were all Mao gods.

But now it seems that the mountain god does not seem to represent the will of the mountain, but is more like a property, only responsible for the management of the mountain.

The mountain has self-awareness, it knows how to choose the right manager, and does not need the recognition of the emperor or the conferment of the sect.

Thinking about it this way, I was too narrow-minded before.

And the person who broke his leg and stayed in the ravine for a day and a night without any accident was also protected by this mountain god.

As for now, of course, this mountain god wants to get rid of these two disasters.

"I don't have such strong magic power, so I can't directly wipe out these two things, so I can only watch them kill each other." The mountain god shrugged and said helplessly.

Although the magic power of the mountain god comes from the mountain, the power of the mountain also comes from the land. It is kind and carries things, and is not good at killing. In addition, it has only been a mountain god for a few decades. No one regularly worships it, the incense is not prosperous, and the magic power is not that strong.

Just as we were waiting for the two monsters to fight each other and then reap the benefits, the grandson of the grandfather suddenly began to twitch all over.

The sudden change made me and the mountain god look solemn.

Soon, a black shadow suddenly jumped out of the grandson of the grandfather and pounced on the mud monster.

Then, the two black things merged into one!

In the blink of an eye, the mud-like monster suddenly squirmed violently for a few times, and then its momentum surged, transforming into a two-meter-tall ape-like monster with black body and hair standing upright!


"One has a soul but no body, and the other has a body but no soul?

"The mountain god looked at the scene in front of him, his face changed immediately, and he said, "Not good! Get out of the way!"

The sudden change caught the mountain god off guard, but before we could react, the ape monster suddenly let out a strange cry, jumped out of the range built by the mountain god, and after several leaps, went down the mountain!

In a moment, the only people left on the mountain were me and the mountain god, who were looking at each other in bewilderment, and the grandpa and grandson who had already escaped from the state of possession.

"What the hell is this?"

Everything happened too fast, and before I could react, the two strange things merged and fled.

From beginning to end, I couldn't see the other party's details clearly.

Instead, the mountain god said solemnly: "This is... a zombie!"

"Zombie? Are you sure? "

I was a little surprised.

The mountain god nodded, "Well, since I have assumed the functions of a mountain god, I not only have many powers of the mountain, but I have also inherited the knowledge and experience accumulated by the mountain for countless years. This monster is definitely a zombie."

"There have been zombies on this small mountain?"

I couldn't help but open my mouth in surprise, but I understood it at once.

This is an inconspicuous mountain among the mountains in the southwest, but its roots are the Hengduan 100,000 Mountains in the southwest. The mountains are interconnected, and their knowledge and experience are interconnected.

Afterwards, the mountain god told me the general situation of this thing in a bad mood, "Just now, the thing turned from a mountain ghost into a zombie, and it was not an ordinary zombie, but a corpse evil. "

"Corpse evil..."

I stroked my chin and muttered softly.

I have actually seen this thing in Taoist classics.

Although the mandrill is a kind of aggregate formed by the continuous fusion of the souls of ape creatures, it is essentially just a ghost, with form but no substance.

Just like Wang Yi, it can be seen but cannot affect reality.

But the real reason why the mandrill was witnessed and recorded by many Taoist predecessors is because of the creature's instinctive desire for life.

Only by attaching themselves to human and ape life forms can they leap and climb in the mountains and forests like they are alive.

According to Taoist records, things like evil spirits and wronged souls will form corpse evil if they possess a living corpse with a body but no soul!

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